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You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
Marc Iverson
southern gardener
llama momma
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Jay Bird
Old Hippie
Aussie Girl
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Amy in Idaho
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
When your power is out and there's a down tree across your drive, but you have the tree cleared then drive into town to find an internet connection so you can post an update on how your SFG survived the storm...
dizzygardener- Posts : 668
Join date : 2011-01-26
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
OMG...that is hilarious BBG !!!!
Warped yes for sure.
Its not like I wrap them up in some lingerie and spray with perfume.....
ermm.........hold on a minute.....Nope ......definitely EEEWWWW
Warped yes for sure.
Its not like I wrap them up in some lingerie and spray with perfume.....
ermm.........hold on a minute.....Nope ......definitely EEEWWWW
staf74- Posts : 544
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
As I just posted on another thread, I am humbled. I never even thought of putting my little ones next to my bed for their last night with me. I am ashamed.
(But I cannot wait to tell my husband what he can look forward to this year!)
(But I cannot wait to tell my husband what he can look forward to this year!)
martha- Posts : 2173
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Location : Acton, Massachusetts Zone 5b/6a
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
jinx wrote:...scold the kids for throwing away an apple core, banana peel or potato skins.
...if you dream all night about making garden boxes.
...see things at the side of the road, that someone threw away, and say "Hey I could use that for (input SFG item here)".
Just a few I've experienced so far. LOL
Seriously! If we planted SFG's in the medians we could end world hunger
pelujilla- Posts : 87
Join date : 2011-03-31
Location : St Johns, Fl (NE Zone 9)
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
pelujilla wrote:
Seriously! If we planted SFG's in the medians we could end world hunger
Old Hippie- Regional Hosts
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
CindiLou wrote:FarmerValerie wrote:BackyardBirdGardner wrote:
...when you have a specific category budgeted for SFG in QuickBooks.
.....Or an evelope in your Dave Ramsey envelope system.
Or an amount in the budget book that is above and beyond your misc!
So, does a bigger freezer/new pantry/even MORE canning jars as a result of SFG come out of the SFG budget or another category?
busygirl- Posts : 88
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
. . .when you get roped in to help out at the local Volunteer Firemen's Dept. end of monthly Breakfast fundraiser and you bag all the orange peel, eggshells, coffee grounds and teabags for your compost pile.
By the end of the morning everyone was putting the stuff in a separate bin for me. Now all of it has bin chopped and mixed and in my bin. Lovely!
I think I will be "volunteering" again next month and hoping no one else catches on.
By the end of the morning everyone was putting the stuff in a separate bin for me. Now all of it has bin chopped and mixed and in my bin. Lovely!
I think I will be "volunteering" again next month and hoping no one else catches on.
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
Freezer and jars come out of the grocery budget, pantry is home improvement as it is an investment.
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
...when you cringe at the sight of your precious MM knocked out of a box or pot and then you proceed to kneel down and actually try and retrieve as much as you can from the grass or the bark mulch between your boxes.
- Posts : 2261
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You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
, Middlemamma. Been there and done that!
You know you're a Square Foot Gardener when you'd rather shop for seeds than clothes...
when you find yourself puchasing roasted peanuts at the grocery store and you're not sure whether you really want them for the taste of the peanuts or if you just want to compost the shells!...
when you've always had the typical female reaction of "ewwwww" to worms, but you're suddenly thinking they may be your best friends!...
when you're not really sure whether you really want that next pot of coffee for the coffee or the grounds!
when you spend hours researching online to find shrimp compost in your area and you're ridiculously ecstatic when you find not just shrimp compost, but crab compost, as well! And when you're planning a "day trip" some weekend to a city several hundred miles away because it's the closest place you can find to purchase cotton burr compost!
You know you're a Square Foot Gardener when you'd rather shop for seeds than clothes...
when you find yourself puchasing roasted peanuts at the grocery store and you're not sure whether you really want them for the taste of the peanuts or if you just want to compost the shells!...
when you've always had the typical female reaction of "ewwwww" to worms, but you're suddenly thinking they may be your best friends!...
when you're not really sure whether you really want that next pot of coffee for the coffee or the grounds!
when you spend hours researching online to find shrimp compost in your area and you're ridiculously ecstatic when you find not just shrimp compost, but crab compost, as well! And when you're planning a "day trip" some weekend to a city several hundred miles away because it's the closest place you can find to purchase cotton burr compost!
sherryeo- Posts : 848
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
you giggle through 14 pages of responses.
MSJ- Posts : 38
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Location : Sandy, Utah
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
When you're out weeding squares in your SFG.....with the rain......even though you know you're not killing the weeds, just irritating them.
Nonna.PapaVino- Posts : 1435
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
middlemamma wrote:...when you cringe at the sight of your precious MM knocked out of a box or pot and then you proceed to kneel down and actually try and retrieve as much as you can from the grass or the bark mulch between your boxes.
I've done that!
martha- Posts : 2173
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Age : 67
Location : Acton, Massachusetts Zone 5b/6a
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
within a 3 minute time span your daughter manages to shatter your iPad screen and dig up your lettuce and you are only upset about the lettuce because it is hard to navigate this forum on the iPad.
petals1973- Posts : 96
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
I LOVE Dave Ramsey!
FarmerValerie wrote:BackyardBirdGardner wrote:
...when you have a specific category budgeted for SFG in QuickBooks.
.....Or an evelope in your Dave Ramsey envelope system.
I LOVE Dave Ramsey!
pelujilla- Posts : 87
Join date : 2011-03-31
Location : St Johns, Fl (NE Zone 9)
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
Catution: this is not a "funny" comment, but oh so true.
You know you are a SFG when you hear about the latest E. coli outbreak, shake your head, say a prayer for those who are sick if you pray, and head out to the garden and pick a salad, then promptly sit down and thank the Lord you need not worry about the latest outbreak.
Latest outbreak.
You know you are a SFG when you hear about the latest E. coli outbreak, shake your head, say a prayer for those who are sick if you pray, and head out to the garden and pick a salad, then promptly sit down and thank the Lord you need not worry about the latest outbreak.
Latest outbreak.
Last edited by FarmerValerie on 6/2/2011, 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot link.)
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
FarmerValerie wrote:Catution: this is not a "funny" comment, but oh so true.
You know you are a SFG when you hear about the latest E. coli outbreak, shake your head, say a prayer for those who are sick if you pray, and head out to the garden and pick a salad, then promptly sit down and thank the Lord you need not worry about the latest outbreak.
Latest outbreak.
Exactly what I did when I posted the alert in another thread. And then gave a OH Phooy, Austria is one of the countries affected.
Elizabeth City, NC
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Age : 81
Location : wilmington, nc zone 8
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
you watch a tv show on remodeling houseboats and you see a section of the roof top deck where they put in a second sitting area and you want so badly to just reach in the tv set and say no, there's enough space there for 3 4x4 sfg beds.
Elizabeth City, NC
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Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 4370
Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 81
Location : wilmington, nc zone 8
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
When you meet a total stranger and surprisingly find out you both have sf gardens. Instant bonding ensues like an old friendship and comparison stories follow for the next 30 minutes. Happened to me just this week.
llama momma
Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 4914
Join date : 2010-08-20
Location : Central Ohio zone 6a
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
Elizabeth City, NC
Click for weather forecast
Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 4370
Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 81
Location : wilmington, nc zone 8
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
When you starve your houseplants because you are outdoors working the SFG.
The first thing you do in the morning is make a pot of coffee and while it is finishing you rush out to the compost bin and toss in all of yesterdays scraps and coffee grounds - in your robe and PJ's.
When you examine every weed you pull in other areas of your yard to see if it has gone to seed. If not - into the compost.
The first thing you do in the morning is make a pot of coffee and while it is finishing you rush out to the compost bin and toss in all of yesterdays scraps and coffee grounds - in your robe and PJ's.
When you examine every weed you pull in other areas of your yard to see if it has gone to seed. If not - into the compost.
greatgranny- Posts : 661
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
when you run out to check the temp of your compost pile in your jammies, hoping the neighbors don't see you!!!
southern gardener- Posts : 1883
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
when you are willing to raise worms in your home and run your gloved hands through their waste to save it for the garden
llama momma
Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 4914
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Location : Central Ohio zone 6a
Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
I love reading this thread - they are so funny and all so true!
Goosegirl- Posts : 3424
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Re: You Know You're a Square Foot Gardener When...
When you measure the value of real estate not by the location or size of house but by the number of 4x4 square foot beds you can place on the property that will get full sun.
CharlesB- Posts : 273
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