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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Toplef10Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest 1zd3ho10

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Kathy Gizzi
Scorpio Rising
jimmy cee
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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  jimmy cee 1/25/2016, 9:58 am

Thought 'd offer this for those interested, eagle eggs are now pipping in SW Florida.
Eggs were laid 35+ days ago and ready to pop out now.
10 AM monday morning
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  sanderson 1/25/2016, 1:34 pm

Oh, gads. It's addictive. I could watch it all day!


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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Scorpio Rising 1/25/2016, 6:39 pm

It has been so cool to see in our area the resurgence of the local avian predators with the regulation of pesticides. I saw up close a Blad Eagle last week on met way to work. He/she was on a recent piece of roadkill in a fief a bit. Just breathtaking, as the bird took off. So big!

I love the cam! They are good parents. Thanks, Jimmy!
Scorpio Rising
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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  sanderson 1/26/2016, 12:10 pm

E7 hatched! Harriet moved and I could see PIP E8 and chick E7!


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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Kelejan 1/26/2016, 1:21 pm

It looks like half a fish at the top of the picture.

Does the male sit on the eggs as well?

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  sanderson 1/26/2016, 4:27 pm

Yes, the male shares nursery duties. I watched him a bit this morning. At one point he moved aside and you could see the first chick, E7, and E8, a PIP. I was late to my dentist appt.!! Embarassed


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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  donnainzone5 1/29/2016, 6:24 pm

Now, if only we could keep them away from wind farms!

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  camprn 1/30/2016, 8:16 am

These are the bird cams i watch.


this HTML class. Value is http://cams.allaboutbirds.org


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Kelejan 1/31/2016, 1:54 pm

I have just been watching the eagle chicks. They seemed to be squabbling and one seems much stronger then the other.

Reading the history of chick rearing by her, it seems only one or two per year survive.
From what I am seeing, I feel there will only be one survivor this year.

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  camprn 1/31/2016, 3:29 pm

Kelejan wrote:I have just been watching the eagle chicks. They seemed to be squabbling and one seems much stronger then the other.

Reading the history of chick rearing by her, it seems only one or two per year survive.
From what I am seeing, I feel there will only be one survivor this year.
You would be surprised.  I've seen chick a week younger than a sibling survive to be the only fledge from the nest. But it s true. Nature can be harsh.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  jimmy cee 1/31/2016, 10:31 pm

Strange as it may seem, last year only 1 survived,  The eaglet that died was the bully of the two.
He picked and pecked at the little one all the time, then one day he was dead.
Mom and baby ate him up, didn't waste a drop.
Another in Pennsylvania had 2 in a nest, they both appeared to survive before the camera went bad.but they were big bruisers when that happened.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Kelejan 2/14/2016, 4:45 pm

About two weeks since I last checked. For the first time I saw the nest without a sitting parent.

Two bits of grey fluff.  The don't look very comfortable to me but I am sure ma or pa will soon be back with supper.

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  sanderson 2/14/2016, 5:26 pm

Just spent 30 minutes catching up with them. E8 had to be rescued but is now back in the nest.


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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  jimmy cee 2/14/2016, 9:31 pm

Kelejan wrote:About two weeks since I last checked. For the first time I saw the nest without a sitting parent.

Two bits of grey fluff.  The don't look very comfortable to me but I am sure ma or pa will soon be back with supper.
You might not see them on cam 1, you will see one of them on cam 2. The nest is always protected.
One of the little ones was removed from the nest by crow. 9 clinic for rehabilitation of wildlife http://crowclinic.org/
It seems some fishing line became tangled around one baby's foot and it became swollen.
They removed it with a bucket truck in minutes, kept it for a few days, then returned it, all seems well now.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Kelejan 2/15/2016, 9:23 am

Thought the idea was that Nature's takes its course?  I am glad that one was given a second chance as fishing line is not exactly Nature.

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  quiltbea 2/15/2016, 12:23 pm

With interference by Man, Mother Nature can't take its course safely enough in many cases.  I strongly believe we Have to interfere to even the playing field.
Those babies are so adorable.  Thanks for letting me know the nest is being used once again.

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Healthy?

Post  Kathy Gizzi 2/17/2016, 3:23 pm

Is it just me or is one of those babies seemingly very weak and doing very poorly?
Kathy Gizzi
Kathy Gizzi

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  jimmy cee 2/17/2016, 6:24 pm

One of the little ones managed to get fishing line tangled around it's foot...It swelled up so much that a group for wild life mgmnt. came in CROW..and with a bucket truck and animal ambulance took the little eagle to their quarters, nursed it back to health, then replaced it...Apparently there was some kind of upset..however now it seems to be going much better.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  sanderson 2/17/2016, 6:39 pm

The little ones are not head banging each other now, and both seem to get fully fed and then going into a food coma!


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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Scorpio Rising 2/17/2016, 6:48 pm

Part of this is why I couldn't watch "The Wonderful World of Disney" on Sunday nights....just a bit too real life struggle drama....I see enough of that at work!
Scorpio Rising
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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  jimmy cee 2/17/2016, 7:53 pm

Forum moderators suggest that anyone who isn't able to accept the way nature works should just stop watching this cam.  Some explanations are given during the time forums are open, 1 is that is a normal occurrence for 2 or more raptor chicks in a nest to bully others, they mention this  ceases in a few weeks. One interesting fact is...This nest last year had 2 chicks also....one was terribly bullying the other, strange thing happened...the chick that was doing the bullying died...Mother eagle ate it  and fed it to her other chick which went on to become a full fledged eagle.
Nature doesn't look at things the way we do.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Kelejan 2/19/2016, 7:56 am

Just peeked in as it is dark here and I thought that it would be light there and it is.

Both chicks fast asleep, one wakes up and disturbs the other with a peck or two, the pecked one goes back to sleep and the pecker continues to root around a little.

ETA  Now both settled down.  They  look OK to my inexpert eye.

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  jimmy cee 2/19/2016, 8:12 am

Though we are able to see the action at night, birds cannot see any light.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Kelejan 2/19/2016, 1:44 pm

jimmy cee wrote:Though we are able to see the action at night, birds cannot see any light.

I remember you saying that jimmy.  Several times I have looked at them during their darkness and the picture is pretty good.

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Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest Empty Re: Eagle eggs ready to hatch in nest

Post  Kelejan 2/20/2016, 9:29 am

One chick is certainly larger than the other.  Would that be a way of determining the sex as I do know that some raptors the female is much larger.

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