Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Hello Guest!
Welcome to the official Square Foot Gardening Forum.
There's lots to learn here by reading as a guest. However, if you become a member (it's free, ad free and spam-free) you'll have access to our large vermiculite databases, our seed exchange spreadsheets, Mel's Mix calculator, and many more members' pictures in the Gallery. Enjoy.

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Total Votes : 177

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Post  Furbalsmom 3/1/2011, 12:52 am

Please tell us how you found the SFG Forum.

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Post  kimbertangleknot 3/1/2011, 12:56 am

Specifically, I was looking for some containers for tomato plants, I found what I was looking for on Gardener's and they talked about growing veggies in squares in a raised garden, I researched for a few before I was sold, looked at the book online at Amazon, bought it, read it in bed one night, and the rest is posting history.

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Post  LaFee 3/1/2011, 1:32 am

I had already discovered that the heavy-clay soil here was darned near impossible to double-dig, so I was looking for some alternative...I had heard of lasagna gardening, and had heard of raised beds, so was just doing one of those stream-of-consciousness wanders through the internet when I came across SFG, ordered the book, and was hooked.

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Post  Goosegirl 3/1/2011, 3:47 am

I have been doing lasagna gardening for several years. I always start out well, but my busiest work season is also the last half of my growing season, so the garden always got overgrown, ugly, and the crop useage was always lower than it should be simply because I was TOO TIRED to deal with it! POLL: How did you find the SFG Forum? 671790 I was determined to make my yard look nice AND have a successful garden when I found All New SFG this winter in a home improvement store. I had heard of it before, so I grabbed the book on my way to sit at the car dealership while the car got fixed. By the time the car was fixed, so was my gardening mentality! cheers I have my first trellises already made and I have the wood for my first boxes out in the shed. Now, if only the snow would melt.....POLL: How did you find the SFG Forum? 695909

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Post  middlemamma 3/1/2011, 4:38 pm


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Post  happycamper 3/1/2011, 9:36 pm

I was viewing video on GardenGirltv and she had introduced Mel. I realized that I had seen him on OPB back in the 80's. I found his book then found this site. The rest is gardening history!

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Post  elliephant 3/1/2011, 9:53 pm

My introduction to the concept of SFG started when I was a newlywed in 2005 at a women's group meeting at church where we learned about it. I tried to set up a bed over spring break that year, but was just going by memory and really didn't do it right. We moved a few months after that anyway. I did a tiny row garden for a couple of years in west Texas (which did amazingly well considering how I neglected it. When we moved out here I wanted something that would get me outdoors more. So for Christmas 2009 the kids got a trampoline and I got garden stuff.

I see from my join date that I didn't officially join the forum until April. I found the old forum soon after getting the book for Christmas, but it was pretty quiet. I was pleasantly surprised when I checked it out again a few months later and found the new forum and that things were livening up with the advent of Spring. I had a good garden going by then and was excited to talk to people about it.

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Post  CarolynPhillips 3/2/2011, 8:07 am

I have known about Square Foot Gardening for at least 17 years. My grandfather always let me read his book. So I was originally introduced to SFG by my grandfather who is now--almost 81 years old.
My husband was doing some handyman work for a customer one day and somehow they got on the subject of gardening and that I SFG. The man gave my husband a book to give to me.
It was an old SFG book autographed by Mel. Thrilled to have my own book.
A few days later I decided to see if there was a Chat forum for SFG by using Google.
Then I found the merchandise web link. I bought all the books and all the DVDs.
I watched the DVDs over and over and over. Just because I am obsessed with gardening.
I would listen to the DVDs while doing house work or paper work----Like music to my ears.

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Post  BackyardBirdGardner 3/2/2011, 9:08 am

Found the website from the book. Found the forum on the website.

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Post  TheVeggieO's 3/2/2011, 10:13 am

Last week, I found the forum as I was looking for information online about square foot gardening....I think I found the old forum first and then clicked to find this forum here! Yipppeee! It's great and I'm enjoying it!

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Post  southland2 3/2/2011, 11:48 am

I found the foundation website on a search for container gardening. We haul water here and I was online searching for a way to garden with less water. From the foundation site I found the forum and started reading peoples posts. The showcase of gardens had me hooked!! Some beautiful work there. Now I have my area fenced off from my goats, have my cold frame built and have the lumber for two boxes. We are so excited to get going!! Very Happy

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Post  Blackrose 3/2/2011, 3:55 pm

I subscribe to a blog called the $5 Dinner Mom. One day on her blog she mentioned that she was starting a square foot garden. After reading what she had to say about it, I did a google search and found the Square Foot Gardening Foundation website. From there I found the forum.

I love this place. Everyone is so helpful and a wealth of information. I have learned so much and made great friends. Smile

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Post  bullfrogbabe 3/2/2011, 4:30 pm

I discovered SFGing in a little booklet from Canadian Gardening called "Essential Tips and Techiques for Successful Gardening". Chapter 5 on Gastronomic Gardening had a page with a little title "Petite Plot" with a very colourful 4x4 SFG with cartoon vegetables. There were also several bullets outlining Mel Bartholomew's SFGing tips.

POLL: How did you find the SFG Forum? 00711

I did a search for Mel Bartholomew and Square Foot Gardening as I was keen to learn more, and that's how I found the SFG Forum.

You can see by all the little notes I made on the pages that this colourful little garden plot stimulated lots of gardening thoughts!

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Post  jumiclads 3/2/2011, 5:02 pm

Well after 30years of doing everything else but gardening, I thought I might try my hand at it again. I was searching the internet to learn about normal dig and sow row gardening and came across raised beds and looked into them because with a back injury playing me up when I do any heavy work was worried I would start and never finish and thought they were a great idea. That led me to SFG and the forum and now I have more work than a little to keep me busy.

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Post  sfg4uKim 3/3/2011, 3:45 pm

I head about the Forum at the SFG teacher certification class.


I have seen women looking at jewelry ads with a misty eye and one hand resting on the heart, and I only know what they're feeling because that's how I read the seed catalogs in January - Barbara Kingsolver - Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

FB: Square Foot Gardening 4 U

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Post  Furbalsmom 3/4/2011, 7:44 pm

bump for week-end viewers

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Post  windrider1967 3/9/2011, 8:58 pm

I had a friend give me the old "Cash from SFG" book - cause she HATED Mel - don't ask why, don't know. I did some google searches, came accross the official site and found the forums from there

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Post  Kabaju42 3/9/2011, 9:37 pm

Several people told me about SFG, and I think one day I caught something from Mel on PBS (KBYU for those in the area) So I finally got the book from the library and loved it. During my research I found the foundation web page and then of course liked over to the forums.

Funny thing though. I joined the forums one day, then a couple days later I tried to log on and it didn't recognize me.


Come to find out I joined on the old forum just before it was taken down. I came back to the new forum and the accounts didn't transfered over.

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Post  nancy 3/10/2011, 11:20 am

I found the main website through little house in the suburbs and stumbled upon the forum from there.

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Post  Miss M 3/10/2011, 1:13 pm

I was doing a Google search to see if fine vermiculite would be alright for a SFG. I thought I was getting coarse, got it loaded up, brought it home, wrapped my arms around the first bag to unload it, and realized I had the fine stuff. Oh, no! Would it work? So I searched, and ended up here. What a Face
Miss M

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Post  Fireopal36 1/31/2012, 11:36 am

My husband had found the book at the local Home Depot and brought it to me thinking I might like to try it. Then he found the new version with color pictures, yaaay! Razz

I loved the idea so he build me some beds, and now I'm gardening the SFG way!

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Post  landarch 1/31/2012, 11:46 am

Heard about it a long time ago...never ready the book until finding this forum. I looked for any SFG forum that could help my plan my vegetable gardens (layout, multiple cropping, north vs. south orientation, etc.

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Post  tomperrin 1/31/2012, 12:55 pm

Don't know if he's a member

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Post  januaryX 1/31/2012, 12:57 pm

Was surfing for more information about organic gardening. I was trying to do it with compost, but was having less than desirable results. I was so close to having it right. I just wasn't using enough varieties of compost.

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Post  newstart 1/31/2012, 2:00 pm

I had been watching viedos from growingyourgreens.com he was always talking about SFG so starting looking around the web and one day found this place and have not left since

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