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Considering Herbs Toplef10Considering Herbs 1zd3ho10

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Considering Herbs I22gcj10Considering Herbs 14dhcg10

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Considering Herbs

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Considering Herbs Empty Considering Herbs

Post  TN_Leatherneck 1/15/2012, 11:00 pm

So, I jacked my parents' copy of SFG and I'm planning on trying it out this year. My family and I live in a town home with limited space, but we were able to plant several tomato plants in a 7x11 bed last year with some good success.

My question is this - as I am drawing up my plans for this year, I am wanting to grow the following herbs, but need to know how many per square to plant;
- Parsley
- Thyme
- Sage (hmmmmm anyone hear a Simon & Garfunkel song warming up here?)
- Chamomile
- Ginger
- Wintergreen - do I treat this one like a mint?

I am in zone 6, generally and Nashville in particular. Any advice or insight would be fabulous!

Male Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-10-25
Location : Nashville, TN

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Considering Herbs Empty Re: Considering Herbs

Post  ModernDayBetty 1/15/2012, 11:26 pm

WELCOME!! I shouldn't encourage highjacking from your parents but when it comes to SFG it's completely understandable ;o)

Mint and thyme are relatives, both are highly evasive, as is Parsley (it grows like a weed anywhere and comes back relatively early without any help). I planted Thyme in my garden last year without problem and pulled it out to pot it for the winter. I plan to leave it potted. I grew several herbs in my sfg last year and several in pots, I prefer pots. With limited space in the sfg I feel like it's a better use of space. But to answer your question, each of those is 1 plant per box. They fill out rather quickly once it warms up. Guessing from where your from, you'll end up with a "jungle" if you plant those herbs, they love the warmth. I did not try chamomile or ginger (ginger is considered an indoor plant here, it's too cold).

Speaking of S&G, those herbs+ evoo are perfect on chicken and a root veggie roast, yum yum! I sing that song to myself every time I roast a chicken :o) If you haven't picked out your herbs yet I highly recommend pineapple sage. I did both traditional and pineapple sage, put them in the garage to over winter and I'm still pulling fresh leaves from the pineapple sage and it's so amazingly yummy.

Best of luck on the new gardening year!

Female Posts : 298
Join date : 2011-03-19
Location : Central Washington Zone 7a

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Considering Herbs Empty Re: Considering Herbs

Post  TN_Leatherneck 1/15/2012, 11:45 pm

Thank you Ms. Betty! That was exactly what I needed. I will definitely have to check out the pineapple sage at some point. With what we have going right now, I may plant the herbs in last year's plot and/or some pots and save the SFG for the veggies and fruits.

Thanks also for the recipe! It sounds fantastic.

Male Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-10-25
Location : Nashville, TN

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Considering Herbs Empty Re: Considering Herbs

Post  Rhianna78 1/16/2012, 12:22 am

Mint will take over anything and everything. The old "give it an inch, it will take a mile" is the truth. As long as you keep it in a pot you'll be fine. If you plant it directly it will muscle everything else out.

A good pot I've used for years is a strawberry pot. You can turn it around if one or more herbs need more sunlight & its easy enough to bring in the house when it gets cold.

Definitely go for the pineapple sage! Its wonderful to smell and to use as a flavoring agent. If you can find it there's a wonderful chocolate mint that's dark brown veined leaves that smells exactly like chocolate but tastes somewhat like a York Peppermint Patty when you eat it.

Female Posts : 45
Join date : 2012-01-08
Location : Poquoson, VA

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Considering Herbs Empty Re: Considering Herbs

Post  ModernDayBetty 1/16/2012, 12:50 am

ModernDayBetty wrote:both are highly evasive

oh boy, Invasive might be more accurate, lol.

Female Posts : 298
Join date : 2011-03-19
Location : Central Washington Zone 7a

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