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How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 Empty Re: How Many Square Feet Do You Have?

Post  GWN 3/24/2013, 11:33 am

4 11x3 = 132
4 4x4 =64
4 1x6 =24
1 1x11=11
10 1x1 = 10

Plus about 500 or more in regular beds.
Windsor, how long did your frozen yummies last, or are you still eating them?

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Post  CindiLou 3/24/2013, 2:26 pm

3 4x4 = 48
2 2x4 = 16
2 2x6 = 24
3 4x6 = 72
3 2x2 = 12
total 172

Plus my squashes and melons are in buckets and I have herbs in regular beds..
Some of my tomatoes are in buckets also. The buckets use mm.

And I am putting in another 4x6 this year. May not be ready till fall planting. That will add another 24 sqft.

And I also have a strawberry raised bed that is not sfg. It is an area of 5x10.

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How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 Empty Re: How Many Square Feet Do You Have?

Post  Turan 3/24/2013, 3:12 pm

Windsor.Parker wrote:
More and more each year! There's only my DW & me. Before last year we froze whatever we didn't eat or give away. Added canning last season and even after eating LOTS, freezing LOTS, canning LOTS, and giving away LOTS; we're still feasting on LOTS of fresh frozen, and canned fresh veggies!

How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 3170584802 cheers


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Post  Turan 3/24/2013, 3:32 pm

4 3X8 = 96
2 4X8 = 64
1 1X6 = 6
1 greenhouse = 34
1 3X8 compost berm for squash and compost finishing = 24
1 1X8 in strawberries =8

total = 232

I want to add 2 3X8s this spring and upgrade the greenhouse.


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Post  donnainzone5 3/24/2013, 4:12 pm

16 now; I'm planning to add another 96 this spring, including asparagus, root crops, and strawberries.

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How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 Empty Re: How Many Square Feet Do You Have?

Post  R&R 1011 3/25/2013, 2:31 am

I have planned for sure:
4x12= 48
2- 3x3=18
If I can keep up...
So 118 sq ft total planned for my 1st year. Smile How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 3170584802
R&R 1011
R&R 1011

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How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 Empty One more than planned plus new rock garden

Post  Hardcoir 3/25/2013, 8:56 am

Original SFG In-the-ground: 50 x 2 = 100 SF
All New Raised: 1 - 4 x 5 = 20 SF & 1- 8 x 2 = 16 SF
Rock Garden 1: 6 x 4 = 24 SF
Rock Garden 2: 4 x 4 = 16 SF
Growums Self-Watering Containers: 13 - 2 x 1 = 26 SF
16 assorted Homemade Self-Watering Containers: = 16 SF
Two Wooden Patio Boxes = 2 x 2 each = 8 SF

Total = 226 SF

Plans in works to construct another 50 x 2 raised bed on opposite side of fence from original SFG for another 100 SF, but not this season, unless somebody wants to donate the labor and materials-LOL

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Post  gardenertaylor 3/25/2013, 9:30 am

It's my first year. I have one 4x4=16, plus 1 2x2=4.

I have 20 square feet. Laughing

Pretty cute and quaint compared to some of the numbers I'm seeing on here!

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Post  Unmutual 3/25/2013, 10:11 am

I started off with (3) 2'x3' beds, just to make sure I didn't have a brown thumb. When that was successful I started moving up. Currently, I have (2) 18'x4' cinder block beds, so 144 sq ft. However, I don't use SFG for perennials.

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Post  H_TX_2 3/25/2013, 10:44 am

I have two 4x4 beds for a total of 32 sq. ft. This year I am trying two tomato plants, a squash and a zucchini in individual buckets. I sort of consider those each a square foot so that moves my total to 36. I have plans for two more 4x4 beds and one of those will need to have a corner removes to fit into the space available. With work, wife, kids, church and life in general it is tough to find the time but some day I will get there. It sees the best part about gardening is looking ahead to what will be.

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Post  CindiLou 3/25/2013, 11:45 am

gardenertaylor wrote:It's my first year. I have one 4x4=16, plus 1 2x2=4.

I have 20 square feet. Laughing

Pretty cute and quaint compared to some of the numbers I'm seeing on here!

I started with one 4x4! But it is an addiction! And addiction I say! affraid

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How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 Empty Re: How Many Square Feet Do You Have?

Post  jimmy cee 3/25/2013, 2:05 pm

I have 224 sq feet to do, however I am starting with one 40 sq ft, then a 32 sq ft...just to see how it works.
Shame of it all is I just got my soil where I wanted it after 30 years of working it.
If it works for me I do my entire yard in Square Foot gardening, then look for another wife after mine leaves me because I took away her beautiful lawn.... How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 3170584802
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Post  H_TX_2 3/25/2013, 2:33 pm

I think most wives would trade their lawn for great tomatoes, abundant lettuce or whatever veggie they enjoy. Flowers also belong in the SFG because they offer other benefits so some of that lawn will be replaced with flowers. Some plants like okra make nice big flowers. Think of it as replacing a 2 dimensional green plane with a 3 dimensional floral arrangement that provides tasty food.

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Post  CindiLou 3/25/2013, 2:44 pm

jimmy cee wrote:
If it works for me I do my entire yard in Square Foot gardening, then look for another wife after mine leaves me because I took away her beautiful lawn.... How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 3170584802
rofl Hubby says he could say that for his garden railroad! So he better NOT fuss about my space rofl

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How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 Empty Re: How Many Square Feet Do You Have?

Post  FamilyGardening 3/25/2013, 3:09 pm

First year gardening we started with

3 SFG boxes

4x4= 16

4x4= 16

1x6= 6

plus... lots of pots and containers, along with our childrens self watering containers filled with MM

2nd year gardening we added

a three sisters garden in the old composting area back corner of our yard

3rd year we built

we turned that three sisters garden area into raised beds filled with 20+ years of compost with grids

4x10= 40

4x8= 32

6x8= 48

6x8= 48

3x5= 15

3x5= 15

3x5= 15

2x20= 40

a gift from my momma....3 wooden boxes that we placed along our dog kennel fence filled with MM

1x4= 4

1x4= 4

1x4= 4

plus we put in a berry patch & grape vines on an arbor

total of 303 SQ foot cheers + pots, containers and in-ground planting

our current 4th year gardening and still working on....

our new Back to Eden front yard....with fruit trees and lots of growing area....and soon to come in our front garden ...one or more 4x4 SFG Pyramids :drunken: along with a new fence with an arbor Very Happy

happy gardening


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Post  ETNRedClay 5/1/2013, 11:48 pm

I went overboard. Built 2ea 3'x16' over last winter. Planted them in March. Filled them UP... and have been building ever since...

3'x16'x11" x2 salads, onions, garlic, peppers, squash = 96sf

That wasn't enough, so I added in February:
3'x2' potato tower = 6sf
3'x12' strawberry pyramid = 36sf
3'x8'x11" tomatoes, peppers, cukes = 24sf

And kept building in March:
3'x8'x11" garden peas = 24sf
4'x8'x11" watermelons, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes = 32sf
4'x8'x11" potatoes = 32sf
4'x8'x11" corn & beans = 32sf
4'x4'x11" asparagus = 16sf

And kept building in April:
4'x8'x11" corn & beans = 32sf

And am now building a dedicated herb bed:
2'x16' herbs in 1x1 grids = 32sf

362sf -- good Lord, I'm insane. I've had a green salad a day out of my SFG since April 1st. Potatoes are up, tomatoes and peppers are thriving, onions and salad greens are still going nuts. So, happy, but insane.

And still thinking about a dedicated 4x8 for sweet potatoes, and winter squash, and tomatillos, blueberries, raspberries, thornless blackberries, etc.

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Post  Lemonie 5/2/2013, 9:47 am

Mine is smaller than most too, but only because our budget is small and I'm still winning hubby over on it (he's not a big veggie eater).

1 2x4= 8
2 2x12= 48
2 2x3= 12
2 1x5= 10
TOTAL= 78 Sqft plus a few potted herbs and deterrents.

Hoping to add a landscaped SFG in the front yard that will include lots of herbs and a few blueberry bushes...as well as any abundance of seedlings that don't require a trellis. Also wanting to add some raspberry and blackberry bushes in the back yard, expand the strawberry bed, graft and plant an apple tree and expand the rain barrel system and include a soaker hose watering system. How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 43549 Hmmm...maybe that's why hubby makes me budget this out. Shocked

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Post  landarch 5/2/2013, 2:02 pm

1 2x2
1 2x4
4 4x4
2 4x8

Total 140 SF

In addtion, I have rented an additional 25'x25' garden plot on someone else's property near me...probably go old school non-SFG because of time and $$$.

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Post  moldeen85 5/2/2013, 2:09 pm

I'm exchanging my 8 - 2x4 beds, a total of 64 sq ft for 6 - 2x10 beds, a total of 120 square feet. Shocked

I have my fruit bush bed which is approximately 5x8 minus the rounding for about 20 square feet.

Plus, for my potatoes, I am adding 3 barrels of approximately 3 square feet each for a total of 9 square feet. And several 1 ft porch pots planned.

I'll probably have around 160 square feet in all. Wink

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Post  Gunny 5/2/2013, 2:22 pm

I started with 50 sq ft in four 2' x 4' beds and a 3' x 6' bed. In the last two months have added another 260 sq ft in various types of containers including a 4' x 40' bed divides into 10 ea. 4' x 4' sections plus tires with a side wall cut off to give about 4 sq ft per times 15. Three old horse feeder that yield about 4 sq ft apiece and three 1' x 1' boxes that were going to be top hats but wound up as planters instead. And I still don't have enough for fall planting unless something matures in the next few months which I am sure will happen.Laughing I just need to reorganize every thing into one area as its all scattered about

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Post  Gunny 5/2/2013, 2:27 pm

Oh and forgot to add the cinderblock bed that gives another 21 sq ft or so. As the yl said, happy gardening.

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Post  sdugas164 5/4/2013, 2:14 pm

Just starting out a new garden this year. so far the areas are 16x2=32 and 6x2= 12 for a total of 44 sq ft. I think i'm gonna get another 6 or 8 x2 box on the fence line for tall, viney things(like cukes) So around 56 for the backyard. I just laid out 8 sq feet today and got some peas, lettuce and spinach planted(with flowers along the edge)

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Post  mschaef 5/9/2013, 4:55 pm

Thought I would add mine: I have 300 square feet I could use but only planning on using 86 of them. Dont know what else to plant and of those 86, I have 24 blank spaces. So we shall see...

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Post  sanderson 5/9/2013, 6:43 pm

We live in the city on a 6,000 sq lot and I had to consider changing shade from our orange tree, crepe myrtle, and corner Chinese pistachio, plus trees from our neighbors on three sides.

How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 2-19-111
How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 2-19-112

My husband built the following boxes: two 2 x 4, two 2 x 3, one 1 x 4, and two 1 x 3 for a total of 38 sq ft.

To date, 5-9-13, I have the following number of veggies, herbs and strawberries:

112 plants in 34.5 square feet (3.5 sq ft still empty)
36 plants in 3-tier hanging containers (12 spots still empty)
87 plants in 27 pots ( 9 still empty)
2 herbs in hanging basket

for a total of 237 plants. TOTALLY ADDICTING!

The cat has her own little garden of cap nip and cat grass, and never 'uses' my boxes.

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How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 4-27-112
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How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 4-27-115

All of the plants, except for 12 strawberries and 4 peppers/tomatoes, were grown from seeds from MyPatriotSupply.com started 2-15-13 or Home Depot started 3-20-13.

Photo taken 3-2-13. The seeds were planted 2-15-13, 15 days prior.
How Many Square Feet Do You Have? - Page 5 3-2-1310

Husband built 2 frames from scrap wood. I stapled plastic and made the adjustable covers:
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Post  Lillyz 5/9/2013, 7:17 pm

I have 2 3.5 x 3.5 beds about 18 square feet. Plus alot of containers for tomatoes and peppers.

I know its not much but its just me and hubby, and hubby doesnt really like veggies.

I also have flower beds in the backyard and big, old trees that cast alot of dappled shade in the summer. There is only one of them that I would consider taking out and at great expense. If things grow well I will probably add 1 maybe 2 4 x 4 beds in the fall.

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