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Pressure canner is at the ready

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Pressure canner is at the ready Empty Pressure canner is at the ready

Post  happycamper 6/15/2011, 3:41 am

It is almost canning time for spring peas in the PNW. The cool and cloudy weather has been especially kind to the peas this spring. There seems to be an abundance of Alaska peas and the Progress #9's. The Oregon Sugar pod's were planted late so they will not be ready until mid to late July this year.
Pressure canner is at the ready Peas_j10
The pressure canner and jars have been moved from the basement and are ready to do their duty. I am hoping for a few pints (a case would be nice, Dream BIG!)

Female Posts : 304
Join date : 2010-05-26
Location : East County Portland, OR

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Post  Furbalsmom 6/15/2011, 5:04 am

Wow, that is one big mess of peas (in the kindest growing and harvesting sense) There must be a bunch almost ready.

I just started getting flowers on my sugar snaps this week, but the Childrens Garden at the community garden has had blossoms for a week and a half and the first little sugar snaps are coming on. I Love peas.

Female Posts : 3138
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Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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Post  Lavender Debs 6/15/2011, 9:58 am

Furbalsmom wrote:snip.... I Love peas.
I love them too, the only survivor this year was the snow pea in two different boxes. I did see little yellow pea babies yesterday. Woot!
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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Post  happycamper 7/2/2011, 5:29 am

I am sure that many of you (like myself) have not had to buy spinach, lettuce, arugula, herbs and a few other items the past 2-3 months but the SFG has just showed me its true colors as far as great production in a small space.

Between yesterday and today I harvested approx. 20 squares of peas. I am very happy to report that I have 6 pints of canned garden peas and 5 pints of pickled pea pods. Plants have been removed, compost blend added, watered well and more parsnips, kale and german giant radishes (Yum) have been planted.

I have 18 squares of peas remaining which may yield one or two more pints as well as several more meals and grandson snacks.

The parsley has yielded 1 1/4 cups of dehydrated parsley that has been vacuumed sealed in a pint jar for future use. Oregano is almost ready to meet the dehydrator.

The golden globe turnips are nearly ready and I will be planting a fall crop when the remainder of the peas are cleared.

Square foot gardening is not only saving me money now but also saving me grocery dollars in the future!

Female Posts : 304
Join date : 2010-05-26
Location : East County Portland, OR

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Post  FamilyGardening 7/2/2011, 6:12 pm

how wonderful!!

i need to get busy....i have a few herbs growing....some have thier labels still and some dont....LOL....i need to learn how to dry and store them....they grow so nice thru the summer and i havent really used them that much Embarassed .....i have given a treat to the birds each morning....they love them!!....the parsley is their favorite!


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Post  herblover 7/3/2011, 2:14 pm

FamilyGardening wrote:how wonderful!!

i need to get busy....i have a few herbs growing....some have thier labels still and some dont....LOL....i need to learn how to dry and store them....they grow so nice thru the summer and i havent really used them that much Embarassed .....i have given a treat to the birds each morning....they love them!!....the parsley is their favorite!


I don't have a dehydrator but use a very simple method for drying herbs. I cut them, strip them off the stems and let them dry on paper towels until crispy. I package them in ziploc bags in a cupboard. That is all there is to it; especially for the "woody" herbs like oregano, thyme, and rosemary. Basil can be dreid as well but will change color; I am going to try freezing pesto this year for the first time.

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Post  Denese 7/3/2011, 3:02 pm

Pickled Pea Pods? Sounds delish! Recipe? Very Happy

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Post  happycamper 7/24/2011, 4:19 am

Denese, my apologies I didn't see your request. I use a dilly bean recipe for the peas. Do you have a Ball canning book by chance? If not, I would be happy to type the recipe up. I have to admit that I use a slightly different brine recipe as I do like to add extra garlic (garlic scapes if I have some) and hot peppers for a little more heat.

Female Posts : 304
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Post  Denese 7/24/2011, 2:20 pm

No problem, HappyCamper. Smile Yes, I have the Ball canning book. I'll look it up. Thanks! And, I'm sure I'll probably add the garlic and peppers, too. Very Happy

Female Posts : 324
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