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scary and long night last night

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scary and long night last night Empty scary and long night last night

Post  happyfrog 11/18/2010, 5:33 am

my youngest daughter fell down our long flight of steps last night. thankfully, she is ok - was checked out by medical folks but let me tell you, one long night. no sleep for the mommy. i have to monitor her for the next week 'just in case'. .

but that was the unexpected excitement for the night here. three kids and this is the first one that managed to do the step falling down routine. (and yes we used to have gates, but she mastered opening them better than me a long time ago).

it could have been a real life changing situation.

Female Posts : 625
Join date : 2010-03-04
Location : USA

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Post  acara 11/18/2010, 6:08 am

Yikes ...glad to hear she's okies.


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scary and long night last night Empty Re: scary and long night last night

Post  happyfrog 11/18/2010, 9:04 am

she is ok. the burn on her arm got abraded pretty bad though - as i discovered when i cleaned and changed the dressing this morning. it looks awful actually, so i'm hoping the raw honey and activated charcoal work wonders - as it has in the past on other injuries.. . but still so scary to see all that injured area.

will be bringing her by the ped this morning to have her checked out again and it's possible they might wish to see the arm injury - they didn't know she'd been burned - usually i just treat that kind of thing on my own - raw honey is amazingly curative on burns! so bracing myself for the ped visit.


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scary and long night last night Empty Re: scary and long night last night

Post  Blackrose 11/18/2010, 9:14 am

That is so scary. With 2 LOs of my own, I can't even imagine what you are going through. I'm glad to hear she's doing okay though.

Sending BIG hugs your way.. and to your LO too!

BIG hug
BIG hug

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scary and long night last night Empty Scary night

Post  ander217 11/18/2010, 9:17 am

So thankful she's okay, Happyfrog. Keep us posted.

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scary and long night last night Empty Re: scary and long night last night

Post  happyfrog 11/18/2010, 12:35 pm

just got home from ped visit - and she checked out fine. the burn was also peeked at and surprisingly, non judgemental on the method for treatment. she conceded that raw honey is comparable to using the silverdene? she could write a script for if i wanted, or i could continue on treating as i am, noting any infection should it arise (it is a pretty significant burn) but she said it looked good - a little pink around the edges but overall ok. whew.

she's napping now.

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scary and long night last night Empty RE: Long Night

Post  bettyd_z7_va 11/18/2010, 1:16 pm

Bless your heart! I'm thankful that she is ok.

Kids can scare you to death, can't they?

Our bed is very tall and I worry every time the 17 month old DGSon is here napping. Scared he will fall if he wakes up and tries to get off the bed by himself while my back is turned.

I will NEVER forget the time his older brother fell backwards out of the cart in Walmart one day. Talk about a miracle that he wasn't hurt! He was up and out before I could react! Gosh, that boy was fast!

I shudder every time I see a child standing up in one of those carts and take time to share what happened to my DGSon with the parents. They probably think I'm sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong, but if I can keep one child from being hurt, it is worth the strange looks I get from people.

Hugs to you both,


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scary and long night last night Empty Re: scary and long night last night

Post  Megan 11/18/2010, 6:34 pm

Happyfrog, I am SO glad that your little one will be okay. I'll PM you here in a minute.

I shudder every time I see a child standing up in one of those carts and take time to share what happened to my DGSon with the parents. They probably think I'm sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong, but if I can keep one child from being hurt, it is worth the strange looks I get from people.

Tell me about it, *shudders*. I was working in a big box store when I saw a baby standing up in the "seat" area of a cart, I was too far away to do anything but shout at the parent, who fortunately got a clue in time to re-seat the child.

When I was in my 20's out in California, I saw a kid swinging from the push-bar of the shopping cart like it was a jungle gym... and he was heavy enough that I could see the front wheels of the cart coming off the ground. The cart was loaded but looked like it was going to flip over... so I grabbed the cart and forced it back down. The kid fell on his butt on the floor and started to cry, and I got a bunch of dirty looks from people like I should have caught the kid instead of letting the cart flip on top of him. Sigh... it took most of my strength to stop the cart.

Then just a couple years ago, I caught a toddler in a supermarket, literally. On his/her way to the floor from the seat. I told the mother, "Ma'am, normally I never touch another person's child, but in this case I thought you wouldn't want them breaking their head open on the concrete." Happily, she was appreciative.

It can all happen SO fast..... Shocked

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scary and long night last night Empty Re: scary and long night last night

Post  acara 11/18/2010, 8:54 pm

happyfrog wrote:she conceded that raw honey is comparable to using the silverdene?

Old sulpha drug ... new tradename is "Silvadene".

The original stuff is called silver-sulfa (or silver sulfur??) and was a staple for more serious burns in military first-aid kits. I can't remember the technical name for it to save my life.

If it's just "road-rash" I'd stick with the honey though (if you can't get aloe plant) .... if its safe enough for dolphins, its safe enough for kids.


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scary and long night last night Empty Re: scary and long night last night

Post  Odd Duck 11/19/2010, 1:26 am

Silver sulfadiazene. Great stuff, one of my favorite ointments.
Odd Duck

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scary and long night last night Empty Re: scary and long night last night

Post  happyfrog 11/19/2010, 5:24 am

boy am i glad i DIDN'T get it! i'm ana to sulfa. one of the 'perks' of all my autoimmune diseases - i'm hyper allergic to most medications. which is the real reason i learned so much about 'natural' herbs and treatments. i had to.

i try to get locally grown raw honey so it will have most benefit and bethany just LOVES her medicine - she gets to lick the spoon after i'm done bandaging. Smile

another great thing about honey - add it to some cinnamon and it's a wonderful treatment for various colds and virus' and it is yummy medicine. and it's real unlikely that my kids - even if they got access to the medicine chest (that's huge and locked in kitchen) they wouldn't die if they ate the entire container of honey. i'd be frustrated at the sticky mess but that would be the end of it.

if i could just get her to stop whacking that poor arm on stuff it would heal faster - i was sort of joking to my husband when he came home at midnight that i'd like to get some foam protector above and below the area so there'd be less likely to have compression against the injury.

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scary and long night last night Empty Re: scary and long night last night

Post  acara 11/19/2010, 6:17 am

Odd Duck wrote:Silver sulfadiazene.

Ding-ding-ding ...that's it

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Age : 55
Location : Wesley Chapel, Florida (Zone 9)

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