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This I find scary I22gcj10This I find scary 14dhcg10

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This I find scary

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This I find scary Empty This I find scary

Post  Kelejan 8/15/2014, 9:57 am

I read an article on the BBC website this morning and this is what I find scary.
Britain, according to an MP's report, is only 77% self-sufficient in food, a figure that has dropped by 10% in recent years.

The National Farmers' Union (and I should think they are the ones who know best) claim self-sufficency fell from 46% in 2000 to 34% in 2013 and the gap is generally made up by importing from the USA.

We should continue to encourage everyone to take up SFG and keep chickens and rabbits whereever possible.

Of course, the politicians say we must accept GMO.

I then scrolled down to the comments section as I really wanted to know what people thought, to find that "this section is now closed" and there was not one comment there where normally there are thousands.

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This I find scary Empty Re: This I find scary

Post  Marc Iverson 8/15/2014, 2:01 pm

That's going on in pretty much every country with some or many foodstuffs. I don't find it worrisome; it's just international trade. The only thing I worry for is the farmers displaced by cheaper overseas competitors, and even that, because it seems an inevitable process with food as with any goods and so many services, because in other countries the safety standards and regulations as to pesticides and such may be much looser than they are in developed countries.
Marc Iverson
Marc Iverson

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Post  audrey.jeanne.roberts 8/15/2014, 2:40 pm

Where it gets scary (and it should) is if you study the history of the world and warfare. If you take a nation's food source and supply you can fairly easily vanquish them.  Cutting off supply lines, poisoning water and ground have always been ways to take control.  The farther away your food supply is found the more vulnerable it is.  

As much as we would love the future to be filled with peace... the past tells us it is an incredible rarity.

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This I find scary Empty Re: This I find scary

Post  Marc Iverson 8/15/2014, 2:56 pm

The Western developed world, and most of the rest of the developed world, no longer works that way. We are all so interconnected and deeply invested in each other, our finances and our economies, that we have no incentive to go to war the way we used to. Doing so would be akin to declaring war on ourselves rather than on someone else. Germany and France and England won't be fighting each other any more, and we won't be jumping in to help, nor fighting Japan. We depend on each other too much. It's an interdependent world rather than one comprised of isolated entities. Simply stealing the other guy's stuff so you have more, the traditional motivation for war, isn't practical or economically rewarding anymore. It's better to sell to him, to buy from him, to use his country to manufacturer in and engage in joint ventures with. The places where that differs aren't threats to us: we're not likely to be invaded or have our economies seriously disrupted by Ghana. Money is transnational now on an unprecedented scale. It has become a much bigger game than it was in the era of perpetually warring nation states. Screwing around because some Archduke gets assassinated won't be tolerated anymore. It's bad for business. And business is global.
Marc Iverson
Marc Iverson

Male Posts : 3637
Join date : 2013-07-05
Age : 63
Location : SW Oregon

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