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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Toplef10Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? 1zd3ho10

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? I22gcj10Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? 14dhcg10


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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Toplef10Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? 1zd3ho10

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? I22gcj10Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? 14dhcg10

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

Post  sparrowbranch 6/9/2010, 2:35 pm

I left my garden under the care of my husband while I was out of town for a week and my zuchinni plant died apparenty "from a bug". I am suspicious, but thats neither here nor there.

In any case, I have 9 empty squares available but am not sure what would grow and stand the summer heat? ideas?

Thank you so much as always!

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty spelling correction

Post  sparrowbranch 6/9/2010, 2:35 pm

zucchini Smile

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Re: Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

Post  junequilt 6/9/2010, 2:46 pm

More zucchini. Cucumbers. Okra, maybe?

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Re: Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

Post  Retired Member 1 6/9/2010, 6:54 pm

I'd go ahead and plant another squash if you are in zone 7 or north of that. I have no idea what state Sparrow Branch is in. If you are in zones 8,9,10, then okra would be a good bet -- it loves hot weather.
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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Re: Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

Post  dmpower 6/9/2010, 7:15 pm

I haven't grown zucchini before, at least not at this location. I am 5b and most locals dont plant zucchini till mid June because of some beetle or other pest - not sure. Anyway they always plant after the life cycle of some pest. Maybe you could try zucchini again. It may be the right time

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Re: Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

Post  WardinWake 6/9/2010, 8:07 pm

sparrowbranch wrote:I left my garden under the care of my husband while I was out of town for a week and my zuchinni plant died apparenty "from a bug". I am suspicious, but thats neither here nor there.

Howdy Sparrow:

Lay your suspicions aside. Sounds like you got hit by the @#$%$#@ squash vine borer, i.e. the larva of the Squash Moth. The moth lays her egg(s) at the base of the squash plant and the larva hatches into a worm that eats the plant from the inside near the base. Tell-tell signs of squash vine borer activity are the brownish larva poop that is at the base of the plant and a few small holes where the poop is expelled. The result is - dead plant. The plant will appear healthy one day and dead the next. If caught early enough you can cut a slit into the base of the plant and kill the larva (worm) and then cover the injured area with soil and the plant may re-root at that point. Replanting is a good option at this time of the year.

God Bless, Ward and Mary.

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Re: Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

Post  Shoda 6/9/2010, 8:33 pm

OMG! I never heard of those before. I looked them up on the web and they sound nasty! Wikipedia said they aren't on the pacific coast so maybe I am safe in California?????

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Zucchini :)I

Post  jenjehle 6/10/2010, 12:43 am

I'm in 5b and now would be a great time to put in zucchini or squash seeds! They grow very quickly (from my experience) so you should still be fine, time wise.

Are you interested in something that can climb? Now is also a great time to start pickling cucumbers. They grow up a trellis so nicely and my family LOVES them.

Take care

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Re: Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

Post  PB 6/10/2010, 10:04 am

More Zuchinni... Or go get a zuchinni plant. It will put you ahead of the game.

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Thank you

Post  sparrowbranch 6/10/2010, 8:06 pm

Thank you so much for all of your assistance. This is my first gardening attempt, and I guess I made a poor decision to plant veggies in the summer.

May I ask how do you all get your information about what to plant when, where, etc? I am in NE Florida (Jacksonville), and am interested in learning more. I have Mels book, but I am interested in more information about my climate.

Thank you again so much. Blessings from the beginner,


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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty 3 cheers for Extension Offices!!!

Post  jenjehle 6/11/2010, 7:31 am

I have to say I've learned most of what I know (which is not all that much Smile) from my local extension office. Our extension office has a lot of publications on line to read and even print out. And at any time, we can email them or call with questions. They are so helpful. I did a search and found your local extension office.


(sorry if you already have this info)

And here's a link to my local extension office, in case you wanted to check them out. Although since I'm in NE Indiana, anything that relates to our climate, would not be the same Sad Your weather, for sure, is better than mine!!!!


Hope this helps!

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Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Empty Re: Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq?

Post  WardinWake 6/11/2010, 9:03 am

sparrowbranch wrote:Thank you so much for all of your assistance. This is my first gardening attempt, and I guess I made a poor decision to plant veggies in the summer.

May I ask how do you all get your information about what to plant when, where, etc? I am in NE Florida (Jacksonville), and am interested in learning more. I have Mels book, but I am interested in more information about my climate.

Thank you again so much. Blessings from the beginner,



I'm originally from Macclenny, FL so I know of some of what you are facing. NE Florida can be a wonderful place to garden as you have plenty of sun and with the right crop selections you can veggie garden at least 10 months out of the year. One of the great assets that you may want to seek out is the University of Florida School of Agriculture in Gainsville.

When our family used to roe garden just north of Macclenny most of our crops were planted by the end of February and by the end of May we were tired of hoeing and tilling weeds. We did grow some wonderful crops though. Sometimes we got hit with a late frost, but, most years we were fine. A very wide variety of crops can be grown in Mel's Mix as you have a very long growing season and Square Foot Gardening keeps the weeds at bay so you can enjoy your garden instead of being a summer Santa Clause and hoe, hoe, hoe.
Zuchinni died from a bug-- what to do with 9 sq? Icon_rendeer

With your long growing season you can still plant many of the veggies and flowers that you enjoy and have a very successful garden this year.

God Bless, Ward and Mary Barnes
Wake, VA.


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