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Succession planting - favourites? I22gcj10Succession planting - favourites? 14dhcg10


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Succession planting - favourites? Toplef10Succession planting - favourites? 1zd3ho10

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Succession planting - favourites? I22gcj10Succession planting - favourites? 14dhcg10

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Succession planting - favourites?

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Succession planting - favourites? Empty Succession planting - favourites?

Post  goodtogrow 4/24/2022, 7:00 pm

I'm looking forward to doing succession planting in SFG (using the same square) and am curious if there are any favourite / popular crops that you guys may have when it comes to succession planting?  And are you ever able to get three crops out of one square by first frost?

For example, starting with something like carrots or beets in the spring, then planting something else in the same square after that in the summer for fall harvest like spinach, lettuce, or arugula?

Male Posts : 94
Join date : 2022-04-05
Location : BC, Canada, zone 8a/8b

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Succession planting - favourites? Empty Re: Succession planting - favourites?

Post  Mikesgardn 4/27/2022, 8:53 pm

Here in Maryland, I always had a hard time getting a spring, summer, and fall harvest from one square.  So instead, I have some squares dedicated to a spring and a fall planting.  That works well with just a short down time in the summer.  Of course, I also have some squares just dedicated to a summer planting, and I try to extend that harvest as far into the fall as possible.

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Succession planting - favourites? Empty Re: Succession planting - favourites?

Post  yolos 4/27/2022, 9:08 pm

I do garden peas in the very early spring (February), then Bush Beans about April 15-30, then a very quick Buckwheat cover crop and turn it under after 30 days, then garden peas again about Sept (depending on heat at that time).  

I have also done Broccoli planted in early spring, then Pinkeye Purple Hull cowpeas after it warms up, then garden peas after it cools off again.

Sometimes I grow FAVA Beans in the middle of winter which can then lead to 4 crops a year.

But I get tired of going year round so I usually only do 3 crops a year.  Of course it is much warmer longer down here.

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Succession planting - favourites? Empty Re: Succession planting - favourites?

Post  sanderson 4/28/2022, 3:03 pm

GTG,  Check with your local ag or garden resource for planting dates for the plants you want to grow.  Short season climates may be more restricted that those in the lower States. Some areas of BC have "temperate" climate.



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Succession planting - favourites? Empty Re: Succession planting - favourites?

Post  DianeZone7OK 5/7/2022, 8:21 pm

goodtogrow wrote:I'm looking forward to doing succession planting in SFG (using the same square) and am curious if there are any favourite / popular crops that you guys may have when it comes to succession planting?  And are you ever able to get three crops out of one square by first frost?

I have three rotations where I can get 3 successive crops. I grow spring lettuce then squash then fall lettuce, also spinach - melons - spinach, and peas - cukes - peas. I get the quickest varieties of each of these in order to fit them all in. Bush beans can also be the middle crop in any of these scenarios. I also grow whole 4 x 4 boxes and/or bush varieties with each of these in order to have room for those summer crops. I also frequently use covers to get me well past first frost with my fall crops. Our first frost date is around Nov 1st but I often have spinach and carrots well into December. Cool-weather carrots are extra sweet!

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Succession planting - favourites? Empty Re: Succession planting - favourites?

Post  goodtogrow 5/7/2022, 11:55 pm

DianeZone7OK wrote:I have three rotations where I can get 3 successive crops. I grow spring lettuce then squash then fall lettuce, also spinach - melons - spinach, and peas - cukes - peas. I get the quickest varieties of each of these in order to fit them all in. Bush beans can also be the middle crop in any of these scenarios. I also grow whole 4 x 4 boxes and/or bush varieties with each of these in order to have room for those summer crops. I also frequently use covers to get me well past first frost with my fall crops. Our first frost date is around Nov 1st but I often have spinach and carrots well into December. Cool-weather carrots are extra sweet!
Thanks, Diane, very helpful!  When do you start your peas if you're doing peas-cukes-peas, for example?  Feb or so?

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Succession planting - favourites? Empty Re: Succession planting - favourites?

Post  DianeZone7OK 5/8/2022, 1:00 am

  When do you start your peas if you're doing peas-cukes-peas, for example?  Feb or so?
Peas, lettuce, and spinach all started about March 1st, summer crops around Memorial day, fall crops around Sept 1st.

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Succession planting - favourites? Empty Re: Succession planting - favourites?

Post  goodtogrow 5/8/2022, 1:34 am

Okay, thank you!

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Location : BC, Canada, zone 8a/8b

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