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Help!  Worms on my cabbage! Toplef10Help!  Worms on my cabbage! 1zd3ho10

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Help!  Worms on my cabbage! I22gcj10Help!  Worms on my cabbage! 14dhcg10

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Help! Worms on my cabbage!

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Help!  Worms on my cabbage! Empty Help! Worms on my cabbage!

Post  Sweetmama 5/20/2010, 11:44 am

Been gone for a couple of days...came back in tremendous storms. I went to check out the damage from the storms and hail and found a different kind of damage. Little green worms eating up my cabbage leaves. I picked off all I could find and squished them. Will they harm other crops? Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, etc.? Is there some way to prevent them? They are tiny little things and seem to align themselves with the veins on the leaves to hide out. Any ideas?


Female Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-04-26
Age : 66
Location : Chardon, OH

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Help!  Worms on my cabbage! Empty Re: Help! Worms on my cabbage!

Post  dmpower 5/20/2010, 11:53 am

I have only discovered one so far . . .
From http://www.aaes.auburn.edu/comm/pubs/highlightsonline/fall97/sprays.htm
The study demonstrated that application of garlic and other organic materials provided levels of worm control sufficient to protect cabbage and lettuce heads from insect attack.

One other success story was that a gardener picked a few worms and left them on the garden wall for the birds. The birds figured out where the real meal was coming from and finished the job.

good luck

Female Posts : 82
Join date : 2010-04-06
Location : 5b Bloomington Indiana

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Help!  Worms on my cabbage! Empty Re: Help! Worms on my cabbage!

Post  trustingHim 5/20/2010, 12:22 pm

I discovered this morning that the green caterpillars that have wreaked havok on my garden are cabbage loopers. They have white stripes along their bodies as they grow bigger. They not only ate my broccoli, but they have also completely destroyed my kale and have also done considerable damage to my peas. The birds seem to love them, but there are so many, I have to go out everyday to pick them by hand. They are really hard to see sometimes.
I have also found them on my tomato plants.

If you find another way to treat them, please let us know.

Posts : 49
Join date : 2010-03-12

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Help!  Worms on my cabbage! Empty Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki; also known as Bt

Post  junequilt 5/20/2010, 3:11 pm

Sounds like you need BT. You can buy it online. Google "BT caterpillar control" and see what pops up.

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Location : Columbia, SC (Zone 8)

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