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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Toplef10Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. 1zd3ho10

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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. I22gcj10Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. 14dhcg10


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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Toplef10Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. 1zd3ho10

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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. I22gcj10Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. 14dhcg10

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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants.

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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Empty Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants.

Post  floridagardengirl 5/17/2012, 9:17 am

A few weeks ago I noticed something was off with one of my pepper plants. The leaves turned yellow, started turning black at the edges, and then started falling off. It soon spread to the stem, and within a week, the entire plant was infected. I couldn't figure out what it was, but pulled it out of the bed because I didn't want the problem to spread.

Well today I go outside and all of my other pepper plants are dead. They apparently got the same thing, and I haven't noticed because it has been pouring for two days straight. By the time I got out there, they were unsalvagable.

Then I noticed my tomatoes. And my squash. And a strange mushroom like fungus growing beside each affected plant.

Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Weird_10

Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Lower_10

Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Squash19

Do you guys have any idea what is wrong with my plants? Any idea what the mushroom thing is and if I should pull it up?

I have no experience gardening, so I am depending on you for help. Please help me save them.

Female Posts : 20
Join date : 2012-04-06
Age : 35
Location : Southwest Florida(zone 10)

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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Empty Re: Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants.

Post  givvmistamps 5/17/2012, 9:40 pm

Do I see a lot of wood chips in your soil? That might be robbing the plants of the nutrients they need, though if you're only having problems with your peppers I'm not so certain of that. I also can't remember which nutrient is affected by wood chips still in the soil...

Hopefully my bumping this back to the top will get one of our more experienced gardeners onto the subject for you!

Female Posts : 862
Join date : 2012-04-01
Age : 53
Location : Lake City, (NE) FL; USDA Hardiness Zone 8b, AHS Heat Zone 9, Sunset Zone 28

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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Empty Re: Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants.

Post  jaclyn.conlogue 5/17/2012, 9:53 pm

Let me preface this by saying I am still learning too! This happened to me in the basement with my seedlings. At first i thought it was the seed starting mixture I pick up at WF, but it turned out I was way overwatering - the squash and tomatoes did the same thing. Also, judging by the growth of mushrooms in your squares, in addition to the fact that you mentioned it's been raining for two days, I'd say you are experiencing some over wet conditions in your squares. Hopefully someone else can chime in with either agreement or a better idea Smile

Also, have you checked out photos of early or septoria leaf blight? That's what it looks like your tomatoes might have...

Last edited by jaclyn.conlogue on 5/17/2012, 9:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : another idea for cause!)

Female Posts : 5
Join date : 2012-03-05
Age : 41
Location : Gordonsville, VA z7a

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Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants. Empty Re: Help! I have no idea what is killing my plants.

Post  floridagardengirl 5/18/2012, 6:57 am

Thanks for the input! I pruned away all of the infected parts in hopes that it would help the tomato plants. So far, so good. None of the actual fruit looks infected, so that is a plus.

I think that the rain definitely has something to do with it. I talked to my aunt, who used to own a farm and grew her own veggies for several years. She said that it was probably bacterial spot affecting the pepper, so I got rid of the infected plants pretty fast.

I am going to try and pick up some organic liquid fertilizer today, so hopefully that will help with any nutrient issues. Now I am just crossing my fingers and hoping that it doesn't rain today.

Female Posts : 20
Join date : 2012-04-06
Age : 35
Location : Southwest Florida(zone 10)

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