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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Toplef10Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 1zd3ho10

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Marc Iverson 4/18/2014, 4:53 pm

Now that would be a fun project!

I do wonder how one could protect one's rights to something like that without extensive analysis to determine that it is indeed unique.
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  brainchasm 4/18/2014, 5:37 pm

36 cloves of Red Inchelium (softneck, great for braiding) planted Jan 1, 2014 in the dark of a new moon. Smile
Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 13904862392_3d72895a99_b

In this pic, you can see my most common "volunteers"...tomato, and palm trees.  Evil or Very Mad 
Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 13928029073_fc568af974_b

The garlic seems to be doing well.  Nothing like that giant stuff you guys are getting, but I'm just happy I had 100% germination, all from two bulbs. Smile


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  southern gardener 4/18/2014, 6:25 pm

Plantoid, sounds good to save the cloves. Should be fun. I won't be selling any Smile I'm just happy to get some nice stuff! 
Brian, you garlic looks AWESOME!! nothing like the smell of fresh garlic Smile
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  llama momma 4/18/2014, 7:48 pm

southern gardener wrote:
llama momma wrote:...the more I look at it....it is corn, right ????
Nope!!! it's GARLIC!!!! can you believe it????

Wow that is freaking crazy big.  So impressive!  Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 3170584802

So can I have it ?
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  southern gardener 4/18/2014, 8:10 pm

llama momma wrote:
southern gardener wrote:
llama momma wrote:...the more I look at it....it is corn, right ????
Nope!!! it's GARLIC!!!! can you believe it????

Wow that is freaking crazy big.  So impressive!  Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 3170584802

So can I have it ?
sure!!  we'll trade for llama manure Wink  haha!!
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  llama momma 4/18/2014, 8:17 pm


  Seriously you should be able to find cheaper llama beans in CA.  Folks even sell it online.  As you know shipping costs would be bizarre from Ohio.
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  southern gardener 4/18/2014, 8:25 pm

llama momma wrote:jocolor 

  Seriously you should be able to find cheaper llama beans in CA.  Folks even sell it online.  As you know shipping costs would be bizarre from Ohio.
 LOL  I was joking. I have a neighbor up the street that supplies me with all the alpaca beans I want!! We also have an endless supply of pig manure , but it's not as "nice" as the llama/alpaca   What a Face  What a Face  What a Face
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  CapeCoddess 4/19/2014, 5:44 pm

I went out to the garden today and found that everything is doing well after tuesday/ wednesdays rain, sleet and snow. The garlic is looking great!Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Img_2054
I'm so happy! I love you 

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Turan 4/19/2014, 5:49 pm

I am also doing a happy dance. I went to see if it was at last warm enough to pull the 4" of barn-sweeping-mulch off the garlic I planted last fall and found it is poking up through looking good. I guess i will leave well enough alone then  Laughing 
I did pull it back where ever I noticed no one had poked through yet.  sunny 


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Goosegirl 4/19/2014, 7:52 pm

Since I missed planting in fall, I will be doing spring planting for a late harvest.  It is almost time to get some cloves in the ground!


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Pulled Some Garlic today

Post  southern gardener 4/28/2014, 12:23 am

We pulled some of our garlic today. LOVE the root growth on them. Still haven't pulled the ones out of the BTE garden yet, they're not quite done. Here's a couple of the nicer ones from today Smile These are Spanish Pink variety. You can see my hand in the picture, I have on a black glove, lol. But you can at least tell they're fairly nice sized Smile

Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Garlic11
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  southern gardener 4/28/2014, 12:26 am

southern gardener wrote:Found this garlic under that volunteer cauliflower!!  Look at the size of the neck!! (I guess that's what it's called?) Can't wait to pull this sucker!!

Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Garlic10
I went to a local community garden this weekend. There were some garlic that made mine look TINY! I wish the people would have been there to ask what kind it was, and what they were doing! They were at least 4 times bigger than this one! HUGE strawberries too! mmmmmmmmm!!
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  GWN 4/28/2014, 10:11 am

I am curious if anyone has any of their garlic from last year. and whether it is TOO much to expect it to last this long.
We harvested in early July last year and dried etc...
I still have a few but most are getting pretty rotten.

Just wondering how long to expect them to last.  ( I did not dry them as long as I should have last year)

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  camprn 4/28/2014, 10:18 am

My softnecks will carry me through to the next harvest but more cloves than not aren't rotting, but simply drying up, starting at about 9 months. Good for soups and stuff.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 WxBanner?bannertype=wu_clean2day_cond&airportcode=KEEN&ForcedCity=Keene&ForcedState=NH&zipcode=03431&language=EN

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  GWN 4/28/2014, 10:41 am

My softnecks will carry me through to the next harvest but more cloves than not aren't rotting, but simply drying up, starting at about 9 months. Good for soups and stuff.

Yes I guess that is what mine are doing as well.  I have so many garlic growing this year I am thinking that when I run out totally, I might just pull up a few early.
I think I have way more growing than I could ever use.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  camprn 4/28/2014, 11:02 am

GWN wrote:
My softnecks will carry me through to the next harvest but more cloves than not aren't rotting, but simply drying up, starting at about 9 months. Good for soups and stuff.

Yes I guess that is what mine are doing as well.  I have so many garlic growing this year I am thinking that when I run out totally, I might just pull up a few early.
I think I have way more growing than I could ever use.

Well, that's good because you won't run out and if you have left over, dehydrate and use for soups or slow cooker recipes. win/win. Very Happy 


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 WxBanner?bannertype=wu_clean2day_cond&airportcode=KEEN&ForcedCity=Keene&ForcedState=NH&zipcode=03431&language=EN

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Turan 4/28/2014, 11:38 am

GWN, I still have garlic in good shape in a basket in the kitchen. These are hard necks (Bavarian purple and purple galzier). I do not recall being terribly careful about drying and any ways they have been drying on the counter ever since. I am finding more of them starting to dry out or wanting to sprout. I need to peel them all and chop them and freeze in sheets or ice cube trays for easy use.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Can you freeze garlic?

Post  Nonna.PapaVino 4/28/2014, 12:43 pm

Anyone who has tried this, what do you think about freezing garlic?  My mom did it one year, separating the cloves, putting them in freezer bags with air squeezed out, and says it works.  I've not tried it, though. 
Found this on the 'net (http://whatscookingamerica.net/Q-A/Garlic.htm ) Note from Nonna: I'd be very, very careful in covering cloves in oil and freezing because of possibility of botulism, not in the freezer, but at room temperature before and after freezing--thaw and use immediately, discarding oil.   

"Can you freeze garlic like you can onion and if so, how do I prepare it for the freezer?  

Fresh garlic can be frozen in several forms:

You can freeze whole, unpeeled heads and remove cloves as you need them.

You can wrap chopped or crushed garlic tightly in plastic wrap and freeze, then grate or break off what you need.

Or you can peel whole cloves of garlic and purée them in a blender or mini food processor, using 2 parts oil to 1 part garlic, and freeze.

Finally, fresh peeled garlic cloves can be covered with oil and stored in the freezer.

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Turan 4/28/2014, 12:59 pm

Nonna, I have had good luck chopping and freezing garlic. I usually add oil, I think it helps hold the aromatics. In the past I froze it in sheets and then put in a bag in the freezer. Because it is in a thin sheet it melts fast when you stir into your food.
Botulism is a problem with jars of garlic in oil kept in the refrigerator or worse yet the counter where you take a spoonful out as needed, thus introducing stuff each time you open the jar. Discarding the oil is not going to help if there is a botulism problem. The spores would be growing in the garlic, not the oil. The oil would be just creating the airless circumstance.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  donnainzone5 4/28/2014, 1:04 pm

The two squares of garlic I planted in late October, hardnecks, are thriving--especially the ones I grew myself last year.

And I ran out in January.  

Question:  Is it possible to grow softneck garlic successfully in my climate?

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Nonna.PapaVino 4/28/2014, 1:11 pm

Good point, Turan, I should have added: cook cloves immediately (heat kills botulism), and don't keep the oil.  Nonna

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  llama momma 4/28/2014, 5:39 pm

GWN wrote:I am curious if anyone has any of their garlic from last year. and whether it is TOO much to expect it to last this long.
We harvested in early July last year and dried etc...
I still have a few but most are getting pretty rotten.

Just wondering how long to expect them to last.  ( I did not dry them as long as I should have last year)

I used the last fresh garlic recently.  I still have about 8 oz. of a frozen garlic butter log. It was made from unsalted butter, and the rest was from last years garden that it is, garlic, chives, basil, and parsley.  It makes a fantastic grill cheese sandwich and great on Italian bread, and I add chunks melted in spaghetti sauce.  I use very lean chop meat in my sauce so this adds back some nice flavorings.  You can add or delete ingredients of course, this year I want to make it the same but add fresh grated parmesan cheese.  I think the stuff is gold. I'm glad the kids are adults and moved out --  Twisted Evil More for Rick and myself!
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  plantoid 4/28/2014, 7:04 pm

GWN wrote:I am curious if anyone has any of their garlic from last year. and whether it is TOO much to expect it to last this long.
We harvested in early July last year and dried etc...
I still have a few but most are getting pretty rotten.

Just wondering how long to expect them to last.  ( I did not dry them as long as I should have last year)

 Still using our plaits of hard necks stored in an unheated well insulated building away from direct sunlight  .....about  four pounds to go.  

After drying on a flat wire frame for three weeks in airy  shade   I carefully snicked out the hard stem leaving a 3/4 inch long neck with some decent crossbill secateurs and used the rest as the plait material ..one or two are showing a tiny green shoot .

I might plant some more of the bigger ones for a later crop this year . As I have twenty or so 2nd year welsh grown originally French garlics  already well on the way for a June crop ..

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  martha 4/28/2014, 10:38 pm

Pure luck, no skill, I apparently kept mine in perfect storage conditions. Still have some. Very, very sadly, I'm just now planting from what's left. I missed in the fall. There was a short window of opportunity between hard frost and snow cover that never went away. And time has evaporated this spring. It stinks that the most important times for gardening are when we are busiest at the restaurant, but I'd be a fool to complain about being too busy!

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 17 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  JustMe 4/28/2014, 11:25 pm

All 18 plants are growing. I'm not sure if I planted them wonky, because they aren't in the grids (plastic coated wire through eye hooks) now. This is my first time planting garlic so I'm pretty excited. Someone recently asked me what I'm going to do with 18 heads of garlic, which is a lot. I hope I can dry them and use them.

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