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And so it begins....

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Your SFG boxes...

Post  jenjehle 4/10/2010, 11:35 pm

They look great! Love the added design. They really are very attractive. Great job!

Can't wait to see some pics in a month or two when the soil is full of green!

Have fun!

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Bench is done

Post  willf650 4/11/2010, 4:21 pm

Well here's the final product:

And so it begins.... - Page 2 833677206_NfkcR-M

This bench weighs a ton.

And here's a view from the side through some temporary fencing to keep the dogs out.
And so it begins.... - Page 2 833676745_RjzYa-M

I need to come up with some thing to enclose these beds but it will have to wait for now. My girlfreind planted strawberries and the dogs grabbed them and pulled them all out. We needed an imediate solution to keep the dogs out. If I was to do this over again these beds would be about 30" above the ground on angle iron frames. If I get my chores done over the summer and this garden goes well I will make frames and get these things off the ground this winter.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  Daylily13 4/11/2010, 7:31 pm

Beautiful work!

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  Crystalheart 4/12/2010, 11:34 pm

I feel the same as you about getting the beds raised. That getting down on the ground business if for the birds and squirrels! Your boxes and potting bench are really nice! Once you see them filled with growing plants it will be worth all the effort you've put into them.

Happy Gardening!

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Silly question?

Post  jenjehle 4/13/2010, 12:45 am

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what exactly is a "potting bench"? I can't say I've ever heard of one. Everyone else seems to know what this is, but I don't. It's very nice just not sure what it's for exactly.

Thanks for enlightening me And so it begins.... - Page 2 Icon_redface I feel a little silly asking but I appreciate the "education".

Your beds look great btw! Love the fence, really. I would love to have a good sense of security like that but my husband doesn't want anything else to mow around And so it begins.... - Page 2 Icon_lol So for now, I just have bird netting draped over all 3 of my SFG beds.

Take care!

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  willf650 4/13/2010, 5:48 am


A Potting bench or gardening table is a kind of workbench used for small gardening tasks such as transplanting seedlings. A basic potting bench has a work surface at bench height, comfortable for a standing person; and storage for potting soil, pots, and tools. The same furniture is often also used to display potted plants, even indoors.

This particular one has a upper shelf for holding potted plants.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  boffer 4/13/2010, 9:54 am

willf650 wrote: If I was to do this over again these beds would be about 30" above the ground on angle iron frames.

Hooray cheers another convert! cheers

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  quiltbea 4/13/2010, 11:02 am

A potting bench is the place where you pot up your plants from smaller to larger pots.

I love the bench. Wish I had one. My back could use it.

I have a suggestion: Make a hole about 5-6" circular at one end of it. I saw this on a garden show and its so practical.

You can put your open bag of potting soil underneath and when you are finished potting, just brush the excess soil back into the bag thru the hole. Very easy cleanup.

Great job with the potting bench.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty where did you get that fence

Post  brickhouse145 4/13/2010, 1:14 pm

willf650 wrote:Well here's the final product:

And so it begins.... - Page 2 833677206_NfkcR-M

This bench weighs a ton.

And here's a view from the side through some temporary fencing to keep the dogs out.
And so it begins.... - Page 2 833676745_RjzYa-M

I need to come up with some thing to enclose these beds but it will have to wait for now. My girlfreind planted strawberries and the dogs grabbed them and pulled them all out. We needed an imediate solution to keep the dogs out. If I was to do this over again these beds would be about 30" above the ground on angle iron frames. If I get my chores done over the summer and this garden goes well I will make frames and get these things off the ground this winter.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty fence

Post  vfclead 4/13/2010, 1:31 pm

We bought it at Lowes in the garden section. It's plastic, comes in a roll of 50 feet and was in the section with wire mesh (in our store it's in the back of the outdoor section near the back wall). The poles are garden posts and come in a variety of heights.

a.k.a. Jennifer
a.k.a. willf650's girlfriend

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty nice work

Post  tfra 4/13/2010, 6:56 pm

Nice work on the boxes! I like the "sill" around the perimeter. Good for sitting or leaning. Sorry the dogs ate you strawberries! The potters bench looks beautiful too.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Beautiful Job

Post  ander217 4/13/2010, 7:27 pm

Beautiful job. Well done!

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty The growing begins

Post  vfclead 4/25/2010, 4:09 pm

I left town on Thursday for a convention and was suprised and excited to see how much progress was made over 4 days. On top of that our tomato plants (7 varieties) arrived from Burpee while I was gone, so I transplanted them into their spaces as soon as I got home Sunday.

I'm a little confused on cutting off shoots on tomato plans -- should I be cutting off all shoots and leaving just the center stem or leave the strongest stem even if it's not in the center?

Front left = lettuce, other three = tomato

And so it begins.... - Page 2 847360228_xsMyb-M

3 squares of Tomatos & 1 of Strawberry
And so it begins.... - Page 2 847360577_troMx-M

close up of the lettuce -- which leads to question 2 - it was impossible to put just one seed in the space - should I pull all but one seedling or wait until they get a bit bigger to decide which are the weakest and pull those?
And so it begins.... - Page 2 847359447_K5hd7-M

more strawberries
And so it begins.... - Page 2 847359873_qBDRj-M

Broccoli at the top, pole bean in the center of the bottom left square with red bi-color sweet corn in the bottom left and upper right corners
And so it begins.... - Page 2 847357395_TmfC6-M

more pole beans and corn
And so it begins.... - Page 2 847358260_NwrMJ-M

Broccoli plants -they are getting huge - wonder when we'll see the head growing?

And so it begins.... - Page 2 847358972_KTpvB-M

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  new2this 4/26/2010, 8:08 am

Jennifer, everything is looking great!

I too am interested in the answer to your question on thinning lettuce.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Thinning lettuce

Post  jenjehle 4/26/2010, 10:26 am

I wonder about lettuce too. Personally, I never thin lettuce. I just let it grow and bush out. I may not be able to do that with some of my varieties I did this year though.

I just plan on letting my grow for now, but I'm interested to see what others say about thinning it.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  Lavender Debs 4/26/2010, 10:40 am

I'm with you Jen. I don't take mine to market so I do not need pretty heads. As it grows I cut out small heads (bundles?) to use in salad. Sort of a thin as you dine plan (salad, not me)
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  vfclead 5/9/2010, 10:27 am

We finally got the trellis built and installed. It's not as straight as I'd like, but I'm sure it'll do just fine.

And so it begins.... - Page 2 861385542_Ymf4y-M

Box2, now with trellis and strong growth of the tomatos, strawberries, sunflowers & romaine lettuce.
And so it begins.... - Page 2 861385758_YJ9HF-M

Box 2 - Peas, corn, sweet red pepper & brocolli. I used bamboo poles and twist ties to teepee the beans. The brocolli is our #1 grower so far - wonder when we'll start to see the heads developing?
And so it begins.... - Page 2 861385373_SsaRk-M

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  quiltbea 5/9/2010, 12:37 pm

Lookin' good!

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Finally! Our first harvested item!

Post  vfclead 6/2/2010, 5:35 pm

After weeks and weeks of patiently watering and waiting, I was finally able to harvest my first veggie. I introduce to you --- BROCCOLI #1.

And so it begins.... - Page 2 Icon_cheers And so it begins.... - Page 2 Icon_cheers And so it begins.... - Page 2 Icon_cheers

And so it begins.... - Page 2 887791958_xyiU5-M

#2 and 3 are about 2 weeks behind this sucker in growth and #4 has nary a head on it's massive stalk & leaf growth. No clue why, they were all planted the same day from the same set of transplants bought at the same store. Who knows. All I care about is I can now officially say "I have inherited my mother's Green Thumb!!"

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  Wyldflower 6/2/2010, 5:47 pm

And so it begins.... - Page 2 53366 And so it begins.... - Page 2 582897 And so it begins.... - Page 2 211713

Time to CELEBRATE!!!
Happy BroccoliDay!

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  quiltbea 6/2/2010, 6:10 pm

vfclead...Good for you having your first crop.
Be happy they are growing at different rates. That spreads your harvest out a bit.

It happened to me with my cauliflower store-boughts last year. Same cell-pack but each one grew at a different rate so we enjoyed cauliflower over a longer period.
I'll bet it tastes delicious.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Broccoli

Post  ander217 6/2/2010, 9:17 pm

I'm doing the broccoli dance for you. Woo hoo! And so it begins.... - Page 2 Icon_bounce

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  vfclead 6/3/2010, 7:14 am

What's funny is I planted the broccoli for my boyfriend (broccoli & beans for him, strawberries & tomatos for me, corn & romaine lettuce & sweet red pepper for us both). I'm not a big veggie eater, especially the green stuff! It would figure that the first thing ready to pick wouldn't be for the person doing all the "care giving" in this garden. LOL

You'd think I'd have grown out of that childhood dislike by now. Oh well....

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Phase III

Post  willf650 5/8/2011, 7:23 pm

Last year I swore that I would raise these beds off the ground if I ever did this again. Well since we haven't planted anything yet nows the time. I'm making some stands out of steel to keep my dogs out of them and allow me to mow and trim around them easily. Last year we didn't take into account the dogs playing in the gardens like they did. Apparantly the smeel of compost attracts them. We wound up having to put an ugly fence around the gardens to keep the dogs out. Made mowing around the beds impossible and working in them a pain.

Here's the first of two with two coats of hammered brown paint.
And so it begins.... - Page 2 100_0832-L

Since they are made of steel and not wood it will give me plenty of room to get the mower and trimmer under them.
And so it begins.... - Page 2 100_0833-L

I'll make the second one this wee and raise the first bed this weekend.

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And so it begins.... - Page 2 Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post  quiltbea 5/8/2011, 9:30 pm

The base of your beds looks terrific. It should last forever besides being sturdy enough to hold any raised bed you choose.
Good luck and enjoy this year's garden experience.

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