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North Texas Newbie Toplef10North Texas Newbie 1zd3ho10

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North Texas Newbie I22gcj10North Texas Newbie 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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North Texas Newbie Toplef10North Texas Newbie 1zd3ho10

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North Texas Newbie I22gcj10North Texas Newbie 14dhcg10

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North Texas Newbie

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North Texas Newbie Empty North Texas Newbie

Post  newbieplanter 3/27/2010, 11:56 pm

Hi Everyone, I am new to garden and I am very excited to start. Just brought a house so I'm also in the process of growing some grass in our backyard. I've already started sowing my seeds in a burped cell system and getting results fast. I'm very excited and hope I get good results for my first year.

Posts : 14
Join date : 2010-03-27

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North Texas Newbie Empty Howdy!

Post  SirTravers 3/28/2010, 12:01 am

Howdy and welcome. Where in north Texas are y'all at? Hope we didn't send you too much wind from over here in New Mexico yesterday. Come on to the south plains area and say hi too. I think between Mel and the gang here and Neil Sperry on the radio every Saturday we've got some really good resources to help us out.

Male Posts : 327
Join date : 2010-03-01
Age : 51
Location : Hobbs New MExico, Zone 7A/7B

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North Texas Newbie Empty Re: North Texas Newbie

Post  newbieplanter 3/28/2010, 12:07 am

I'm the ft worth area and yes the winds were so heavy today! I couldn't mix the soil in my boxes because of the wind being so strong. Did I start sowing my plants to late? Since I know the hot weather is just around the corner

Posts : 14
Join date : 2010-03-27

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North Texas Newbie Empty Zone 8 plants

Post  SirTravers 3/28/2010, 12:18 am

Well since DFW is zone 8 I guess it depends on what you're planting. I know your mornings are still cool and damp, but you're past your frost date by a week now. You're kinda midseason on cold weather veggies there and early for the warm weather stuff. Tim Wardell is in your area and he's got a really good SFG going at his place. He'll know better about what's good to plant over there right now.

Male Posts : 327
Join date : 2010-03-01
Age : 51
Location : Hobbs New MExico, Zone 7A/7B

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North Texas Newbie Empty Re: North Texas Newbie

Post  timwardell 3/28/2010, 9:03 pm

Thanks for the referral SirTravers, your 10% commission is in the mail. Very Happy Hello newbieplanter and welcome to SFG and the Forum. If you're in Ft. Worth you're in the Lower South region, possibly zones 7/8 depending where exactly you are. I know there are some other FW SFGers on here. Hopefully they'll chime in. As for sowing your plants too late, it depends on what you're sowing. If they're cool weather crops like spinach, lettuce, or broccoli, then yes, you are pushing it a bit. If it's anything else you're right on schedule as April 1 is when most of the warm weather crops (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumber, squash, melons, etc.) can safely be planted. (Though my grandfather was reluctant to put anything in the ground until Easter.)
Please post some pics once you get your SFG up and going.
Best of luck.

Certified SFG Instructor

Male Posts : 778
Join date : 2010-03-02
Location : Lindale, Texas


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