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is it to late to start beets? Toplef10is it to late to start beets? 1zd3ho10

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is it to late to start beets? I22gcj10is it to late to start beets? 14dhcg10


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is it to late to start beets? Toplef10is it to late to start beets? 1zd3ho10

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is it to late to start beets? I22gcj10is it to late to start beets? 14dhcg10

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is it to late to start beets?

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is it to late to start beets? Empty is it to late to start beets?

Post  FamilyGardening 6/5/2011, 12:00 am

is it to late to start beets in the PNW?

i decided i want to try to grow some and have the seeds for them....but it say's to grow them in cooler weather....well....i think we always have cooler weather ....LOL....just not sure if it will stay cool enogh for beets Very Happy what do you think?

rose....who ate her first radish from the garden today! Very Happy it was sweet, hot and didnt taste like dirt Shocked

Female Posts : 2422
Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Western WA

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is it to late to start beets? Empty Re: is it to late to start beets?

Post  westie42 6/5/2011, 12:34 am

Thats a good question for Boffer in your locality. Almost everywhere you could do a fall crop. I do several plantings in spring and more for fall then cover them with plastic sheeting at freeze up time and harvest tops and beets till Christmas time. They can store well in a pail in a dark corner of my basement most winter long. I like that because among other ideas I make a slightly fermented health tonic called beet kvass. Think about calling your local extension office for advice.

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Age : 82
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is it to late to start beets? Empty Re: is it to late to start beets?

Post  boffer 6/5/2011, 2:10 am

I planted two squares today. Will they produce? Only time will tell!

I plant 20-25 squares a year; the plantings are a few squares at a time spread out over a couple months. I think it's still safe to plant, unless your uncle's twitchy knee says we're going to have a summer long heat wave and drought! Wink

Male Posts : 7370
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Age : 71
Location : yelm, wa, usa


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is it to late to start beets? Empty Re: is it to late to start beets?

Post  FamilyGardening 6/5/2011, 3:09 am

well my knees do hurt today....LOL...and im no uncle.... Laughing

good to hear i can give them a go Very Happy

rose.....who hurts from head to toe from working in the garden all day Very Happy
I wouldnt have it any other way!

Female Posts : 2422
Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Western WA

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is it to late to start beets? Empty Re: is it to late to start beets?

Post  Goosegirl 6/5/2011, 8:36 am

FamilyGardening wrote:is it to late to start beets in the PNW?

i decided i want to try to grow some and have the seeds for them....but it say's to grow them in cooler weather....well....i think we always have cooler weather ....LOL....just not sure if it will stay cool enogh for beets Very Happy what do you think?

rose....who ate her first radish from the garden today! Very Happy it was sweet, hot and didnt taste like dirt Shocked

We can give beets a try together! I am in NC Midwest and it has been cool, cool, cool, so I decided to plant some beet seeds last weekend. 2 days ago it was 89*.....we skipped spring.....

Female Posts : 3424
Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 59
Location : Zone 4A - NE SD

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