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Pepper plant, what is going on with it? Toplef10Pepper plant, what is going on with it? 1zd3ho10

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Pepper plant, what is going on with it? I22gcj10Pepper plant, what is going on with it? 14dhcg10


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Pepper plant, what is going on with it? Toplef10Pepper plant, what is going on with it? 1zd3ho10

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Pepper plant, what is going on with it? I22gcj10Pepper plant, what is going on with it? 14dhcg10

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Pepper plant, what is going on with it?

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Pepper plant, what is going on with it? Empty Pepper plant, what is going on with it?

Post  scmelik 5/17/2011, 11:06 am

I have a pepper plant that somehow has yet to die (it a gift from god I think) but it does something every day that I can't quite figure out its really kind of weird. Right now I have it planted in a styrafoam cup with MM in my house. During the day I put it in the window sill to get some sun and at night I put it in front of the heater because our temps just aren't that high yet and I know that it needs some heat.

Anyways, during the day when its in the window sill the little seedling leaves will go straight up and come together, during the night when its in front of the heater the leaves will go back down. The color still looks great and its not showing signs of anything being wrong other than the fact that its not getting any bigger and the whole leaf thing.

Anyone ever seen this before? Whats it doing?

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Pepper plant, what is going on with it? Empty Re: Pepper plant, what is going on with it?

Post  quiltbea 5/17/2011, 11:18 am

It sounds like its reaching for every scrap of sunlight it can get, hence the upright leaves. Then when its not, its relaxing again.
I think you need a growlight of some kind, even the lightbulbs you can get for table lamps that are daylight bulbs.

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Pepper plant, what is going on with it? Empty Re: Pepper plant, what is going on with it?

Post  scmelik 5/17/2011, 11:21 am

quiltbea wrote:It sounds like its reaching for every scrap of sunlight it can get, hence the upright leaves. Then when its not, its relaxing again.
I think you need a growlight of some kind, even the lightbulbs you can get for table lamps that are daylight bulbs.

Its getting pretty good sunlight in that window sill but the window frame does block it a bit, but its too windy during the spring in SD to open up the window. I tried that before and my plants ended up getting broken because of the strong wind.

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