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Oh no....Aphids?

Lavender Debs
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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Oh no....Aphids?

Post  beagle love 3/20/2010, 12:31 pm

Oh no!! I woke up this morning to find little tinny green bugs on my sweet pepper plants!! There is also small black ants crawling around under them. I found an image that looks like the bugs and it said they were aphids. This is my first garden so not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I only found the bugs on the pepper plants, do they spread to the other plants, other boxes??
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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  camprn 3/20/2010, 12:50 pm

here are some answers to your question. http://organicgardens.suite101.com/article.cfm/kill_aphids_in_the_organic_garden

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  Daynannan 3/20/2010, 2:57 pm

I have no experience with aphids but this what my only gardening book (besides SFG), Carrots Love Tomatoes recommends. Pyrethurm, wood ash at the base (it said this in the pea section, so I don't know if it works for peppers), smoking them with oak leaf smoke, and companion planting with stinging nettles.

Good luck...let us know how it turns out.

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Aphid control

Post  Cross_stitcher 3/20/2010, 3:46 pm

I have had good results by spraying with soapy water. I don't know if it's the slippery footing or ingestion of the soap, but most are gone a few days later.

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  Lavender Debs 3/20/2010, 3:59 pm

I just get a good squirt gun (super soaker style if the plants are big enough) and give them a blast. Mostly gone. Don’t get squeamish but you can also flick and pinch them off (c'mon your hands wash)

The real problem is the ants. Did you know that the ants "farm the aphids? They do something called milking them. Control the ants and you can control the aphids.

Deborah ....it is beautiful out, I was only coming in for a moment
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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  beagle love 3/20/2010, 4:10 pm

I picked them off. I think I caught it early because most were still eggs/larva (what ever they are). Do aphids have wings? I saw some that looked like aphids but with wings. I will try the soapy water, just in case. My papers have blooms and peppers do you think the soapy water will harm the blooms?
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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  choksaw 3/20/2010, 4:37 pm

insecticidal soap works well i myself prefer Neem oil its organic and so far for me has taken care of just about every bug ive come across (except roachs lol) and if you can get some lady bugs and praying mantis to call your garden home that would be even better cause they love to feast on aphids and such.

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty soap water to kill roaches

Post  dstack 11/13/2013, 4:22 pm

choksaw wrote:insecticidal soap works well i myself prefer Neem oil its organic and so far for me has taken care of just about every bug ive come across (except roachs lol) and if you can get some lady bugs and praying mantis to call your garden home that would be even better cause they love to feast on aphids and such.
I know this is an old thread. I just came across this. Did you know you can kill roaches with dish soap water? I read about it and gave it a shot with Dawn diluted in a spray bottle. Some may not die right away, because it depends mostly on the strength of the mixture. As I turn my compost I keep a bottle handy for the roaches.

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  sanderson 11/13/2013, 4:38 pm

Dstack,  How is your garden doing?  Post photos!!Very Happy

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  dstack 11/13/2013, 8:41 pm

Thanks for asking Sanderson. I can give more details when I have more time. Basically, most of everything is coming along slowly but surely. I have a challenge with my cukes and zucchini. I'll try to get some picks and more detail tomorrow.


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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Cukes

Post  dstack 11/15/2013, 6:53 pm

sanderson wrote:Dstack,  How is your garden doing?  Post photos!!Very Happy
Sanderson, most everything is doing fine, although it's all growing slower than I'd like. My biggest challenge are the cukes.  I've been searching with no luck on this forum hoping to find someone that has, or had, the same problem I'm having with either my cukes or zukes. 

My cuke vines haven't produced anything and decided I may need to do some hand pollinating like I do with the squash and zukes. My cuke vines all of a sudden died way back. One day last week I found that one vine from about a fourth of the vine to the terminal bud hung totally limp as if it had been cut. But no, it was still attached, although I've cut it off and thrown it away in case it was diseased. Then the next day I'd come out and another vine or two would be hanging limp from the youngest third (or fifth, or tenth...) of the vine.  It's always one decisive point just beyond a particular node in a vine that life has shutdown. Every one of the vines have died back significantly, and don't know if this is a disease, or just stress from not getting something it needs. 

Yes, the vines have been under stress from spraying it a lot for the aphids. And I've sprayed my cuke leaves so much (never during peak sunlight) for bugs that the leaves show the stress. I've lightened up on the spraying, but I'm about to rip the vines out and start fresh. I have planted replacement seeds on my seedling bench away from the boxes just in case. 

Oh no....Aphids? Dead_c10

I've also planted backup seeds for the zukes...

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Zukes

Post  dstack 11/15/2013, 6:56 pm

Oh no....Aphids? Zucchi11

I harvested 4 beautiful and delicious zukes before their production shut down suddenly. I'm hoping they're just taking a break, but fear they're diseased.  All of the flowers die before they open, and the female flowers look deformed. In this pic you see it's bending downward and bumps are developing. I also noticed mildew or fungus growing on some of the old leaves which I quickly discarded. The new growth is a healthy dark green, but some of the leaves are mis-shaped. 

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  camprn 11/15/2013, 7:11 pm

You cukes look like they need to be fed. And gad zukes. What are you spraying? Most older zucchini foliage will get a silver sheen, that is perfectly normal.



43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Cukes

Post  dstack 11/15/2013, 7:39 pm

I've been on a rotation of spays using soap water, neem oil, H202, rubbing alcohol (70%, and then rinse with water after 20-30 minutes).

And the zuke thing isn't just a silver sheen, these are very defined mildew spots.

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty More...

Post  dstack 11/15/2013, 7:39 pm

I'll post more pics and updates on one of my threads under "Show us yours."  Wink

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  camprn 11/15/2013, 8:33 pm

dstack wrote:I've been on a rotation of spays using soap water, neem oil, H202, rubbing alcohol (70%, and then rinse with water after 20-30 minutes).

Maybe your Mel's mix is now polluted. Just a thought.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  Rambo 11/16/2013, 12:51 am

My cukes look exactly like yours, leaves yellowing, curling up and dying. The new growth is dark green, but not for long as powdery mildew sets in. I've had zero females, only male flowers. However after the first 4 ft of growth died off on 8 of the separate vines, I now have more females than males so I'm hand pollinating like crazy and most of the females are now growing fruit even though the mildew is still there. 

Maybe give it some more time like I did and plant will change modes.

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  keepercjr 11/16/2013, 6:23 pm

I think it you have a mosaic virus.  I had it in my garden this year for the first time ever and I didn't know what it was until it destroyed all my cucumbers and winter squash plants.  It started in a zucchini which I left in the ground because I didn't know any better.  After it got it, all the new growth was deformed (leaves were spindley and no female flowers ever opened again).  The new growth never took on a mottled look but everything else lined up exactly.  Eventually it spread to my cukes and then squash.  Aphids can be carriers of the virus and so can we (humans).  I'm certain I helped spread it by using the same pruner on each plant when I was cutting off some old leaves with spider mites on them.  

Once you get a plant infected with a mosaic virus nothing can help.  You have to pull it and throw it away in the garbage.  I also read that it appears more often on later plantings (which my squash plants were - they were second plantings).

edit: by carriers I mean we can spread it around via our equipment and hands. Not that it actually infects us.

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty potential good news

Post  dstack 11/19/2013, 8:21 pm

I intentionally bought some of the most disease resistant varieties of zuke and cuke seeds... 


The zukes look like they have a good chance of recovering. There's a lot of healthy new growth. The cukes, however, don't look any better. But at least...


My backup seedlings have germinated and starting to pop up. The plants that I've planted near the cukes and zukes for companion planting (tarragon, onions, and rosemary) are slowly maturing, so that's one thing that the second round has that the first round didn't have. Any thoughts?

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  camprn 11/19/2013, 8:28 pm

Resistant is good, but it is not synonymous with immune. I think control of the virus vectors is a priority. Good luck with the new plants.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  audrey.jeanne.roberts 11/19/2013, 8:44 pm

Thanks for the info on the mosaic virus - I realize that's what my fall planting spaghetti squash had. I new it looked strange but the plants continued to do fairly well and produced 3 mature squash each of large size. However, the plants were dying off early, now I know why.

Is there anything that should be done for future plantings where the virus was? Will it die off over the winter?

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Oh no....Aphids? Empty Re: Oh no....Aphids?

Post  camprn 11/19/2013, 9:07 pm

audrey.jeanne.roberts wrote:
Is there anything that should be done for future plantings where the virus was?  Will it die off over the winter?  
It depends upon what specific type of virus it is, some die with the plant others can be hosted in seed.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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