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New gardener in SC Midlands I22gcj10New gardener in SC Midlands 14dhcg10


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New gardener in SC Midlands Toplef10New gardener in SC Midlands 1zd3ho10

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New gardener in SC Midlands I22gcj10New gardener in SC Midlands 14dhcg10

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New gardener in SC Midlands

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New gardener in SC Midlands Empty New gardener in SC Midlands

Post  Ceezer 3/18/2010, 11:37 am

Hey, y'all!

I'm new to gardening but decided I would really like to give it a shot. I own a home outside of Sumter, SC and have just about a full acre of land. Unfortunately, it's all hill, so I figure a raised bed would be my best option. Some of the yard is contained within a chain-link fence up against the house and feels like wasted space (because of the fence, which was there when I bought the home), so I'll probably garden within that area to put it to use and also, hopefully, help deter some of these local rascals from getting to it. I'll probably build (at least) 2 raised beds; one for me and my vegetables, and one for my 9 year old daughter to plant whatever she wants.

Hopefully it's not too late... I'm going to try and get the boxes built and seeds planted this weekend.

Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-03-18

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New gardener in SC Midlands Empty Re: New gardener in SC Midlands

Post  Lavender Debs 3/18/2010, 11:57 am

It isn't too late (at least not in Washington State). Did you get the SFG book? It is so much more than a raised bed. Go to the library, although this is a bad time of year to get a gardening book from the library, and thumb through it. It gets your garden blood bubbling.

Deborah ....getting dirty in the other Washington.
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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New gardener in SC Midlands Empty Get the book!

Post  bjwinterton 3/18/2010, 3:51 pm

I love you SFG book, when I have a minute I find myself thumbing through it - even though I have already read it. My husband had caught the vision and has taken over my SGF and now he is out working on getting it all put together every chance he gets. Hey, I want my garden back from him -- anyone else struggling with their spouse taking over? New gardener in SC Midlands Icon_eek Anyway, the book is great. I bought it at Home Depot - picked it up by chance, have loaned it out once, have others requesting to borrow it and I'm now recommending that they go buy their own.

Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-03-15

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New gardener in SC Midlands Empty Re: New gardener in SC Midlands

Post  Ceezer 3/19/2010, 7:14 am

Thank you, ladies. I stopped on the way home last night and picked it up. Hopefully I can find time to get to it soon because I really want to get started before it starts getting too hot (it's already going to be in the high-70s today).

Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-03-18

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New gardener in SC Midlands Empty Hail Ceezer!

Post  WardinWake 3/19/2010, 7:40 am

Ceezer wrote:Thank you, ladies. I stopped on the way home last night and picked it up. Hopefully I can find time to get to it soon because I really want to get started before it starts getting too hot (it's already going to be in the high-70s today).

Howdy and glad you were able to get a copy of the book. You are not too late to plant summer crops. You can still plant your cool weather crops such as lettuce and harvest some before the heat causes the lettuce to bolt (go to seed). Even after bolting you can get some leaves from the lettuce. A good bit of advice that we received was to plant what you enjoy eating.

If you have any questions please ask. We are all varied in experience and experiences in gardening and life so everyone adds to our knowledge.

God Bless, Ward.

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