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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Toplef10How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? 1zd3ho10

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? I22gcj10How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? 14dhcg10


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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Toplef10How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? 1zd3ho10

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? I22gcj10How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? 14dhcg10

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  OahuSFG 7/1/2010, 7:51 pm

What kind of plants are doing well in your boxes here?

Anyone try Kabochas or Eggplant?

I have Pineapples, Kafir lime, Vanilla Orchid, Green Onions in Mel's mix but in pots.

All of them doing well.

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Re: How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  SFGHQSTAFF 7/1/2010, 11:58 pm

thanks for the update. love to hear that things are going well!

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Re: How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  punaluuSFG 7/2/2010, 4:32 am

I've had success with lots of different plants over the last three years. Love the mixed greens, kale, lettuce, chinese cabbage, daikon, turnips, kohlrabi, red beets, strawberries, sweet potatoes, etc. Eggplant has done well too.

Local plants? Would you consider tapioca local? Trying a few sandwiched between some new boxes, and they seem to be doing fine. See photo.

I've started taro in pots with Mel's mix, and then transplanted them.

Hey, who's up for trying an ulu tree in a 4-foot "cube" of Mel's mix? lol!

How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Tapioc11

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Re: How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  extremesoccermom 7/2/2010, 10:55 am

Actually I have been really disapointed in mine. The only things that even sprouted from seed were sweet peppers, carrots, spinach, lima beans, and some of my cilantro. They are growing but only the lima beans are doing well.

I also planted tomatoes which are considerable smaller than the same pack planted in my own soil. Corn is doing the same. The ones planted in the ground are taller than me now. Finally, my biggest success is some kind of melon/squash plant. The were growing in a pot of thyme I bought at one of the big box stores. I am not sure what they are but they are doing well. I will try to get new pictures this weekend.
On a side note I did pick 3 tomatoes from my self watering container this morning! How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Icon_biggrin

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Re: How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  OahuSFG 7/2/2010, 4:20 pm

Wow! What a beautiful set up PunaluuSFG! Thanks for the veggie list.

Taro in a SFG box sounds pretty interesting.

The Manoa lettuce, Roma tomatoes, Cillantro, Basil, Lima beans, Corn, and Snow Peas grown in my regular 4x4, were the best tasting vegetables I've had.

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty How are my local plants doing?

Post  Joan Larcom 7/4/2010, 7:30 pm

Collard and kale did well in the Mel's Mix I made with coir, perlite and compost before I took the training but the green onions are struggling and so are the kambocha and yellow squash. Any suggestions? I only have planted a 2x2 in the Mel's Mix I brought home with me after that. The lettuce did well and the beets look promising. The daikon look a little stunted which I expected in the shallow earth layer. The bush beans died from, I think, damping off.

I built a 2x5 box a few days ago and will do the planting today and tomorrow.
Joan Larcom

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Re: How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  JanC 7/8/2010, 2:03 am

Anyone have any luck with corn? I tried UH seeds (#9) and now that they're 1'-3' high, they're all turning yellow and wilting away. I have a certain amount of salt spray being pretty close to the beach and am wondering if that's the problem. I thought corn was easy to grow here.

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Re: How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  OahuSFG 7/8/2010, 4:54 pm

I have not had any luck with my squash plants (zuccinni and yellow). It would be great if someone out there can give some of their tips on growing these supposedly EASY veggies.

Do you think Daikon would benefit from a 6" tower like the carrots?

The corn I planted last year did not do well. I got 3 very delicious ears (using UH seeds). I think I planted it way too close together, (4 plants per square). I also tried Heirloom corn, 1 plant per square but that did not do well at all. Both corn plants were in an open bottom box.

The green onions from seeds, seem to grow very slowy, but it does state on the packet that it takes 120 days! The ones I replant after I use the tops, grow very quickly.

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Re: How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  JanC 7/8/2010, 6:09 pm

Around Hau'ula/Laie/Kahuku I don't know anyone that can grow zucchini.... but then they're growing it like crazy at Sunset School. Go figure.
I'm growing the corn one per square.... er... TRYING to grow the corn one per square. They grow it all over Kahuku so it's gotta be possible.
Is it sensitive to salt spray?

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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Re: How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing?

Post  paipiwa 8/24/2010, 3:07 am

Where does everyone get there items for Mel's Mix? I'm anxious to start, but not sure where to get everything.

Does anyone have an aquaponics system in their yard as well? Do SFG people meet up on Oahu?


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How are your "local" plants in Mel's mix doing? Empty Crop Production Services

Post  JanC 8/24/2010, 3:14 am

You can find everything at CPS in Pearl City. It's the only place I have found vermiculite. Ask specifically for the coarse or else they'll give you medium..... which will work but not as well I guess. It's close to Sam's Club in that industrial park.

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