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Have I learned nothing? Toplef10Have I learned nothing? 1zd3ho10

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Have I learned nothing?

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Have I learned nothing? Empty Have I learned nothing?

Post  Chopper 6/22/2010, 10:41 pm

Yesterday I planted some sweet potato slips. I had raised them myself from a supermarket sweet potato. Completely throwing out every single thing I had ever learned about transplanting I took them right from my bathroom windowsill in a glass of water and put them directly into the ground. When I went out later and they looked "stressed" I couldn't even believe I had done it. I apologized to and rewatered them and so far they are looking a tad bit happier, but DUH. LOL.

I was going to throw out the unused slips but decided I had better keep them in case they are needed. Some day I would like to learn something through some other method than by doing it wrong the first time. Have I learned nothing? Icon_smile

Female Posts : 2464
Join date : 2010-05-05
Age : 69
Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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Have I learned nothing? Empty What should you have done?

Post  SouthJerseySquareFoot 6/23/2010, 3:17 am

I have a couple of glasses going myself and was getting ready to do the same thing.

How should they be moved from glass of water to the garden?

I have two halves of the same blue potato which have set shoots from each eye with quite a few roots each. I just noticed now that there are actually shoots growing directly from some of the (1/8" diameter max) white roots where they have been exposed to air. Pretty cool really.

The blue potato was from a bag of "rainbow potatoes" I got at ShopRite. Had never seen a blue potato before. The strange part is when you cut into one for the first time because not only is the skin blue but so is the meat of the potato. They were very good, all the potatoes in that rainbow (red, yellow, blue) bag were good!

I had planned on cutting the two halves into 4 of 5 pieces making sure they each have a nice shoot and enough roots and just plant'n those suckers. I thought read that somewhere but I might have forgotten something...please enlighten this gardenoob. study

It might be important to note I'm growing in 12" x 12" x 12" square white containers. I could stack if a tower is the way to go and I understand you might not have any idea what containers could do to the equation, don't worry about it. This is my first go at SFG and I'm a let's do it and see what happens kind of guy.

I also have a sweet potato who asked to be planted so...Somehow this SP got out of the bin it was in and under some receipts on the counter and it's got about an 8 inch shoot now. Crazy thing is this SP was sealed in a heat shrink clear plastic wrap, again from shoprite, and this shoot either lined up perfectly with a small hole in the seam of the plastic or it actually fought it's way through the plastic and is this really healthy looking 8"er. Either way I think it deserves a pot in my container garden. I have 24 of these almost 1 cubic foot pots that are as close to perfect for SFG that I was able to find I might as well use em.

Anything specific to sweet potato transplant?

Thanks heaps for any help

Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-06-22
Location : Zone 7a

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Have I learned nothing? Empty Re: Have I learned nothing?

Post  Chopper 6/23/2010, 4:27 am

From what I understand, and I am obviously not an expert, one should acclimate a sprout that was started indoors by bringing it outside slowly. Starting during the day and then after it adjusts, leaving it overnight. Then plant.

Going from cushy bathroom windowsill to the hard, tough outside is a bit of a shocker.

Female Posts : 2464
Join date : 2010-05-05
Age : 69
Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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Have I learned nothing? Empty Thanks!

Post  SouthJerseySquareFoot 6/23/2010, 4:50 am

Ok, thank you.

That will be easy enough for me to do with pots.

I'm on a 1/4 acre postage stamp and gardening sun is now at a premium because of trees. Being able to move as much of the garden as I can is part of my plan.

Today for instance my squash was wilting a bit in the heat so I moved it to shade and gave it a cup of water. When I checked it a couple hours later it was looking great and ready for some sun again.

Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-06-22
Location : Zone 7a

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