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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Toplef10Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. 1zd3ho10

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. I22gcj10Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. 14dhcg10


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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Toplef10Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. 1zd3ho10

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. I22gcj10Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. 14dhcg10

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  Guest 5/25/2010, 1:35 pm


I am helping my friends with applying the SFG principles to their yard in time for their wedding.

The wedding is August 8th, 2010. This coming Sunday, May 30th is when we begin building and planting. We have a question please:

They are mostly into edibles (not so much flowers, but a few flowers would be nice for color). My friends want some viney edibles to grow up along the 6 foot fence, and we are wondering what viney edibles will grow fast enough to be a few feet high by August 8th?

In general, what grows fast, so we can have more growth in this short time frame?

Thank you so much!


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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Re: Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  camprn 5/25/2010, 1:42 pm

Please supply your location.

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Wedding is in Fresno, California.

Post  Guest 5/25/2010, 2:12 pm

Fresno, CA

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty vines

Post  Squat_Johnson 5/25/2010, 2:36 pm

Cucumbers and pole beans would be good ones. They should be more than a couple feet (maturity is like 55-65 days). If you check your local plant stores they might have some starts for cucumbers.

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Re: Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  Chopper 5/25/2010, 2:49 pm

Any melon would be at least that high by then. Pole beans and cukes as stated. Vining tomatoes. June through August would see any plant in Fresno - or almost anywhere in the US go from baby to pickable in that time barring catastrophe.

Female Posts : 2464
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Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Thank you CampRN, Blue, and Chopper!

Post  Guest 5/25/2010, 2:56 pm

Thank you CampRN, Blue, and Chopper!!!!!

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Re: Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  timwardell 5/25/2010, 3:10 pm

Nasturtiums - they are colorful, edible (flowers and leaves), and there are varieties that grow 6-8' tall.

Here's one (and I'm sure you could find others - most Lowes & Home Depot carry both vine and bush varieties).

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Re: Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  Ha-v-v 5/25/2010, 3:23 pm

Scarlet runner beans have a lovely red flower and are edible Smile Im growing them because I like red Smile and in good soil they seem to take off, as opposed to last year and my sad soil Smile I found my scarlet runner beans I believe at walmart.
I have found it cheaper on amazon 55 seeds for 2 something. The site I posted says they can grow to 12-15 ft. I have a friend that would take the scarlet runner bean and make tee pees for her grands. I plan on making a tee pee for my youngest to "like" the garden.
And this sounds so great.
I used attend Ft. Miller Jr High a long long long time ago Smile My oldest friend still lives there Smile The wedding sounds just lovely Smile
Happy Gardening
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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Re: Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  chocolatepop 5/25/2010, 3:35 pm

sweet potato vines also (get the actual sweet potato slips).
any bean, cuke, melon, pumpkin, squash. Those purple beans would look neat.

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Re: Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  SirTravers 5/25/2010, 3:50 pm

You could put edible flowers in the front squares. They provide a lot of color and are edible also. It's always kinda whimsical to pick a flower and start eating it as it get some of the funniest reactions. CLICK HERE For a good page on edible flowers that should give you some fun ideas.

Last edited by SirTravers on 5/25/2010, 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited link text for clarity)

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Re: Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  mckr3441 5/25/2010, 3:58 pm

What about some annual vining flowers? Mix them in with the veggies for "pretty."

Claire Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Icon_flower

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Re: Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding.

Post  semiuseless 5/25/2010, 4:14 pm

You could try a "three sisters" planting: corn, pole beans, and squash. If desired, replace the corn with sunflowers to use as a support for the beans.

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Need help in applying SFG to a yard for a wedding. Empty Summer wedding in Fresno CA

Post  sanderson 4/21/2013, 11:42 pm

I live in Fresno and this is my first year of SFG. I am definitely not the expert but at least I live in Zone 9b. To ensure a "bountiful" garden for the occasion, you may want to skip seeds except for sugar peas or other beans or peas. My sugar peas have pretty pink flowers. Maybe petunias in the front rows, depending on the color theme, if that's important. Or "edible flowers such as pansies. I put Sluggos safe snail bait all around my petunias so they had a chance to survive! My cabbages are starting to shape like cabbages. Maybe supplement with landscape cabbages. My tomatoes are trained vertically. See You Tube "Grow Your Garden" for vertical information. My Early Girl is the most splendid, with 7 vertical clusters of tomatoes on the main stalk. Each bunch will mature at different times. Don't forget sun shade when we get the heat waves. Bell and hot peppers because they come in different colors.

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