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Weather Warning - Middle South

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jimmy cee
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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  zackshea 4/14/2016, 12:32 pm

Hey Jimmy, praying for you guys.

I always love reading your posts, puts a happy note to my day.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  Windmere 4/14/2016, 1:29 pm

Hi Jimmy.  I'm sorry to hear about your wife.  You and she are in my thoughts and prayers.  I hope all goes well.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  sanderson 4/14/2016, 1:34 pm

My prayer that they will get it all and she will soon be back to strength. At least you have good organic produce for her.


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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  donnainzone5 4/14/2016, 7:32 pm

My thoughts are with you and your wife.  With the right attitude and medical treatment, I'm confident that she can beat it

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  jimmy cee 4/14/2016, 10:49 pm

Thank you everyone, you folk are the greatest...I have a feel like family
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  trolleydriver 4/14/2016, 11:06 pm

Jimmy ... sorry to hear of your wife's illness. Both of you are in my prayers.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  AtlantaMarie 4/15/2016, 6:42 am

Jimmy, I'm sorry to hear about what's going on... Like the others, I'm sending healing thoughts your way!

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  Kelejan 4/15/2016, 1:09 pm

Jimmy, just read about your wife.  My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  CapeCoddess 4/15/2016, 1:23 pm

jimmy cee wrote:
sanderson wrote:Jimmy,  Wife?   Shocked  I hope it's not serious.
Thanks Sanderson
Yes it was / is serious, however, prognosis is good. Ovarian cancer came into her life with a bang. Been watching a spot for about a year, then all of a sudden, after a blood test and ultrasound..7 days later all was removed, home next day. 
Chemo treatments are rough, she's taking it like the trooper she is, Doc said yesterday he is happy how everything is progressing.. Fortunately she is only loosing her hair,  and no energy.. From what I understand that is good for this treatment.  I never realized before how much work is involved in keeping a fairly active home going...Takes 2 to tango and this dance is having an intermission...
Aww...hugz & prayers that the good progress continues.  Love your attitude, Jimmy.  You're a wonderful hubby & I know you can handle that home just fine once you figure it all out.
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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  landarch 4/15/2016, 1:46 pm

Jimmy, soon she'll have some great food from the garden...diet and positive attitudes can be key to recovery...prayers your way.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Nice stretch ahead...

Post  Windmere 4/23/2016, 12:23 pm

I'm just posting this here because we Middle Georgian's tend to look at this thread as a general rule (well I do anyway).  Just the opposite of bad weather in our future.  At least four days of nice weather are predicted.

Rain yesterday and today is a stunning day.  Get out there if you can:  It's going to be gorgeous!

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Batten down the hatches

Post  Windmere 5/17/2016, 9:42 am

Hey guys.  I just finished watching the news and saw that we are expecting a good chance of rain every day until Sunday. 

What's funny is, last night, I had an awful nightmare that I was outside looking at my plants, and most of my tomatoes were showing signs of blight (also roses were bad with black spot).  Weird huh?

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  yolos 5/17/2016, 1:38 pm

Windmere wrote:Hey guys.  I just finished watching the news and saw that we are expecting a good chance of rain every day until Sunday. 

What's funny is, last night, I had an awful nightmare that I was outside looking at my plants, and most of my tomatoes were showing signs of blight (also roses were bad with black spot).  Weird huh?
Thank goodness it is finally going to rain.  We have had about 1/2 inch of rain so far this month.  I finally resorted to purchasing soaker hoses and installing them before I plant some of my warm weather veggies.  On the beds that don't have soaker hoses, they are bone dry even though I sit on a stool and water with a water wand forever.  The forecast shows less than a 1/4 inch most days except Friday which is forecast for 1.98 inches.

Yep, it's time for Blight to show up.  My tomatoes already have some yellow splotches on some of the leaves.  It's not blight but I don't know what it is.  I thought it might be physiological but now I am not sure.  I may have to take some samples to the county extension office.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  yolos 5/22/2016, 2:48 pm

What a bummer.  We had dreary cloudy weather all last week but hardly any rain.  Less than 1/4 inch the whole week.  So today I am out in the garden watering and watering.  The few soaker hoses that I installed are helping, but they are on only about 1/3 of my garden.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  yolos 6/12/2016, 4:29 pm

It is hot here in HotLanta.  The weather app says 93*F.  But in the sun in my garden it is 111*F.  Humid.  Sweat dripping off just walking out to the garden.  1/2 inch rain the last two weeks of April, 1/2 inch rain in May and no rain in June.  I just mowed part of the yard (mostly weeds in this spot) next to the garden.  I have never had clouds of dust rise when mowing before but today it is just so dry.  I hope all the grass and weeds in that area dry up so I can start a fruit garden there next year.  Cover it with mulch and never mow there again.

Tomorrow the weather is forecast to be 97*F (of course that is in the shade).  Wonder what it will  be in the middle of the garden in full sun.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  Kelejan 6/12/2016, 7:08 pm

Yolos, do you leave the grass clippings where you mow, or do you bag them?

Since I left the clippings on my lawn and mowed at the highest setting, my lawn has remained green for most of the year even in the hottest weather we have.

Meanwhile my neighbours, who scalp their grass and water and fertilize their lawns to death, have very sparse looking lawns during the summer.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  jimmy cee 6/12/2016, 9:40 pm

Kelejan wrote:Yolos, do you leave the grass clippings where you mow, or do you bag them?

Since I left the clippings on my lawn and mowed at the highest setting, my lawn has remained green for most of the year even in the hottest weather we have.

Meanwhile my neighbours, who scalp their grass and water and fertilize their lawns to death, have very sparse looking lawns during the summer.

And grass reseeds itself when allowed to grow higher. I started this 2 years ago, added compost to certain areas and notice a big difference..
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  yolos 6/12/2016, 9:55 pm

Thanks Kelejan and Jimmy cee but I am trying to get rid of the grass/weeds that are between my garden and the pool pump.  An area of about 40 feet by 25 feet.  I want to plant perennial fruiting plants there (raspberry, blackberry, grapes, etc. ) . So I am cutting it real short and not watering.  I guess I shouldn't complain about it being dusty.  I bought a flame thrower to kill the weeds/grass but I have been afraid to use it.  Also bought roundup but I hate to use that also.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  Windmere 6/13/2016, 8:30 pm

Ok, I'm from the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles where it gets really hot... and this is ridiculous!  I haven't really been able to do much other than to water.  EarthBoxes are quick to fill, three 4x4's and 100 feet of soaker hose, and I'm back inside.

Middle Southerners:   Have you noticed infestations of little grasshoppers?  They seem to be everywhere!

Yolos:  I have a very healthy respect for you just in knowing that you BOUGHT a flamer thrower (never mind that you haven't used it).

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  yolos 6/14/2016, 8:55 am

Windmere wrote:
Middle Southerners:   Have you noticed infestations of little grasshoppers?  They seem to be everywhere!
I saw a few little grasshoppers a few weeks ago but haven't seen anything lately.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  AtlantaMarie 1/5/2017, 7:29 pm

Annnnndddd, here we goooo!

For those in Middle South heading into South, the prediction up to about 4 inches here just north of Atlanta. (But the biggest concern is ice. We always get ice in the ATL....) And I'm sure it will be heavier north of us.

According to NOAA, Nashville is supposed to be getting snow tonight. It looks like the majority of us will start getting it tomorrow.

Please be sure that your water lines, etc. are protected as much as possible and that you're ready to lose power within the next day or so. Have blankets out and food prepared that you can heat over a camping stove if you don't have a generator. (NO - you CAN'T run a camping stove inside without some VERY good ventilation!) or in a fireplace, if you have one. If you don't, be prepared to go to a hotel. Reservations may be in order if you have any kind of medical issues... Hotels WILL fill quickly.

If you HAVE to go out, please be sure your car is full of gas, your battery is full of juice, and your tires are inflated properly.

Don't forget your pets and anything you have in the garden. The birds would probably appreciate some food too...

Yolos, have I forgotten anything?

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  yolos 1/5/2017, 10:37 pm

Stay off the highways.  Atlanta Drivers and snow do not mix well.  They are closing the Fayette County schools early tomorrow at about 12:30.  I have a medical procedure scheduled of 11:30 tomorrow.  Hope the freezing rain holds off until I get home.  Looks like it won't get below freezing until very late pm or early am so I should be fine.

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  AtlantaMarie 1/6/2017, 6:29 am

yolos wrote:Stay off the highways.  Atlanta Drivers and snow do not mix well.  

Boy, isn't THAT the truth?

If you have to go out, don't forget your bug-out bag or emergency car bag. (Everyone DOES has one, right? Food, water, tp, stuff for the kids to play with if you get stuck?) But Yolos is right - stay off the highways.

Yolos, hope you can have your procedure & that it goes well...

It's 37 here at 6:30.

One of our local news stations posted a pic on fb of the horrendous lines at a grocery store last night... DH decided that he wants a big batch of chicken stew, so I'm braving things in a bit to go to the store for a couple of rotis chickens to save time. I'll go ahead & fill my tank as well... So much for not going out, lol! Hopefully everyone will be going to work or will have already made their raids when I go shopping. :-)

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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  Ginger Blue 1/6/2017, 7:31 am

AtlantaMarie wrote:Annnnndddd, here we goooo!

For those in Middle South heading into South, the prediction up to about 4 inches here just north of Atlanta.  (But the biggest concern is ice.  We always get ice in the ATL....)  And I'm sure it will be heavier north of us.

According to NOAA, Nashville is supposed to be getting snow tonight.  It looks like the majority of us will start getting it tomorrow.

Please be sure that your water lines, etc. are protected as much as possible and that you're ready to lose power within the next day or so.  Have blankets out and food prepared that you can heat over a camping stove if you don't have a generator.  (NO - you CAN'T run a camping stove inside without some VERY good ventilation!) or in a fireplace, if you have one.  If you don't, be prepared to go to a hotel.  Reservations may be in order if you have any kind of medical issues...  Hotels WILL fill quickly.

If you HAVE to go out, please be sure your car is full of gas, your battery is full of juice, and your tires are inflated properly.  

Don't forget your pets and anything you have in the garden.  The birds would probably appreciate some food too...

Yolos, have I forgotten anything?

One reminder from the great white north....make sure your cell phone and other devices are fully charged, in case you need 'em while power is out.

Yolos, praying that all goes well and for a speedy recovery.

Stay safe y'all!  lots o
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Weather Warning - Middle South - Page 4 Empty Re: Weather Warning - Middle South

Post  Cajun Cappy 1/6/2017, 1:33 pm

All the snow birds on here may not realize how bad a freeze in the deep south really is.  Some of you have snow on the ground for weeks at a time and know how to deal with it.  It goes years here between snows and ahrd freezes here.  There are orchards of citrus currently scrambling to protect their crops.  Lowes has a line of folks hurriedly buying covers for their water faucets.  There aint a salt truck or snow remover with in 100 miles of my house. It hasn't snowed at my house in over 10 years.  So this  winter storm will catch people unprepared ya can bet on it.  Please southeners be careful for us it can be devistating
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