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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  FamilyGardening 6/26/2012, 6:54 pm

we lost one plant to blight a few days ago....booo hooo Sad we have another one today that needs to go when hubby gets home Sad three more that we will be keeping our eyes on Sad ...these guys are all sitting by each other by the back garden area....

our 5 paste all seem to be doing fine....they have fruit....*trying* to blush for a second week.....

two up on the back porch ...the ones we wernt sure about....are doing great!....

the brandywine in the corner who also was sick looking and we were going to toss....is doing good....still in the corner....Razz ...but tall, green and lush....

the brandywine in the green house is doing ok....she is tall...lots of blooms but no fruit yet and her leaves a starting to look light green....she needs to be fed next watering.....

the kid's tom's in their self watering containers with MM are doing good!...they have fruit and are lush and green.....

lets see....i think that leaves four others that are hanging in there....some setting fruit some full of blooms that just need some heat.....



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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  gwennifer 6/27/2012, 8:46 pm

Territorial Seed Company posted this on their facebook this morning:

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Garden11

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  Lavender Debs 6/27/2012, 9:00 pm

gwennifer wrote:Territorial Seed Company posted this on their facebook this morning:

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Garden11

Hummm, having only used free church counseling and lately doing sfg.....I could get stressed out arguing this (grin) (do we get tomatoes in the PNW?)
Lavender Debs
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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  gwennifer 6/29/2012, 12:39 am

I thought that picture might elicit such a response! Perhaps for PNW'ers, trying to grow tomatoes can be what sends us into therapy?

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  FamilyGardening 7/3/2012, 7:10 pm

here is our tomato tuesday update......

since the plants havent really grown much since the last update....i thought i would post some pic's of their leaves.....What a Face

here is a variety of them.......

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0058

not sure what to think.....HEAT....will help?

here is a close up of the green house brandywine....she looks so pale....i did feed her some fish em and bat G.....she also has lots of gnats on here.....i think from the feeding....what do you all think....she is very tall...lots of blooms that just fall off but very yellow leaves.....

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0060

here is the top of her

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0061

this fruit is from the brandywine outside....does she look like she is blushing??

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0062



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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  boffer 7/3/2012, 8:30 pm

Your leaves look normal to me. Oh wait, maybe that's not a good thing! Razz

Seriously, I've seen all those leaves this year. Some of the symptoms come and go. Sometimes my plants look healthy and sometimes they don't. What I think is early blight, usually is on the lower leaves. I wait until the leaf gets real bad and then snip it off. I've only lost one Brandywine in the greenhouse so far. Most of them are making fruit now.

I've always felt that tomato plants almost grow like weeds in our climate. Getting red tomatoes...well...I don't know a whole lot about that part!

I can't tell if your Brandywine is blushing, or if it's wishful thinking! Wink

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  boffer 7/10/2012, 12:40 pm

Just in time for Tomato Tuesday...

A red one! Alas, only an Early Girl.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscn2024

This is a pitiful looking Brandywine; I'm not sure if the fruit is ripening or rotting! The vine hasn't changed in weeks, but there's another vine that has come up from the soil so I'm hoping it still has some life in it.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscn2025

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  Lavender Debs 7/10/2012, 1:24 pm

July 10, 2012
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 July_110
As you can see from this determinant Gold Nugget, I am having issues with tomato leaf roll. So far it seems to be related to the frigid wet June we experienced after the tease of April and May. Same issue with purple leaves. I may have over fertilized this year, also can be an issue in tomato leaf roll. I am hopeful that a warm-ish July will help solve my problems.

Tomato Leaf Roll
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 July_111
This Bulls Blood type of Tomato is my tallest. I did not notice any fruit. The indeterminate tomatoes growing in the box (the determinant are all in black pots) should have been under a poly cover through June but I removed it in May believing that we would have 2009 type weather. Two weather steps forward (April and May) and one big jump back (June).
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 July_113
Lots of nice fruit on the determinant tomatoes, at least I have blossoms on the indeterminate growing in the SFG.

To my elusive friend the sun, "Come out, come out where ever you are!"
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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  gwennifer 7/10/2012, 5:42 pm

Debs, that's so neat how that one blossom on your Chianti Rose tomato is upright. I didn't even recognize it as a tomato flower at first glance since I usually don't see them from that angle. Pretty!

Check this out. Remember my orphan Brandywine? I never did anything with it. It still is in its 6" pot! I moved it over next to my SFG to show you how it's continued to grow at the same rate as the one I planted. But neither one of them has set any fruit yet! I'm hopeful some of the blossoms from this past week will since it's been warm and sunny.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Brandy12

Here's the Roma hybrid tomatoes I started from seed as well, and since the book said 9 squares per bush tomato, I didn't plan for these to go in the SFG. However, I was sick of spending money on my garden this season and these were the best pots I was able to come up with; they were free from a neighbor. They don't seem very happy - I imagine they'd do better in a larger space? The leaves are a mess, but they've got healthy Roma's growing. (The 54" cages are overkill, but Shorty's had a one day special selling them for five bucks so of course we wanted the colorful ones).
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Romas10

Happy Tuesday!

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  FamilyGardening 7/10/2012, 9:44 pm

boffer so jelous of your red tomato hungry looks like some of the other fruit is blushing too...i also see some big maters there Shocked

Debs your garden looks great love the idea i too love that pic of the tomato flower standing up like that Very Happy it looks like its going to be a big fruit from the size of it cyclops we too are having leaf curl...or blight....or virus of some sort....pics below What a Face

GWENy PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 950477 GWENy, GWENy.....that brandywine is still in that small pot Shocked ...it is amazing its doing so well happy turtle ...are you gonna keep it in that pot and see how it does for an experiment?....i really like the red trellis you have for your tom's.....looks like you have a bunch of maters on the one on the left Very Happy

well here is some of ours....we did end up moving our brandywine out of the green house....she wasnt setting fruit and i think it getting to 120 in there each day was really stressing her out....we trim off some of her yellow bottom leaves and moved her up against the house hoping she will recover......
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0085

fruit from our other brandywine.....still waiting for her to turn color tongue
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0086

heirloom paste tomatoes are doing well and setting some fruit
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0087

jubilee doing very well after a ruff start as a seedling
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0088

she still has fruit that has not turned red yet...she may be blushing
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0089

our son's sweetie cherry doing very well....
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0090

this plant came from a sucker off one of our other tom's.....i dont remember which one....but she is in our SFG box 1 and doing fantastic!!....she is the healthiest looking plant we have Shocked

side view

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0092

top view

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0093

here is what some of our sick plants look like....they do have some fruit on them...but they just look so blah......

PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscf0091

rose who really wished she had a fresh garden tomato for dinner last night instead of a store bought one.... tongue

by the way.....how long can a matter stay on the vine with out turning ripe and still have a good taste to it, once it does turn??


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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Late blight alert!!!

Post  kinggarbear 7/10/2012, 9:50 pm



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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  Lavender Debs 7/17/2012, 2:22 pm

July 17, 2012
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 July_121
Gold Nugget, cherry

I'm just sayen......
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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  gwennifer 7/17/2012, 7:53 pm

Two weeks of sunshine and warm temps. Still no confirmed pregnancy on my brandywine tomato. Did see some pollen shake out on one blossom a couple of days in a row when I was hand pollinating, so maybe that's a good sign.

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  boffer 7/18/2012, 1:01 am

My first ever Mortgage Lifter.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscn2110

Some outside toms. Have picked one Early Girl.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscn2111

In the greenhouse. Have picked a Brandywine and a Mortgage Lifter.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscn2112

Black Krim are getting close.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dscn2114

The tomatoes I've eaten so far are definitely better than store bought, but aren't as good as I expect them to be in a month or so.

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  FamilyGardening 7/18/2012, 1:47 am

drooling hungry

looking good debs and boffer!

no real changes for our toms from last week.....

the healthy plants are growing taller and looking fuller....our sick plants still look sick....but not any sicker then they have been.....

been keeping our eye on our brandywine hoping her one large fruit will turn color soon...


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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  Lavender Debs 7/18/2012, 10:10 am

FamilyGardening wrote: ...looking good debs and boffer! ...snip...
Ha, mine is a CHERRY, it was meant for a joke. It cannot compare to anything Boff has.....but thanks for the everyone’s a winner love.

Debs.....gotta get that green house up!
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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  FamilyGardening 7/18/2012, 10:52 am

hey...... fruit is fruit!.......anyone who can grow a tomato in the PNW is a winner hiddenID


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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  walshevak 7/18/2012, 9:25 pm

I have taste envy cause I'm back to store bought. No



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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  gwennifer 7/24/2012, 12:50 pm

Well Rose, did that enormous Brandywine of yours start changing color yet? I remember GWN posting that it seems like once one starts to turn, the rest come along faster. She says she puts a banana under the plant to speed the process along, though I can't remember if it's a whole banana or just a peel. I'll have to check with her on that. And BTW, me leaving that one Brandywine in the pot is not an experiment, it's just me being stubborn and lazy. It does have a baby on it now too. Silly thing.

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  Lavender Debs 7/24/2012, 1:17 pm

July 24
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 July_216
Silvery Fir Tree (D): After a week of REALLY cold, wet days, this has become a distressing problem. I do not like it when a plant starts dropping blossoms but this is really bad.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 July_217
This is Gold Nugget, (D) cherry. The chilly wet garden forces me to leave the fruit on the plant longer if I want both taste and color. I did have a bit of fun doing a taste-test score card for Gold Nugget on my blog.

Tomato Tasting 2012 "Gold Nugget"
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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  FamilyGardening 7/25/2012, 2:02 am

brandywine is the same color gwen PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 950477 ...but....i think she may still be growing Shocked

no pic's today....camera batteries went dead and the new ones are on a shelf to high for me to reach....so im waiting on hubby to change them Embarassed

excited to report that we do have a few tom's turning red! and if our warm weather continues thru the week....we might be able to eat a fresh home grown matter sandwich!

did a little triming of our five paste tomato plants last night and discovered under their thick mess of leaves were LOTS of baby fruit! .....im sooooo trying not to get my hopes up again this year What a Face .....last year we had a bunch of matter's that never turned color Sad ......its such a sad sight at the end of our *warm* (more like *luke warm*) tongue .... summer.....

rose who is having fun watching a tomato sucker that had been cut and rooted grow like crazy cyclops ...have 3 more cuttings rooting in a glass of water on the kitchen window ceil :drunken:

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  Nonna.PapaVino 7/25/2012, 1:19 pm

Rose, love hearing about your tomato adventures. What kind of paste tomatoes are you raising? Have you had good experience with it in the past? Last year, we had some good luck with a variety called Federle, with some of the fruits being 7" long. It's a kind with few seeds, so makes a great canned spaghetti sauce variety. Nonna

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  GWN 7/25/2012, 2:11 pm

Well I work on Tuesdays and so am a day late, I can finally get into the tomato tuesday.
This first one is called NARM or Namem (the booklet called i one thing and the seed backed said the other. It is a roma like heirloom that I am growing inside the greenhouse with all the doors open so that in the fall I can close all the doors and have a few tomatoes. I am trying to grow it up and over and down the other side. PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dsc_0151
this next one is called Alicante a british heirloom that is suppose to be extremely good tasting. They seem to be the first ones to ripen.
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dsc_0152
Then of course the brandy wines, last year I had 2 pounders and so I am holding out this yefor more of the same cheers
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dsc_0153
These next ones are going to win the prize for the cutest darn tomatoes I have ever seen. They are called zapotec and are an heirloom from southern mexico.NONE of them have ripened but I can hardly wait to see what they look like ripe
PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Dsc_0154

BTW, how tall are you ROSE....? Smile

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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  southern gardener 7/25/2012, 3:28 pm

wow!! The Narm is amazing! nice job!! cheers cheers
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PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012 - Page 2 Empty Re: PNW: Tomato Tuesday 2012

Post  llama momma 7/25/2012, 3:32 pm

I'll be darned, your zapotecs look like little pumpkins, love it!
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