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Are scallions just young onions? Toplef10Are scallions just young onions? 1zd3ho10

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Are scallions just young onions?

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Are scallions just young onions?

Post  JustMe 8/5/2011, 12:01 am

Are scallions/green onions just 'baby' onions or are they two different plants?

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  Kelejan 8/5/2011, 12:28 am

I think they are different.
Speaking from wisdom of having a packet and not yet planted them.
Oops, just remembered they are shallots, not scallions. Sorry. :scratch:
Still learning.

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  shannon1 8/5/2011, 3:02 am

JustMe wrote:Are scallions/green onions just 'baby' onions or are they two different plants?
Yep just baby onions. Some grow bunching onions just for scallions but even they will make bulbs under the right conditions.

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  JustMe 8/6/2011, 7:59 pm

Yay. I picked up some onion seeds while on vacation this summer, hoping to plant them next year. Green onions were on the 'to grow' list as well, so hopefully the seeds will grow into green onions then regular onions.

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  moswell 8/6/2011, 11:05 pm

Well, far be it from me to argue with those who have gardened far longer than I, but one of the few things I've grown in containers pre-SFG are scallions. And my scallions, grown from basic scallion seeds bought at the store, have never turned into full-blown onions. Even the ones I've let come back a second year have never created real serious bulbs. They've always remained small little things that still look like what I'd buy in the grocery store, were I buying scallions.

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  camprn 8/7/2011, 10:05 pm

moswell wrote:Well, far be it from me to argue with those who have gardened far longer than I, but one of the few things I've grown in containers pre-SFG are scallions. And my scallions, grown from basic scallion seeds bought at the store, have never turned into full-blown onions. Even the ones I've let come back a second year have never created real serious bulbs. They've always remained small little things that still look like what I'd buy in the grocery store, were I buying scallions.
+1 Scallions are a type of onion, but they do not bulb very much at all.
List of types of onions


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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  shannon1 8/7/2011, 11:54 pm

My peeps I sware green onions are just young onions. But don't take my word for it.

Here is some info about the subject from a gardening web site.

Scallions, green onions, and spring onions

green onions, onions

Are scallions just young onions? Image_thumb4 For the purists a scallion is technically slightly less mature than a green onions. No matter what you call them this is a very versatile version of the conventional mature bulb version of the vegetable and shouldn’t be overlooked in your garden.

You can learn more at their web site http://www.cheapvegetablegardener.com

In fact I grow mine from sets and not seeds and they are ready in 2-3 weeks (I do pick them very sm.)

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  shannon1 8/8/2011, 12:44 am

After thinking about it I have found the root of the confustion.Are scallions just young onions? 889526 (I kill Myself) It's multiplier onions. These onions make sm. bublets if any at all. There are a few different kinds but can be devided into 2 main groups bunching and top setting. They are grown as green onions for the most part.

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  moswell 8/8/2011, 11:02 am

shannon1 wrote:After thinking about it I have found the root of the confustion.Are scallions just young onions? 889526 (I kill Myself) It's multiplier onions. These onions make sm. bublets if any at all. There are a few different kinds but can be devided into 2 main groups bunching and top setting. They are grown as green onions for the most part.

Sounds like there are so many different names and ideas behind what a scallion is it's impossible to keep it straight! Very Happy

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  westie42 8/8/2011, 11:52 am

Sounds like there are so many different names and ideas behind what a scallion is it's impossible to keep it straight! Very Happy[/quote]

I was going to suggest exactly that point earlier glad someone else sees it like that.

From Wiki
Scallions (also known as green onions, spring onions, salad onions, green shallots, onion sticks, or syboes), are the edible plants of various Allium species, all of which are "onion-like", having hollow green leaves and lacking a fully developed root bulb.

Other pictures from a google show everything from slim greens to nearly 1” bulbs.

So the bottom line may be anything from near seedlings to whatever you choose not well developed to be.
Welsh onions seems to be one fairly universal type
I see my ability to hack up a quote needs improvement.

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  jcpen 8/8/2011, 6:08 pm

i was planning on commenting but look like subject has been covered.

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Are scallions just young onions? Empty Re: Are scallions just young onions?

Post  shannon1 8/9/2011, 2:28 am

moswell wrote:
shannon1 wrote:After thinking about it I have found the root of the confustion.Are scallions just young onions? 889526 (I kill Myself) It's multiplier onions. These onions make sm. bublets if any at all. There are a few different kinds but can be devided into 2 main groups bunching and top setting. They are grown as green onions for the most part.

Sounds like there are so many different names and ideas behind what a scallion is it's impossible to keep it straight! Very Happy
Are scallions just young onions? 68739 You are soooooo right.

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