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Sorry another compost question

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Post  scmelik 4/3/2011, 6:46 pm

I still have so much to learn about gardening and I am trying. I was wondering if you could all help me again. I see that the city landfill has a BIG compost pile that is free for the taking. Here is the make up of it, how is this going to work as far as compost goes? Is this considered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 types?

Grass Clippings 40%
Leaves 25%
Paper Bags 15%
Twigs 10%
Other (dirt ect.) 10%

Posts : 137
Join date : 2011-01-16
Location : Brookings South Dakota

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Post  middlemamma 4/3/2011, 7:40 pm

I would consider it 1 "source".

Some people go by ingredients and some people go by sources.

I am a source person and this is my reasoning.

If I buy a blend of compost in a bag, it is going to be made up primarily of the cheapest ingredient of the blend (this probably isn't the case with your city's pile). Also if I get a "dud" source I only have it as 1/5th of my compost mix, which is where the plants get their food from. So I am not doomed because one of my sources bombed.

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Post  camprn 4/3/2011, 7:44 pm

That is one type. But congratulations, you are on your way! Very Happy

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Post  The Cat's Other Mother 4/3/2011, 9:38 pm

My city has free compost like that, and I'm definitely using it, but only as part of the mix. Last year when I set up my first boxes, I used humas as one of the five, and the city's compost looks very much like that.
The Cat's Other Mother

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Post  BackyardBirdGardner 4/3/2011, 9:41 pm

scmelik wrote:I still have so much to learn about gardening and I am trying. I was wondering if you could all help me again.

I think the others have answered your direct question well. I just wanted to add..

Please don't feel guilty about firing away with the questions. We don't mind at all, and you are absolutely not a bother. It's how we learn.....and eventually teach. The question you were courageous enough to ask was likely on the minds of ten others. You are to be commended, not embarrassed. Keep it up!

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Post  scmelik 4/4/2011, 6:33 pm

walking around walmart and lowes I was able to find a few type of compost. Steer manure, and a humus manure mix. I wonder though since the humus and manure mix is mixed together is that considered one source or two? I am hoping that next Friday I when I am down in the city I can check with the other stores and see if I can find another type or two.

Posts : 137
Join date : 2011-01-16
Location : Brookings South Dakota

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