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Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador Toplef10Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador 1zd3ho10

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Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador I22gcj10Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador Toplef10Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador 1zd3ho10

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Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador I22gcj10Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador 14dhcg10

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Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador

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Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador Empty Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador

Post  sfg4uKim 11/8/2010, 1:07 pm

LOL I was told that Square Meter Gardening probably wouldn't be of interest to the urban dwellers in Ecuador. You know, like they don't have very much land to grow in. HUH? What method would be a better fit?

Not only will it help them nutritionally, but will also help clean up their urban environment when they will keep all the organic and paper matter out of their trash to compost?

Oh well, try, try again.



I have seen women looking at jewelry ads with a misty eye and one hand resting on the heart, and I only know what they're feeling because that's how I read the seed catalogs in January - Barbara Kingsolver - Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

FB: Square Foot Gardening 4 U

Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador WxBanner?bannertype=wu_blueglass&airportcode=KBWI&ForcedCity=Glen%20Burnie&ForcedState=MD&zipcode=21060&language=EN

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Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador Empty Re: Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador

Post  WardinWake 11/8/2010, 2:16 pm

ksroman wrote:LOL I was told that Square Meter Gardening probably wouldn't be of interest to the urban dwellers in Ecuador. You know, like they don't have very much land to grow in. HUH? What method would be a better fit?

Not only will it help them nutritionally, but will also help clean up their urban environment when they will keep all the organic and paper matter out of their trash to compost?

Oh well, try, try again.



The only cure for not being picked is educating the pickers! Keep at it and you will prevale.

God Bless, Ward and Mary.

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Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador Empty Re: Well I wasn't accepted for the mission trip to Ecuador

Post  Lemonie 11/8/2010, 5:19 pm

I agree...stick with it and hopefully they'll be willing to learn more about it at some point. Someone posted an article...or maybe I ran across it in a search?...but it was about how they were able to teach SFG in the slums of Mexico. They started with potted gardens and then expanded over the years as the compost piles matured. It even talked about how they used urine Shocked as fertilizer- specifically nitrogen. I hope someone can help find that article and maybe it'll help you on your quest.

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