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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Toplef10Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  1zd3ho10

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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  I22gcj10Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  14dhcg10


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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Toplef10Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  1zd3ho10

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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  I22gcj10Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  14dhcg10

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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?

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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Empty Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?

Post  middlemamma 9/30/2010, 3:56 pm

Tried and true?

I'd prefer a little bit of a spicier recipe...but I can always add chilis to a good recipe.

I don't want the kind you have to refrigerate for 3 weeks...I want the kind you process in a hot water bath and it's ready to eat quicker...


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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Empty Re: Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?

Post  pattipan 9/30/2010, 4:04 pm



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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Empty Re: Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?

Post  middlemamma 9/30/2010, 4:09 pm

Thanks Patti Pan..I found this one when I was searching too...have you actually made them? And you thought they were good?

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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Empty Re: Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?

Post  boffer 9/30/2010, 4:26 pm

I like the recipe for Ball's Dilly Beans so much that I left out the beans and just used garlic! Mmmmmm good-add a little extra cayenne.

I don't know if it's a technically good substitution. I figured if the garlic was OK as a seasoning, why not the whole jar. But I only did 4 pints, and they didn't last long.

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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Empty Re: Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?

Post  pattipan 9/30/2010, 4:43 pm

middlemamma wrote:Thanks Patti Pan..I found this one when I was searching too...have you actually made them? And you thought they were good?

So you were serious about tried and true? cutesie

No...I've not made these particular ones before. I did make cornichons this year (which are teeny little cucumbers), also in the mix: garlic, shallots, tarragon sprigs, red pepper flakes and black peppercorns. They are similar to sour gherkins, though, and contain no sugar. They are very good! And as with any pickled veggie, they only get better as they age. Three weeks is usually the minimum.

My family has pickled just about everything over the years, the process is essentially the same. Pick you veggies and spices and go for it. My mom always ended the canning season with "end of the garden relish" which could contain anything from overripe corn to green tomatoes. I remember helping grind the green tomatoes through a meat grinder -- that was pre-food processor days!

As for taste preferences, what I might like, you may not...so the final decision will be yours. If you like them spicy, red pepper flakes will do the trick. I'll post the cornichons recipe later, you could pickle the garlic this same way...and I've taste-tested the cukes and the garlic from them! It will give you garlic that gourmet "je ne sais quoi". (translation: "I don't know what")


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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Empty Re: Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?

Post  middlemamma 9/30/2010, 4:59 pm


I have never tried to can a thing in my life. Never seen anyone can before either. My grandma used to and she did the end of season relish too and it was always so yummy.

But when grandma canned or cooked for that matter no one was allowed anywhere near the kitchen. When my grandma was a little girl she witnessed another little girl get burned very badly and disfigured in the kitchen and she never allowed any of us kids in when she was cooking. And my mother followed suit...So I never cooked in a kitchen till after I left home. But doing dishes was allowed. Wink

I went to the farmers market here last night and we bought a jar of pickled garlic that was AMAZING. And I thought...I wanna try this!

I am terrified...but thought Garlic is a pretty cheap item to buy so maybe a good thing to try first. Also hubby and I love it.

Thanks for your help...Smile

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Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?  Empty Re: Anyone have a recipe for pickled garlic?

Post  Megan 9/30/2010, 6:08 pm

Hi Jennie,

That recipe is very similar to the one in the Blue Ball book, but Blue Ball uses half-pint jars with a much smaller headspace (1/4") and a shorter processing time.

I have been cooking since I was a young girl, but this is my first year at canning. My family canned a LOT of stuff when I was little, but I wasn't allowed near the hot / sterile stuff -- especially since we made strawberry jam with paraffin back in the day -- and moreover they needed me on the shucking/peeling/fetch-and-carry brigade. Smile Anyway, I have canned a number of things so far this year and it is much less scary than I thought it might be!

So far, I find that the most important thing is to take a few minutes to sit down and plan the timing of everything. I put the jars through the power wash/hot wash/hot dry cycles on the dishwasher and then keep it shut til I need them. I wash the bands and lids in hot/soapy water, and then try to time the cooking of whatever it is with the 10 minutes that the lids need to simmer. Also, I bring the canner to a boil WELL before I need it, then turn off the heat and periodically re-heat it to keep it hot, so I can bring it back to a boil quickly when I am ready for it. Not rocket science at all, just good to have a basic plan so it doesn't happen that you're all ready to go and darn it, your canner is stone cold or your lids aren't ready, etc. Very Happy

I haven't made pickled garlic yet (sounds yum, I have never tasted it!) but I did make garlic jelly (I call it jam) and that is amazing stuff.

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