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It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  Toplef10It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  1zd3ho10

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It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  I22gcj10It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  Toplef10It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  1zd3ho10

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It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  I22gcj10It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  14dhcg10

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It's September already!!! Can you believe it?

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It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  Empty It's September already!!! Can you believe it?

Post  Ha-v-v 9/1/2010, 8:21 pm

Wow it seems like just yesterday it was spring and I was planting a new garden, a new method!!! It's already September!! How is everyone doing out there? Fall planting for some started already. Let us know what's happening !! I love folks gardens and ideas.

Here is a pic of our tomato-basil bed.
It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  100_1315

I put the rest of the pics in the web album in the link there.

Ha-v-v's Victory Garden

My goal for fall is to get the weeds out of the walk ways. I will leave all that's growing until frost. I'm pooped, and would like "not" to nurture anything except for my family until spring. I would prefer the physical work to get the walk ways weed free. I have so enjoyed gardening this season!! I cant think of going back to row gardening again Smile

I want to share the latest video of the house. On this video is our youngest child first attempt at being our camera man. Please try to ignore the clicking in the background. This one is called

Log Cabin: Making the Floor Joists

We have family coming next weekend to work with us for 3 days on the house. We will be filming that one for sure Smile
Happy Gardening folks !! Cant believe its September already!!!

Female Posts : 1119
Join date : 2010-03-12
Age : 65
Location : Southwest Ms. Zone 8A (I like to think I get a little bit of Zone 9 too )

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It's September already!!! Can you believe it?  Empty Re: It's September already!!! Can you believe it?

Post  martha 9/3/2010, 12:01 pm

(Note: This answer really is about my garden in September!)

This year very few of my vegetables, besides tomatoes, were successful. I planted insufficient peas. My scallions never happened (they were easy last year - I plant red ones - very fun and interesting to use in our restaurant.) For most of the summer, I was able to supply the majority of the squash blossoms we used. Herbs were fine until our time off, when they all grew unchecked and flowered, however, I consider that a success.

I tried to grow baby pumpkins (to use as serving bowls for pumpkin soup.) I ended up with one vine with one pumpkin and the possibility of a second.

I planted a fall crop of peas, but I think it was too hot for them to sprout and/or survive. Radishes never grew large enough to be usable. Baby carrots were good, but I was intending to succession plant them, and I never got past the first sowing. Embarassed

There were several other veggies I tried that yielded nothing to almost nothing - the most surprising being tomatillos.

BUT!!! Oh my God, the tomatoes! Last year I had good results until September - I was very fortunate to avoid the blight until September.

This year, my tomatoes have been tremendously successful! It is September, and I still can't harvest them fast enough - including lots of snacking while I am out harvesting. Or sometimes I just go snack on them for breakfast - oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

My tomato plants are suffering from fusarium wilt (I think - it might be verticulum wilt) but the crazy thing is the tomatoes continue to grow, ripen and be delicious!

I very much hope I come up with the time to get out there soon and plant some greens and more radishes etc. But in the meantime, I am enjoying my September tomato harvest, and will look forward to next year being even better. (As my grandfather used to say, "The good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise!")


Female Posts : 2173
Join date : 2010-03-03
Age : 67
Location : Acton, Massachusetts Zone 5b/6a

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