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what is this?!?!?! (freaking out)

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what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Empty what is this?!?!?! (freaking out)

Post  nursekat424 5/30/2010, 10:49 pm

i found this growing all over my yard (first spring in this place), what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Confused it looks like pot- does anyone know if it is. i dont want my kids getting ahold of it, or my animals. i'm kinda freaking out here what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Icon_eek . i also dont want in trouble. if it's not them what in the world is it. can anyone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) 01613

Last edited by nursekat424 on 5/30/2010, 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot picture-(very embarrasing))

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what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Empty Agreeing w/you!

Post  jenjehle 5/30/2010, 11:31 pm

I'm no expert... (thank God) but I would agree with you that it resembles marijuana! My DH thinks so too! I did a google search for marijuana images and here's one for you!

what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Plant_pp

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Post  Kabaju42 5/30/2010, 11:40 pm

I don't think it's pot. If you look at the two pictures closely there's several differences. If you look at the vein of the plant going out sideways, the marijuana kinda droops down but your plant goes up and out stiffly. Also a bigger difference is even though both plants are jagged on the sides, the marijuana goes to a point and your plant has more of a rounded tip.

Sorry I don't know what it is, but I'm sure it's not marijuana. I also asked my wife (she's more knowledgeable in the area of wild plants) and she agrees it's not pot, but doesn't know what is is either.

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Post  chexmix 5/30/2010, 11:42 pm

It is not marijuana. The leaves are not right shape. Similar but different. Plus it looks like it is about to bloom up top. It is some kind of weed but not the kind you smoke.

How do I know this? Well about 20+ years ago I was around this stuff more than I needed to be. Today, you won't catch me near it.

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Post  Jola 5/31/2010, 12:03 am

To be completely safe I would notify authorities and explain it wasn't me who planted this plant, in case it is some type of marijuana (as I understand there are many different types of marijuana).

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Post  Chopper 5/31/2010, 12:14 am

You could pick a leaf and smell it to be sure (that is if you'd recognize the smell). I don't think it fits the profile either. Were it I, and I really wanted to get rid of them I would throw some roundup on the little buggers. Or, take a shovel and loosen them and pull them all up. If it comes back easily, then roundup b/c it is probably regenerating by the root.

Good luck. Dave? Dave's not here.... Nevermind. what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Icon_smile

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Post  pattipan 5/31/2010, 12:17 am

I think it's something in the Potentilla family, commonly known as cinquefoil. Do a Google image search for Potentilla pulcherrima or Potentilla recta. Here's one link that has some good images:



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what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Empty Cinquefoil

Post  SirTravers 5/31/2010, 12:53 am

That looks very much like common ciquefoil which is a perennial plant in your area. It tends to grow in areas that have been left alone or not kept well. You should be able to knock it out with some 2-4-D weed killer.

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Post  LaFee 5/31/2010, 2:33 am

It's not cannabis...it's the stuff that's trying (in vain!) to take over my SFG.

it eventually gets tiny purple flowers...but I still don't want it in my SFG.

It's easy to just rip up and throw away (Not sure I'd put it on my compost pile, as I wouldn't want to risk even one seed being able to grow!)

(Hemp still grows wild over much of the Midwest...remnants of the WWII
efforts to supply the war effort with lots of rope, so we saw lots of
the stuff when I was growing up. The older siblings of a few kids I knew
tried to make a cash harvest...not realizing that you'd have to smoke a
truckload of the stuff for it to have any effect. It's usually only
intoxicating when it's bred specifically for the purpose.)

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Post  camprn 5/31/2010, 7:25 am

SirTravers wrote:That looks very much like common ciquefoil which is a perennial plant in your area. It tends to grow in areas that have been left alone or not kept well. You should be able to knock it out with some 2-4-D weed killer.
+1 informational link here

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Post  Lavender Debs 5/31/2010, 8:46 am

jenjehle wrote:snip .....I did a google search for marijuana images and here's one for you!

what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Plant_pp
OK, I know I am off subject here, but is Mary Jane growing in Mel's mix?
Lavender Debs
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Post  johnfromfl 5/31/2010, 9:29 am

Yes, it does look like Mel's me to me too. As to what is in the potted soil, I have an allergy to it when the local law enforcement destroys that in a control burn.

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Post  nursekat424 5/31/2010, 11:51 am

thanks a ton, i believe it is sulfur cinquefoil based on everyones replies and informational links.

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what is this?!?!?! (freaking out) Icon_post_target Jola Yesterday at 11:03 pm

To be completely safe I would notify authorities and explain it wasn't me who planted this plant, in case it is some type of marijuana

I did this the other day, the said just mow it down, but it was still bugging me since have 2 young kids plus pets.

pattipan Yesterday at 11:17 pm
I think it's something in the Potentilla family, commonly known as cinquefoil
thanks for the link it helped.

@ least i feel better knowing what it is.

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