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freezer containers Empty freezer containers

Post  kygardener 8/29/2018, 4:39 pm

I did a search for this first but did not find any topics.
I am looking for recommendations on glass vs plastic and whiich brands sizes and shapes work best.
I am planning to freeze jam, soups, sauces, chopped veggies and tomatoes.

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freezer containers Empty Re: freezer containers

Post  OhioGardener 8/29/2018, 8:00 pm

We use ziplock freezer bags.  They are placed inside a square plastic container like this one

Then, the plastic containers are stacked in the freezer to completely freeze. After they are frozen, the ziplock bags are removed from the plastic containers and the bags are stacked in the freezer without the containers. This makes them easy to keep stored in and organized manner in the freezer without tying up a lot of plastic containers.


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Post  sanderson 8/30/2018, 3:12 am

I use a Seal-a-Meal type machine and its various- sized bags for freezing soups, sauces, chopped veggies and tomatoes.   The bags can be heated in SIMMERING water.  NOT boiling water.  The vacuum feature is great for getting most of the air out of the bags of veggie, fruit, and meat and keeps them in beautiful condition for months.

Don't make the same mistake I did and use the vacuum feature on anything liquid.  I couldn't figure out why the vacuum motor wouldn't automatically shut off when I was packaging chicken broth! thinking  Chicken broth everywhere, even inside the machine!!  Embarassed

As far as jams, I don't have any experience, but I don't know why the bags wouldn't work for them also. Just thaw and put the jam in a clean canning jar for the frig??


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Post  SQWIB 8/30/2018, 8:10 am

I vacuum seal and have had decent results for dry stuff. For stuff like soups and gravies I freeze in containers then place frozen item in a vac-bag and seal. The vac-bags are pretty good but sometimes will loose a seal in a few months, that's even after a double seal. The seal usually is lost on the manufacturers seal.

  • I have been doing more canning lately though to free up freezer space.

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  • I do a lot of sealing after Manday every December, as a matter of fact I just pulled a 6 pound Pit Cooked Top Round for French Dippers this weekend. Makes great cheesesteaks too!

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  • Before

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  • After

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I have even made fresh meals for camping , drop in boiling water, plop on a roll and eat

  • Sausage and peppers

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  • Cheeseburger

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You can freeze in widemouth mason jars which I have never done.

I just picked up some Pyrex®️ Ultimate that work great in the freezer, I never thought I would use glass in the freezer but I'm happy with them.
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I have also froze in these Food saver Deli Containers
freezer containers S-l1600

  • These containers I use for dry stuff.

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I also have about a dozen square vac-seal freezer containers but can't find a pic.

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Post  jimmy cee 8/30/2018, 9:20 am

sanderson wrote:I use a Seal-a-Meal type machine and its various- sized bags for freezing soups, sauces, chopped veggies and tomatoes.   The bags can be heated in SIMMERING water.  NOT boiling water.  The vacuum feature is great for getting most of the air out of the bags of veggie, fruit, and meat and keeps them in beautiful condition for months.

Don't make the same mistake I did and use the vacuum feature on anything liquid.  I couldn't figure out why the vacuum motor wouldn't automatically shut off when I was packaging chicken broth! thinking  Chicken broth everywhere, even inside the machine!!  Embarassed

As far as jams, I don't have any experience, but I don't know why the bags wouldn't work for them also.  Just thaw and put the jam in a clean canning jar for the frig??
I found that to be true when using a vacuum machine.I did wrap items in  another wrap like saran wrap. after squeezing all air out, it was much better then to vacuum. Liquids wont allow a vacuum to occur, so the machine wont sense it finishing.
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Post  yolos 8/30/2018, 12:04 pm

I use a food-saver.  When the article being frozen has liquid in it, I do one of three things.  

When there is very little liquid involved, I start the vacuum and when the liquid gets near the top of the bag, I hit seal and this will keep most of the liquid in the bag but allow most of the air to be vacuumed out.

Or, I put the article in the bag.  Push out as much air a possible.  Put a bag clip over the end of the bag and allow the contents to freeze.  Then after it freezes, I will seal the bag with the food saver.

Or, I freeze the contents in Tupperware type containers first.  Then after frozen, I pop the frozen mass out of the container and freeze the result in a food-saver bag.

If no liquid, such as peas.  I blanch the peas, flash freeze them, and then vacuum seal them in a food-saver bag.

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Post  sanderson 8/30/2018, 2:22 pm

Sounds like we all do about the same thing. Of course, SQWIB's photos of meats are making me hungry! drooling


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freezer containers Empty Re: freezer containers

Post  kygardener 9/4/2018, 6:59 pm

Thanks for all the answers and photos.  I had not even considered a vacuum sealer but that seems to be what a majority of you use.  I am thinking Christmas gift request.  Any brand recommendations?

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freezer containers Empty Re: freezer containers

Post  sanderson 9/5/2018, 1:26 am

I have a food saver and bought an attachment for containers and resealable bags. freezer containers Food_s10


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Post  kygardener 9/7/2018, 5:36 pm

Thanks for the picture!  When you all had said food saver I thought that was just a generic term.  I did not realize that it was a brand name.  Embarassed

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Post  Scorpio Rising 9/7/2018, 6:27 pm

Interesting, good thread.
Scorpio Rising
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