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Can anyone identify this plant? Toplef10Can anyone identify this plant? 1zd3ho10

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Can anyone identify this plant? I22gcj10Can anyone identify this plant? 14dhcg10


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Can anyone identify this plant? Toplef10Can anyone identify this plant? 1zd3ho10

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Can anyone identify this plant? I22gcj10Can anyone identify this plant? 14dhcg10

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Can anyone identify this plant?

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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty Can anyone identify this plant?

Post  Megan 5/6/2010, 8:55 am

Can anyone identify this plant? It was given to me several years ago. It likes shade (I've got it planted under bigger plants which shield it from full sun), spreads underground veeeeeeeery slowly, and from what I was told, is uncommon.

Can anyone identify this plant? Photo-778672

Can anyone identify this plant? Photo%203-739906

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Age : 57
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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty It's flower looks like a mouth!

Post  LindainWarwickNY 5/6/2010, 9:53 am

I don't know what it is, but doesn't it's flower look like a mouth? Kind of like a venus fly trap? Maybe you could trap a fly, drop it near the flower and see what happens? I'm joking. There is no way I would want to touch a fly, but if I would touch one, that would be some experiment!

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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this plant?

Post  Megan 5/6/2010, 9:54 am

It is not a predatory plant. Smile

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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this plant?

Post  pattipan 5/6/2010, 10:36 am

It's Wild Ginger:


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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this plant?

Post  Megan 5/6/2010, 10:39 am

Neat!! Thank you! Can anyone identify this plant? 109486

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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this plant?

Post  miinva 5/6/2010, 2:29 pm

I'm envious! Very Happy

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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this plant?

Post  bullfrogbabe 5/6/2010, 7:12 pm

Wild ginger is a great wild flower. It usually grows under the canopy of hardwood trees in forests here in Ontario. You will need to ensure it has some shade to maintain it. If you ever damage branch you will notice that it smells like ginger too.

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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this plant?

Post  bullfrogbabe 5/6/2010, 7:13 pm

Wild ginger is a great wild flower. It usually grows under the canopy of hardwood trees in forests here in Ontario. You will need to ensure it has some shade to maintain it. If you ever damage branch you will notice that it smells like ginger too.

Female Posts : 189
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Location : Petawawa, Ontario, Canada Zone 4a

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Can anyone identify this plant? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this plant?

Post  Megan 5/6/2010, 7:22 pm

I've had it for at least five years now. Don't do a thing to it, either Smile You can't really see it in the photo, but there is a VERY large sage bush off to the left. Between it and the day lilies to the right, it gets lots of shade. In fact, for the first few years I almost forgot I had it. It is becoming more robust as it spreads.

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