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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Toplef10The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution 1zd3ho10

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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution I22gcj10The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution 14dhcg10


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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Toplef10The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution 1zd3ho10

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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution I22gcj10The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution 14dhcg10

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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution

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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Empty The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution

Post  has55 7/29/2014, 12:58 am

Last year I used shade cloth on top of my electrical conduit poles to protect my greens from the summer heat. two days after applying it, I had white spot developing and destroyed the plants. I was so busy, I didn't have time to search out the cause and what was this white color powder on my plants. I just pulled them up and planted again for fall. This year it happen again 2-3 days after putting up the shade cloth. After researching the SFG forum, I found out it was powdery mildew. I figured out that I could not adjust the shade cloth in such a way to allow for both good ventilation and sunlight/temperature protection. the shade cloth are vented, but slow the airflow greatly. also my plants were close together. see below.

The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Img_0710

so I got rid of the cross bars and change to a top cover with a extension to allow the leaves extend beyond the border of the bed without touching the shade cloth. I left the short ends on the  side to allow free flowing air. This required a 5 way PVC adapter so I could extend the shade cloth beyond the SFG beds, but allowed the poles to stay in the beds. this way I could do grass edge trimming. so far no further mildew x's 3 weeks. the plants are staying up and not drooping, even when the temp hit 102. so far the shade cloth seem to be working fine.

The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Img_0310

 The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Img_0311

The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Img_0312

see the extension on the left border

The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Img_0423

the short ends are loose to allow air flow. the shade cloth is fasten to the extended side, otherwise it attached at the top.

The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Img_0424

The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Img_0425

The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Img_0426

Posts : 2346
Join date : 2012-05-10
Location : Denton, tx

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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Empty Re: The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution

Post  Kelejan 8/1/2014, 12:59 am

Happy you seemed to have found a solution.  Keep us posted.  Very Happy

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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Empty Re: The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution

Post  sanderson 8/1/2014, 2:58 am

I thought I sent a reply but I don't see it. PVC is great for creating cover frames to suit the need.

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The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution Empty Re: The SFG Journey-self induced powdery mildew, a paradigm shift solution

Post  has55 6/6/2017, 9:24 am

I don't have powdery mildew at this time and have not did any preventative spraying. bu this product got my eye. Has anyone used it?

I had purchased some potassium bicarbonate off of eBay, but have not applied it yet. too many projects.

potassium bicarbonate

from dirt doctor
powdery mildew

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