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Difficulties using the database

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Difficulties using the database Empty Difficulties using the database

Post  gardenwriter 4/29/2010, 12:49 pm

I am such a techno-failure. The only option I seem to get when accessing the vermiculite database is to enter new data, where as I am hoping to find out where I can buy verminulite in southeastern Wisconsin.

Can anyone help me?


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Difficulties using the database Empty Difficulties using the database

Post  Bec 4/29/2010, 12:55 pm

I got the same thing. It looked like I had to set up a Google account and I really don't want to do that so I just exited out.

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  junequilt 4/29/2010, 12:57 pm

I just accessed it without a problem . . .

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  Ha-v-v 4/29/2010, 12:58 pm

I went to this link and there is 4 buttons, two for usa one is for input and one is to read. To read it click on the button that says "u s d b" I didnt sign up for a google account to read it. https://squarefoot.forumotion.com/Vermiculite-Entry-Form-h1.htm

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  boffer 4/29/2010, 1:12 pm


If I understand your post correctly, you can't read the database without signing up for a google account? I looked at it anonymously and can't duplicate that.

Anybody else?

Just for grins, try reading the database here:


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Difficulties using the database Empty Success

Post  gardenwriter 4/29/2010, 1:25 pm

Boffer, it worked! You have been one helpful garden buddy. Thanks!

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Difficulties using the database Empty Difficulties using the database

Post  Bec 4/29/2010, 1:33 pm

Well, I guess it's just me then. I tried it again, clicked on US db and got a screen for goodle docs that you have to have an account to enter. Oh well. I probably don't need it anyway - I was just curious. Am really looking for a location where I can get some wholesale for resale since it's so hard to find but apparently there aren't any close to me in NC.

Glad it's working for everyone else. It's all right.


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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  boffer 4/29/2010, 1:35 pm

Uh, gee, thanks. But I didn't do anything!

The link code I posted was the same as what the button links to. Nobody is supposed to need a google account to view or enter data from our button links.

Keep me informed, please, if it happens again. Since I can't duplicate it, can anybody post a screenshot showing 'the must join' window?

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  boffer 4/29/2010, 1:38 pm

At this very second minute, there are four anonymous viewers. What are you guys seeing?

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Difficulties using the database Empty Difficulties using database

Post  Bec 4/29/2010, 1:39 pm

I would but I don't know how. Don't worry about it though. It isn't essential that I get to the information. Thanks though.


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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  Ha-v-v 4/29/2010, 4:16 pm

I have an idea. If anyone needs the database.. post where you are and I will search it for you Smile It will give me something to do. I would like to help Smile or send me a note here Smile

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Difficulties using the database Empty NC database for Vermiculite

Post  Ha-v-v 4/29/2010, 4:26 pm

4/12/2010 5:55:25 Atlantic Ave Orchard Center 5217 Atlantic Ave Raleigh NC 27616 919-878-8877 www.atlanticavenuiegarden.com $24.99
4/12/2010 5:42:02 Fifth Season Gardening 45 Banks Ave Asheville NC 28801 828-253-4112 $17.95
4/12/2010 5:43:15 Fifth Season Gardening 106 Greensboro St Carrboro NC 27510 919-932-7600 $17.95
4/12/2010 5:50:28 Fifth Season Gardening 900 Preston Ave Charlotte NC 28201 434-293-2322 $17.95
4/12/2010 5:53:14 Fifth Season Gardening 1616 Battleground Greensboro NC 27401 336-271-3373 $17.95
4/12/2010 23:09:45 Fifth Season Gardening 5619 Hillsborough Raleigh NC 27601 919-852-4747 $17.95
4/16/2010 13:50:03 Fifth Season Gardening 21-B Westside Dr West Asheville NC 28816 828-255-5007 Warehouse Location Only.
4/12/2010 5:51:21 Hudson's Hardware 77 Amelia Church Claton NC 27520 919-553-3030 $18.99
4/12/2010 5:52:24 Hudson's Hardware 305 Benson Road Garner/Raliegh NC 27529 919-772-4141 $18.99
4/12/2010 23:11:20 Logan's Trading Co. 707 Smart Drive Raliegh NC 27604 919-828-6337 $24.95
4/12/2010 5:49:29 Pike Nurseries Charlotte NC 704-341-7453
4/12/2010 5:54:05 Van's Hardware Greenville NC 252-758-2420

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Location : Southwest Ms. Zone 8A (I like to think I get a little bit of Zone 9 too )

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  junequilt 4/29/2010, 5:21 pm

Bec, if you are anywhere near Spartanburg, SC, you can get vermiculite very reasonably from Palmetto Vermiculite in Woodruff, SC.

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  Bec 4/29/2010, 6:19 pm

Thanks junequilt. And thank you also Ha-v-v. I appreciate all your help. I'm in Western NC so Fifth Seasons will be the closet location.

Thanks again.


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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  boffer 4/29/2010, 10:47 pm

Is this what you are seeing?

Difficulties using the database Vdb10

and clicking on it gives you this:

Difficulties using the database Vdb110

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  Wyldflower 4/29/2010, 10:54 pm

I'm seeing what you just posted ... I signed in using my google email address, and then I get a chat box that indicates "anonymous user 155" is viewing... for a minute, another anonymous viewer number was there, too.

I can access all the data. I didn't try entering into chat. Want to give that a try boffer?

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  boffer 4/29/2010, 10:58 pm

A google account of any type shouldn't be needed to view the database or enter data. I've cleared my cache and cookies so I'm anonymous-I can enter and view no problem. thinking

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  gardenwriter 4/29/2010, 11:32 pm

It is. What do you think?

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  Wyldflower 4/29/2010, 11:33 pm

just as a sub-note... i could read the database without signing in... but could access chat (anonymous) after i did sign in.

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  boffer 4/29/2010, 11:50 pm

gardenwriter wrote:It is. What do you think?

There's no need to sign in when you're looking at the database. All you can do is look. The sign in is for managers of the database to fix errors, etc.

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Difficulties using the database Empty Difficulties using the database

Post  Bec 4/30/2010, 5:46 am

The first image is not what I'm setting - I see the page with the 4 buttons to chose from. But the second image IS what I'm seeing.

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  gardenwriter 4/30/2010, 7:23 am

So, I went out yesterday and found vermiculite at one of the places posted on the database. Now I have price and size info that I'd like to add. I tried inserting it, but it wouldn't work.

Yesterday I was a techno-failure. Today, I'll call myself a techno-fraud! I tried, but no luck. Any tips?


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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  Wyldflower 4/30/2010, 10:46 am

When you go to the database, you should see four buttons
1: enter US data
2: view US data
3: enter international data
4: view international data

and one more button underneath to report problems.

Button 1 brings you to the fill-in form to add data to the DataBase
Button 2 shows you the DataBase for the US, sorted by state
Button 3 is the form for entering international data
Button 4 shows the international DataBase.

You SHOULD be able to access any of these through the main 'DataBase' link.

It may take a little while for entries to show up in the database.

I wonder if some people have difficulty based on what browser they are using. I have no problem with either FireFox or with IE. If you still have trouble, and can get to the HELP button on the page, or post underneath here. I know Boffer and Ward are trying to iron out all the glitches.

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  boffer 4/30/2010, 11:13 am

gardenwriter wrote:Yesterday I was a techno-failure. Today, I'll call myself a techno-fraud! I tried, but no luck. Any tips? Gardenwriter

Nah, you're just a geek in training!! lol!

Sit tight, I'm writing a 'how-to'

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Difficulties using the database Empty Re: Difficulties using the database

Post  boffer 4/30/2010, 12:14 pm

You must be logged in to the forum to see 'Vermiculite Database'

Difficulties using the database Forum_10

If you want to add a retail source to the database, click on the 'U.S. Form' button

Difficulties using the database Html_n10

That will open a window that looks like this. Enter your data appropriately.

Difficulties using the database Us_ent10

If you are looking for vermiculite and want to read the database, click on the 'U.S. D.B.' button. That will open a window that looks like this

Difficulties using the database Dbview10

NOTE: no further log in is required. The log in is for database managers. All you can do here is read-you can't make changes. If you see errors in the database, please let the database manager know. Just use the 'Please report problems' button.

Difficulties using the database Html_n10

Is it clear as mud now?! Very Happy I'll move this to the 'how-to' forum once the questions are answered.


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