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Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer Toplef10Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 1zd3ho10

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Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer I22gcj10Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 14dhcg10

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Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer

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Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer Empty Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer

Post  jimmy cee 12/28/2013, 10:16 pm

Well I couldn't stand being away from my piles, since it was a warmer day I went out to the compost piles and 1 was 48 deg F...the other isn't ready to start yet.

Added 9 boxes of frozen veggies, straw, some compost from the old pile, and shredded leaves.
I tried the garbage can/weed whacker trick today for leaves...it really worked well for me, enough to keep me from purchasing another piece of stuff. ( leaf shredder )

this pile should be done in spring
Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 12_28_10

this pile will be started sometime during jan/feb
Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 12_28_11
Happy to be outside again, mud is bad though, winter's coming back tomorrow....

Thermometer used, reading 48 today, crust was frozen, no worms around
Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 12_28_12

garlic & shallot bed, they did not come out this past fall.
Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 12_28_13

end of a hard days work  R & R    starting tumbler up (maybe it will work this year)
Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 12_28_14Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 12_28_15
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Join date : 2013-02-16
Age : 88
Location : Hatfield PA. zone 6b

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Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer Empty Re: Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer

Post  boffer 12/28/2013, 10:34 pm

jimmy cee wrote:...end of a hard days work  R & R    starting tumbler up (maybe it will work this year)...

Uh...I must have missed the pictures of the hard days work!  But I appreciate the R & R!  Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 3170584802 

I found that my compost tumbler is better for mixing MM than for making compost.  Shocked

Male Posts : 7370
Join date : 2010-02-26
Age : 71
Location : yelm, wa, usa


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Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer Empty Re: Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer

Post  jimmy cee 12/28/2013, 10:43 pm

I don't take photo's of me working, bad for my image...

Tumbler..I'm not giving up on it, I am going to try to keep the browns  going more this year.
Think it will work if the correct mix is established..  if not...another   Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 3170584802 
well another  Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer 3170584802   anyway
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

Certified SFG Instructor

Male Posts : 2215
Join date : 2013-02-16
Age : 88
Location : Hatfield PA. zone 6b

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Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer Empty Re: Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer

Post  boffer 12/28/2013, 10:47 pm

Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer Lolfac11

Male Posts : 7370
Join date : 2010-02-26
Age : 71
Location : yelm, wa, usa


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Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer Empty Re: Garlic bed/ Compost piles/ tumbler and beer

Post  GWN 12/30/2013, 7:37 pm

I am attempting to maintain an active compost pile INSIDE my hoop house this winter and got the temp up to 60 yesterday. Since my dog cannot get at it, I put in a bunch of blood meal.
THEN I did the same with my tumbler, which I am assuming is pretty much as much of a failure as everyone else's here...
But I thought I would try the blood meal and try to get turning it again. I guess I have not completely given up on mine either, however this will be my third year with it...

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