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Removing plants from SFG beds ????
llama momma
jimmy cee
7 posters
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Removing plants from SFG beds ????
When I am ready to go to the next planting, spring to summer, summer to fall, etc. , should I cut the plant at the base ? or should I pull out roots also ?
It's hard to believe, compared to my previous years of growing non SFG gardens.
Root systems in SFG are all over the place, had a tomato root that went over 3 squares and still growing.
I mistakenly pulled out a couple of herbs, rosemary, and thyme, a root ball came out that was larger than the plant.
Leaving some root systems in might not allow me to replant, or mix required compost.
It's hard to believe, compared to my previous years of growing non SFG gardens.
Root systems in SFG are all over the place, had a tomato root that went over 3 squares and still growing.
I mistakenly pulled out a couple of herbs, rosemary, and thyme, a root ball came out that was larger than the plant.
Leaving some root systems in might not allow me to replant, or mix required compost.
jimmy cee
Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 2215
Join date : 2013-02-16
Age : 89
Location : Hatfield PA. zone 6b
Re: Removing plants from SFG beds ????
Hi Jimmy,
I like to pull my roots out and clean the MM off in the bed. Just a personal preference and I'm not sure if it really matters or not, just keeps my MM clean.
I like to pull my roots out and clean the MM off in the bed. Just a personal preference and I'm not sure if it really matters or not, just keeps my MM clean.
bnoles- Posts : 804
Join date : 2012-08-16
Location : North GA Mountains Zone 7A
Re: Removing plants from SFG beds ????
That's what I've been doing, making sure no MM was being wasted, even at that the stuff went into the compost piles.
jimmy cee
Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 2215
Join date : 2013-02-16
Age : 89
Location : Hatfield PA. zone 6b
Re: Removing plants from SFG beds ????
I try to preserve all of mels mix and have rinsed off the roots with a light spray of the hose or watering can. Also took large roots from corn stalks and placed on top of the mix to dry off then shake off excess or rinse. If some winds up in the compost I think it'll sort of make its way back over time.
llama momma
Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 4914
Join date : 2010-08-20
Location : Central Ohio zone 6a
Re: Removing plants from SFG beds ????
I like to pull out my old plants, roots and all, for the compost pile. Except for the peas and beans which I cut at the base of the soil. The roots on these will add good stuff for next year's crop.
As for cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, I chop off the root and toss it in the trash for garbage pickup to prevent clubroot. The tops go into the compost pile.
As for cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, I chop off the root and toss it in the trash for garbage pickup to prevent clubroot. The tops go into the compost pile.
quiltbea- Posts : 4707
Join date : 2010-03-21
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Re: Removing plants from SFG beds ????
Ditto. But I don't get jiggy if I miss some strands of whatever. It'll breakdown by next year.quiltbea wrote:I like to pull out my old plants, roots and all, for the compost pile. Except for the peas and beans which I cut at the base of the soil. The roots on these will add good stuff for next year's crop.
As for cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, I chop off the root and toss it in the trash for garbage pickup to prevent clubroot. The tops go into the compost pile.
CapeCoddess- Posts : 6811
Join date : 2012-05-20
Age : 68
Location : elbow of the Cape, MA, Zone 6b/7a
Re: Removing plants from SFG beds ????
The blighted tomato plants I left stumps in the mix until all other plants are done for the season, then all root systems come out and going into the compost or burn pile. I knock off most of the mix, but don't fret over it. It all eventually will get back into the garden box.
43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.
There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Re: Removing plants from SFG beds ????
+1 and banging the root/stalk against the side of the bed to shake as much MM off as possible, especially the roots not going into the compost pile.quiltbea wrote:I like to pull out my old plants, roots and all, for the compost pile. Except for the peas and beans which I cut at the base of the soil. The roots on these will add good stuff for next year's crop.
As for cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, I chop off the root and toss it in the trash for garbage pickup to prevent clubroot. The tops go into the compost pile.
Last edited by camprn on 9/26/2013, 6:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed quote box)
Elizabeth City, NC
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Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 4370
Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 81
Location : wilmington, nc zone 8
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