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what is this? veggie

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what is this? veggie Empty what is this? veggie

Post  FamilyGardening 6/2/2013, 12:32 am

Our 6 year old son took us around his school garden and showed us something he loves to eat.....what do you think this is?
it was already bolting, and when I tried a taste of it...it was sour

what is this? veggie Dscf0041

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Post  boffer 6/2/2013, 12:56 am


Just today I noticed that my rhubarb had flowers like that; I don't recall them from years past.

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Post  FamilyGardening 6/2/2013, 1:02 am

this veggie didn't have any stalk to it....or is it not time for the stocks?...it was sour like Rhubarb though..... Smile

it was growing like a lettuce ...in a bunch....kind of like dandelions......but with more leaves....


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Post  FamilyGardening 6/2/2013, 1:04 am

just thought of something....maybe it is Rhubarb but they already harvested the stocks.....hmm...


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Post  boffer 6/2/2013, 1:08 am

Well darn! My rhubarb is probably ready for picking. I focused on the flower; rhubarb leaves don't look anything like your leaf.

If I sit here thinking about it much longer, I'm gonna have to get a flashlight and go look!

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Post  bernie 6/2/2013, 3:36 am

I would guess at spinach/beet/chard.

Definitely nothing like the rhubarb we grow in the UK,massive broad leaves which incidentally are poisonous Shocked

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Post  camprn 6/2/2013, 6:51 am

It doesn't look like rhubarb to me, the leaf almost looks like a dock. The flower too. Or actually, maybe it's sorrel. Do you have a photo of it in the ground?


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Post  Goosegirl 6/2/2013, 10:22 am

If he has been eating the leaves, it is NOT rhubarb - the leaves are poisonous. Rhubarb leaves should be a whole lot bigger and wider (I used to pretend they were big Egyption fans on the end of the stalk when I was little) compared to the flower as well.


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Post  Lavender Debs 6/2/2013, 10:31 am

I'm with Camp. It looks like wild sorrel. Goggel it. (Wikipedia has a good pic). At the toy box it is a yard weed. Before you think poorly of it, I like most weeds. Very young wild sorrel is nice in salads, tea sandwiches with an oil-vinegar dressing and cheese-fruit, or in a mixed greens salad. Unless you want LOTS of it I would get rid of the seed heads before they ripen. There are lots more where this one came from. Next year try some domestic sorrel and let me know how you like it. It is less tangy (or sour as you put it) and comes in some pretty colors. I think that this is one of the plants that the French love.
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Post  donnainzone5 6/2/2013, 12:05 pm

It does look like sorrel.

I planted one seed a while back, and it's sprouting.

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Post  FamilyGardening 6/2/2013, 12:06 pm

Thanks for the help!

I believe it is sorrel after looking it up and seeing pictures of it....from what I read its taste is like kiwi or sour strawberries and our son said that's why he loves it so much Very Happy

next time we are at the school we will take a pic of it in the garden....they have several plants in their garden beds as our son is not the only one who loves to nibble on it Very Happy

its so cute....they have nibble Fridays.....its a great program as the kids get to help plant, water and nibble.....the rest they donate to the local food bank sunny

happy gardening


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Post  Turan 6/2/2013, 3:20 pm

FamilyGardening wrote:

its so cute....they have nibble Fridays.....its a great program as the kids get to help plant, water and nibble.....
I love it!
way to go

Garden sorrel and rhubarb are both of the family Polygonaceae which should explain the similarities. I thought they were both genus Rumex but different species but when checking I find they are not that close. Garden sorrels are Rumex acetosa and rhubarb is Rheum rhabarbarum. Both can have yellowish dye in the roots. Another branch of the Polygonaceae is Dyers Knotweed, a source of indigo and the flower is what looks most similar to sorrel and rhubarb. More than you wanted to know I am sure What a Face


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Post  FamilyGardening 6/2/2013, 5:04 pm

Turan love the info!!!

one of the reasons I love this forum so much.....lots of good people willing to share with each other Smile


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Post  GWN 6/2/2013, 6:16 pm

Oh and here I thought it was quinoia.

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Post  GWN 6/2/2013, 6:28 pm

Turan that is so interesting. I have noticed when I am WEEDING the different colours of certain things, and it is helpful sometimes to know the colours of the roots.
I HAD noticed that rhubarb has a yellowish root, but so does the oregon Grape which is a week around these parts..... SOOO are they related?

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Post  Turan 6/2/2013, 6:46 pm

I doubt it, the flowers look so different. My guess is more related to heathers and blueberries.

Applying Google finger blush

Family: Berberidaceae
Genus: Mahonia
Species: M. aquifolium

Nope not related to either blueberries or quinoa or rhubarb. They are related to barberries....


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