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too many squares!! Empty too many squares!!

Post  GWN 6/13/2012, 11:36 pm

I seem to have developed an unexpected problem.....for a few reasons, I have ended up in Mid June with too many squares. I planted about 25 squares of spinach which are all bolting now AND many of my peppers did not make it Sad SO now I have the difficult problem of trying to figure out what to put in those squares.
What would YOU plant in them if it were you? and why? :scratch:

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  Turan 6/13/2012, 11:59 pm

Beans because too many beans is easy to preserve in many ways and now is hte time to plant them.
Carrots , beets, rutabagas for fall harvest. More potats.
All these are easy to store.

Lots of QUINOA rofl


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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  GWN 6/14/2012, 12:05 am

Lots of QUINOA
I planted about 15 quinoa, more... just to learn how they grow and how to harvest them
beans are a good idea, last fall I wished I had had many more of them.
Would it be too late for potatoes?

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Post  Turan 6/14/2012, 12:13 am

Nope, they are still planting potats here.


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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  kinggarbear 6/14/2012, 12:14 am

GWN wrote:
Lots of QUINOA
I planted about 15 quinoa, more... just to learn how they grow and how to harvest them
beans are a good idea, last fall I wished I had had many more of them.
Would it be too late for potatoes?

If you have 60-80 days... get 'em in quickly...


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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  ramarks 6/14/2012, 12:32 am

I'd be curious how you resolved your too many squares dilemma. I've had a few squares that are probably not going to make it...so I may have the same dilemma in a week or so.

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  cheyannarach 6/14/2012, 1:54 am

Too many squares, that sounds like a fun trip to a nursery! I am going to plant all of my I don't know what they are tomatoes and take a gamble, lol, I don't recommend this to anyone else but I have a bunch of tomatoes that I started from seed that got knocked over while in their peat pods and lost their identity, lol. I would plant beans, taters, maters, and peppers! Curious, what did you do with all that spinach, I have 2 squares that I can't keep up with! Also curious where are you all getting the quinoa?

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too many squares!! Empty FLOWERS

Post  hruten 6/14/2012, 5:45 am

If you already have what you planned... why not try some flowers? They are quick growing and help deter bad bugs etc. Just a thought...flower

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  RoOsTeR 6/14/2012, 7:42 am

Lol, I've got a few mystery tomatoes as well Very Happy I've planted a square or two of flowers, like marigolds and pansies in each bed. They've really "perked" the beds up with some eye candy. Don't know if you've got any flowers or not, but just a thought. Try out some things you've never grown before.

Too many squares, that sounds like a fun trip to a nursery!

+1. I can't go in and come out empty handed.


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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  plantoid 6/14/2012, 7:46 am

GWN wrote:I seem to have developed an unexpected problem.....for a few reasons, I have ended up in Mid June with too many squares. I planted about 25 squares of spinach which are all bolting now AND many of my peppers did not make it Sad SO now I have the difficult problem of trying to figure out what to put in those squares.
What would YOU plant in them if it were you? and why? :scratch:

Cut the spinaich & remove the roots except for a few plants in isolated squares and bung it in the compost .

Then replant four squares or so with a few starts and / or a few seeds every ten days till the end of your planting /sowing season. that way you'll have a succession of plants/ crops right through the season of cropping.

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  ramarks 6/14/2012, 8:51 am

plantoid wrote:Cut the spinaich & remove the roots except for a few plants in isolated squares and bung it in the compost .

Then replant four squares or so with a few starts and / or a few seeds every ten days till the end of your planting /sowing season. that way you'll have a succession of plants/ crops right through the season of cropping.
What a great idea - thanks.

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  boffer 6/14/2012, 9:53 am

cheyannarach wrote:...Curious, what did you do with all that spinach, I have 2 squares that I can't keep up with!...

We eat a lot of this!


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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  GWN 6/14/2012, 9:57 am

Then replant four squares or so with a few starts and / or a few seeds every ten days till the end of your planting /sowing season. that way you'll have a succession of plants/ crops right through the season of cropping.
Yes that is what I AM doing, I am just curious what others would do with an excess of squares this time of year,
I think I will go for the beans, potatoes, more carrots, things I can use over the winter, store in cold room.

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  GWN 6/14/2012, 10:06 am

...Curious, what did you do with all that spinach, I have 2 squares that I can't keep up with!...
I have had about 16 squares of spinach and then 6 plants overwintered and started growing again VERY WELL.
I use a lot of it in pesto, since my basil is not quite ready for prime time, I use spinach, a little basil, and artichokes (have those jars from costco) and cilantro.
I use the pesto on pizza (but since I only allow us to have pizza 4 days a week) we have it on pasta.
I also make frittata with the spinach and dill
Last night I used a ton of it, (about 10 cups) making macaroni casserole (I boiled the noodles, them made a white sauce in the microwave (2.5 cups of skim milk and 1/4 cup flour)(I put it in for a minute at a time and stir well with a fork until it thickens) then add 3 cheeses 2 cans of salmon,
I took the cut up spinach and chopped up dill and mixed it in with the drained noodles then added the sauce with the cheese and salmon.

Put the whole thing in oven and bake for about 35 mins or until bubbly.

We have had several spinach salads.
We have our son home from university for the summer, and every night he comes home from work, whats for dinner?...Yup spinach again.. Smile

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  cheyannarach 6/14/2012, 10:55 am

Wow, I need to get more creative with the spinach, I usually just put it in salads. I have made some spinach and artichoke dip with it but now I am really hungry fro some pesto! too many squares!! 959632

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  landarch 6/14/2012, 11:15 am

Bush beans seem to be my square filler...my problem is that I already have 130 bean plants with about 30 more squares that will be open once the beets, lettuce, carrots, and onions are done...not sure if I should keep planting beans or see what may work best in prep for the fall garden.

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too many squares!! Empty Question regarding potatoes

Post  greatgranny 6/14/2012, 11:55 am

Went to the link - the PDF about potatoes. Am wondering what the letters after the potato names stands for. Does anyone know? Just curious.

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  walshevak 6/14/2012, 1:46 pm

Squash and beans seem to be my fillers. Mainly because I can't keep squash going due to SVB, so I keep replanting. Also spread out from just yellow and zuchinni to butternut and some winter squashes. This year I have a hyperdermic needle and BT and have high hopes. Since leafy green veggies are what I want most, I have tried some alternatives to my collards, kale and chard. I have malibar spinach planted, but it's just sitting there. My newest endeavor is sweet potatos. I found out the vine is good to eat and good for you. Tried the spinach every 2 weeks route, but now they bolt when only a few inches high. In the bean dept. I have kentucky wonder, asparagus bean, edamame, and southern cowpeas.

Trying new stuff to see what grow best.



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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  JustMe 6/14/2012, 10:58 pm

What about tomatoes from nursery plants, Swiss chard, or soybeans?

My spinach is bolting after 2" of growth, so I have started to pull it up.

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  GWN 6/14/2012, 11:06 pm

Squash and beans seem to be my fillers. Mainly because I can't keep squash going due to SVB, so I keep replanting. Also spread out from just yellow and zuchinni to butternut and some winter squashes. This year I have a hyperdermic needle and BT and have high hopes. Since leafy green veggies are what I want most, I have tried some alternatives to my collards, kale and chard. I have malibar spinach planted, but it's just sitting there. My newest endeavor is sweet potatos. I found out the vine is good to eat and good for you. Tried the spinach every 2 weeks route, but now they bolt when only a few inches high. In the bean dept. I have kentucky wonder, asparagus bean, edamame, and southern cowpeas.

Trying new stuff to see what grow best.
Kay, I am a smidgeon lost. What does SVB stand for, and BT?

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  GWN 6/14/2012, 11:11 pm

Wow, I need to get more creative with the spinach, I usually just put it in salads. I have made some spinach and artichoke dip with it but now I am really hungry fro some pesto!
I have just recently put the artichokes in and found that it gives a real creamy texture to the pesto with out all the cheese.


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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  Lindacol 6/14/2012, 11:19 pm

In some of my soon to be vacant squares I have volunteer sweet potatoes coming up. Must have missed a couple. One is coming up under the squash so I am directing that one to the neighboring squares where I have just harvested the onions. Also one squash that turned out to be yellow summer (bush) instead of butternut (vine) now has more room overflowing to another former onion square.

In another bed a sweet potato is also coming up under corn that is almost ready to harvest. After harvest I will cut the stalks instead of pulling them so I don't desturb the sweet potatoes, which can also vine into a couple of nearly done lettuce squares.

Once the rest of the onions and the garlic are done I want to try Rattlesnake & Dragon Tongue beans and hopefully some more corn.

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  GWN 6/14/2012, 11:25 pm

In some of my soon to be vacant squares I have volunteer sweet potatoes coming up. Must have missed a couple. One is coming up under the squash so I am directing that one to the neighboring squares where I have just harvested the onions. Also one squash that turned out to be yellow summer (bush) instead of butternut (vine) now has more room overflowing to another former onion square.

In another bed a sweet potato is also coming up under corn that is almost ready to harvest. After harvest I will cut the stalks instead of pulling them so I don't desturb the sweet potatoes, which can also vine into a couple of nearly done lettuce squares.

Volunteers are like a gift......well they ARE A GIFT
I do have volunteer dill plants growing up around some of the soon to be gone, spinach,....and .... so be it., I will take the dill.
There is something about volunteers, that somehow surpasses everything else.

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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  Turan 6/15/2012, 1:04 am

Thinking of this dilemma today at work I took a break and walked down to the market farm to look in the greenhouse to see what was being started from seed for later planting in the fields. There was lots of basil, fennel, lettuces, kohlrabi, cucumbers and lemon squash and various herbs.


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too many squares!! Empty Re: too many squares!!

Post  GWN 6/15/2012, 1:06 am

Thinking of this dilemma today at work I took a break and walked down to the market farm to look in the greenhouse to see what was being started from seed for later planting in the fields. There was lots of basil, fennel, lettuces, kohlrabi, cucumbers and lemon squash and various herbs.
OK Turan, I WILL plant more cucumbers .... Smile I hate fennel, Kohlrabli, I cannot eat and I already have 24 squares of basil.
So MORE cucs

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