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can you drown worms?

llama momma
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can you drown worms? Empty can you drown worms?

Post  KelliK 5/23/2012, 11:41 am

I installed my worm tubes and put some sraps in for them. We had a big dinner last weekend and I food processed some of the veggie scraps and now I can't see my worm friends. Is is possible to drown them? I certinally have fruit flies, but no worms. Should I pull the tubes out, take out some of the veggies and then replant them? Or just leave them alone?



Last edited by KelliK on 5/23/2012, 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : crazy font)

Female Posts : 46
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Location : Manassas VA 20110

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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  quiltbea 5/23/2012, 12:09 pm

Yes, you can drown worms. That's why you see worms on pavement after a rainstorm. They have come to the top for relief from the water in the soil. I don't have worm tubes so can't help you there. Someone will be along soon, I'm sure.

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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  No_Such_Reality 5/23/2012, 12:17 pm

Are the worms sealed in the tubes? If not, they'll just crawl out if it's too wet. Not sure if you've got a good compost mix in the bed, but the worms would probably prefer the MM to the scraps.

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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  KelliK 5/23/2012, 12:49 pm

No_Such_Reality wrote:Are the worms sealed in the tubes? If not, they'll just crawl out if it's too wet. Not sure if you've got a good compost mix in the bed, but the worms would probably prefer the MM to the scraps.

I am using the worm tubes Josh made for his garden, along with my MM. I put some scraps in there for them, they seemed to really gobble them up for about three days, and then nothing and I havent seen them since. I think I will just pull the tubes up and start over. We did drill 1 inch holes from the soil line down to aid with their movement.



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Location : Manassas VA 20110

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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  llama momma 5/23/2012, 12:57 pm

You know, if it's hot they may have just taken off temporarily for cooler parts. I was seeing worms in my tubes and lately I'm seeing more pill bugs.
llama momma
llama momma

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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  obrdrln 5/23/2012, 7:43 pm

I drown worms every time I go fishing.........Very Happy


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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  KelliK 5/23/2012, 8:27 pm

obrdrln wrote:I drown worms every time I go fishing.........Very Happy



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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  TN_GARDENER 5/24/2012, 8:37 am


This is an aquaponic setup. The guy floods his gravel grow bed and his worms thrive.

can you drown worms? Worms

can you drown worms? 120+Things+in+20+years+-+Aquaponics+-+going

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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  Coelli 5/24/2012, 12:35 pm

I haven't seen my worms either since we put the worm tubes in a couple of weeks ago, but I assume everything is okay because the tubes don't smell bad. There's no way I'm going digging in there to check; I don't want to disturb them if everything is going well. I assume that if they were getting too much water they would come up to the surface of the stuff in the tube. I also assume they were put in there with so much yummy stuff they have no reason to show themselves yet. Smile There must have been 8-10" of bedding and food in each tube.

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can you drown worms? Empty Re: can you drown worms?

Post  Kelejan 5/24/2012, 2:13 pm

[quote="quiltbea"]Yes, you can drown worms. That's why you see worms on pavement after a rainstorm. They have come to the top for relief from the water in the soil. I don't have worm tubes so can't help you there. Someone will be along soon, I'm sure.[/quote

A couple of years ago I picked up about 500 worms from the road near where I live. Put in my compost heap. Could not bear the thought of them all shrivelling up.

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can you drown worms? Empty still no sight of our friends

Post  KelliK 6/22/2012, 6:31 pm

I check daily, and still no sight of our little red wigglers. Our garden is growing magnificently, and I am not seeing any dead ones around. So I think we are OK. RIGHT?

looking at my profile picture all I can say is AWWW, both my babies and my garden are growing so fast.


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Join date : 2012-03-27
Location : Manassas VA 20110

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