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MM is going to break me

Lavender Debs
llama momma
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MM is going to break me Empty MM is going to break me

Post  javaaddict 3/23/2012, 3:29 pm

Or my pregnant back, but either way, it isn't going to be pretty. I just mixed up and put 9 cu ft of MM and put it into one of four boxes. This might take a while to do them all. I thought I was looking at a few hour project. HAHA

Female Posts : 60
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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  madnicmom 3/23/2012, 3:45 pm

Oh dear lord! Please try to get help with the next batch!

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  Furbalsmom 3/23/2012, 4:03 pm

MM is going to break me 43549 Mixing and filling your beds with MM is the hardest part, I promise. MM is going to break me 993580

But, MM is going to break me 88217 Please, Please, get HELP for the remaining beds!

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  javaaddict 3/23/2012, 4:32 pm

Thank God this is the hardest part, I thought about giving up! I did get another finished, but I'm done. I'm going to have my husband do the rest. Since this is my crazy project I felt bad making him do the crappy parts!

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  llama momma 3/23/2012, 4:32 pm

Oh my goodness! Our central Ohio weather may force you to put this off with the rain threat coming. I was so hoping to stain cinder blocks tonight, but I'm not trusting the sky right now.
llama momma
llama momma

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  UnderTheBlackWalnut 3/23/2012, 4:40 pm

javaaddict wrote:Thank God this is the hardest part, I thought about giving up! I did get another finished, but I'm done. I'm going to have my husband do the rest. Since this is my crazy project I felt bad making him do the crappy parts!

LOL - well if it was my husband, we would make a pact: he can do the crappy parts of filling the beds and I would do the crappy parts of incubating this new little miracle... Smile -

Take it easy and don't hurt yourself! Am hoping for a healthy happy dad, mom and baby with a great garden too! Smile

PS - It IS the hardest part - after you get this done, it's just replenish the squares a trowel full at a time and that's it. Smile I can't believe how much easier my second year has been! Smile

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  camprn 3/23/2012, 4:44 pm

javaaddict wrote:Or my pregnant back, but either way, it isn't going to be pretty. I just mixed up and put 9 cu ft of MM and put it into one of four boxes. This might take a while to do them all. I thought I was looking at a few hour project. HAHA
But the best part of this is that under normal circumstances, you will not have to do this again and it will be so worth it!


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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MM is going to break me Empty Bad backs.

Post  tomperrin 3/23/2012, 7:29 pm

I've got one of those, aka herniated discs. Sometimes it takes me a couple ibuprofen in the morning just to get out of my chair. I know, not recommended for the pregnant. But medications aside, there isn't anything you can't do in SFG sitting down. I dug post holes sitting down, I've mixed MM sitting down, I tie string sitting down. I sit down whenever I'm tired, which can be a lot some days. One of these days I will cut down one of my spades so it's more convenient to work with when I'm sitting down.
The important thing is to pace yourself. It's not a race, not a competition. You win by enjoying the food you eat and share with others, to say nothing of the fun of watching things grow.


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Location : Burlington, NJ Zone 7a (2012 version), in the hollow, surrounded by trees.

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  Grandpop 3/23/2012, 7:59 pm

tomperrin wrote:I've got one of those, aka herniated discs. Sometimes it takes me a couple ibuprofen in the morning just to get out of my chair. I know, not recommended for the pregnant. But medications aside, there isn't anything you can't do in SFG sitting down. I dug post holes sitting down, I've mixed MM sitting down, I tie string sitting down. I sit down whenever I'm tired, which can be a lot some days. One of these days I will cut down one of my spades so it's more convenient to work with when I'm sitting down.
The important thing is to pace yourself. It's not a race, not a competition. You win by enjoying the food you eat and share with others, to say nothing of the fun of watching things grow.


My back and legs both require me to have a chair most of the time. I find myself sitting outside each day watching the seeds sprout.

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  shannon1 3/24/2012, 1:49 am

Grandpop wrote:
tomperrin wrote:I've got one of those, aka herniated discs. Sometimes it takes me a couple ibuprofen in the morning just to get out of my chair. I know, not recommended for the pregnant. But medications aside, there isn't anything you can't do in SFG sitting down. I dug post holes sitting down, I've mixed MM sitting down, I tie string sitting down. I sit down whenever I'm tired, which can be a lot some days. One of these days I will cut down one of my spades so it's more convenient to work with when I'm sitting down.
The important thing is to pace yourself. It's not a race, not a competition. You win by enjoying the food you eat and share with others, to say nothing of the fun of watching things grow.


My back and legs both require me to have a chair most of the time. I find myself sitting outside each day watching the seeds sprout.
I have a folding wooden chair i can sit in to let the blood flow catch up in my legs. I sit and watch the pumpkins grow.MM is going to break me 833560

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  Lavender Debs 3/24/2012, 12:10 pm

javaaddict wrote:Thank God this is the hardest part, I thought about giving up! I did get another finished, but I'm done. I'm going to have my husband do the rest. Since this is my crazy project I felt bad making him do the crappy parts!

Didn't your momma ever read "The Little Red Hen" to you?

When there is produce to enjoy, you will be happy to know that the little red hen only shared with those who helped with the labor (hey, you are expecting him to hold your hand and count, right? Guys think they are doing so much by letting us squeeze their hands....the stories I hear about some poor guy getting his hand crushed during his wife's labor....... but back on point, it is right for him to help mix the mix if he will be eating the produce.

Debs ....I'm just saying
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  javaaddict 3/24/2012, 1:17 pm

OK! I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew! Smile My husband helped me do the last 2 boxes, and did all of the heavy lifting for me. The boxes look great. I hope it continues to rain for a few days to really soak those boxes for the first time. I'm so excited to get started and I won't be doing any more MM for a LONG time. ha!

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  RoOsTeR 3/24/2012, 2:06 pm

MM is going to break me 3759993749
Way to go java! It'll be worth the extra effort now. A big MM is going to break me 3170584802 to your husband Very Happy


MM is going to break me Logo-111
I am my gardens worst enemy.

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MM is going to break me Empty I'm done....Not

Post  tomperrin 3/24/2012, 8:10 pm

javaaddict wrote:OK! I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew!..... and I won't be doing any more MM for a LONG time. ha!

MM is going to break me 889526

Until you see how successful the method is and start building more boxes.


Male Posts : 350
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Age : 82
Location : Burlington, NJ Zone 7a (2012 version), in the hollow, surrounded by trees.

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MM is going to break me Empty Hint: grand kids!!!

Post  ahrendtd 3/27/2012, 11:05 pm

We started with 3 4X4 bxes. When it came time to mix the MM we invited the grandkids over. Put all the ingredents on a tarp and they take turns pulling it from one end to the other ... eventually it's mixed and then they get to shovel it into the boxes. Then older ones measure the girds and ensure the box is square (3,4,5 formula) and the younger ones get to hammer the slats. All of them have a stake in it all summer and love the fresh raw veggies.MM is going to break me 3170584802

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  CindiLou 3/28/2012, 1:51 am

Now when I ask if the grandkids/kids want to help me make dirt "NOoooooo"... not very helpful little twirps now lol..

They will help with the garden just fine..but if I want some peace and quite...all I have to say is I am going out to make dirt MM is going to break me 889526 they feel too guilty not helping mom/nana...so they leave MM is going to break me 889526

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  Lavender Debs 3/28/2012, 8:07 am

tomperrin wrote:
javaaddict wrote:OK! I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew!..... and I won't be doing any more MM for a LONG time. ha!

MM is going to break me 889526

Until you see how successful the method is and start building more boxes.


True That......SO True that!
Lavender Debs
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MM is going to break me Empty So Cool!

Post  tomperrin 3/28/2012, 8:51 am

ahrendtd wrote:We started with 3 4X4 bxes. When it came time to mix the MM we invited the grandkids over. Put all the ingredents on a tarp and they take turns pulling it from one end to the other ... eventually it's mixed and then they get to shovel it into the boxes. Then older ones measure the girds and ensure the box is square (3,4,5 formula) and the younger ones get to hammer the slats. All of them have a stake in it all summer and love the fresh raw veggies.MM is going to break me 3170584802

This is so cool! Teaching science and math as practical things. How come the schools could never do that when I was a kid?


Male Posts : 350
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Location : Burlington, NJ Zone 7a (2012 version), in the hollow, surrounded by trees.

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  Lavender Debs 3/28/2012, 9:17 am

tomperrin wrote:
ahrendtd wrote:We started with 3 4X4 bxes. When it came time to mix the MM we invited the grandkids over. Put all the ingredents on a tarp and they take turns pulling it from one end to the other ... eventually it's mixed and then they get to shovel it into the boxes. Then older ones measure the girds and ensure the box is square (3,4,5 formula) and the younger ones get to hammer the slats. All of them have a stake in it all summer and love the fresh raw veggies.

This is so cool! Teaching science and math as practical things. How come the schools could never do that when I was a kid?


Once science and math or anything else, becomes practical you face legal issues (I LOVE home school!). Pulling the tarp for someone else violates child labor laws. Using a hammer or shovel is dangerous use of tools for anyone until they reach the magic age of 18. (I'm not sure that using a hand mixer, stove or sewing machine is legal in home-ecc anymore, I have no idea what is still legal in shop). As long as it is only on paper the child-student is legally safe.

Debs....Yep, I think it is stupid too (kudos grandma and grandpa!)
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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MM is going to break me Empty Child labor

Post  tomperrin 3/28/2012, 9:53 am

The only thing I liked in 8th grade shop was our printing press. It was the old type that would take off your fingers if you weren't nimble. Of course, I tried to run it as fast as I could without losing a finger (totally unsupervised!). I learned to set cold type (reading in mirror image) and have been in love with printing and publishing ever since. I'm not ignoring the real safety factors (or lack of them). But it was fun and I profited from the experience.

I do believe that we should learn as many skills as possible at the earliest possible age. That is one reason I support scouting, as the merit badge system is skill and knowledge based. Those experiences can not be found in the schools. Nor much of anything else, it appears.


Male Posts : 350
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Age : 82
Location : Burlington, NJ Zone 7a (2012 version), in the hollow, surrounded by trees.

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  llama momma 3/28/2012, 10:38 am

You are probably the first person I have Ever read who enjoys the printing process. It made me think of my beloved grandfather who started out setting type back in the very early 1900's when Each letter had to be set By Hand for newspapers. He would talk about lino-type(?). He eventually supervised others and would take men off the streets of Manhattan and train them for this work. He called the colored ink section of Sunday newspapers by its old name of rotogravure. Wow I hadn't thought about this stuff in ages.
llama momma
llama momma

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  UnderTheBlackWalnut 3/28/2012, 10:55 am

Wow - thanks Llama Momma!!!! - Ever since I was a kid I have wondered what the heck that line that Bing Crosby sings in the song "Easter Parade" from the movie Holiday Inn was. I thought it was a magazine of the day or something... LOL "The photographer will snap us...and you'll find that you're....in the rotogravure...oh I could write a sonnet...about your Easter bonnet...and of the girl I'm taking to the Easter Parade."

....and now back to your regularly scheduled post...

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  H_TX_2 3/28/2012, 11:00 am

tomperrin wrote:The only thing I liked in 8th grade shop was our printing press. It was the old type that would take off your fingers if you weren't nimble. Of course, I tried to run it as fast as I could without losing a finger (totally unsupervised!). I learned to set cold type (reading in mirror image) and have been in love with printing and publishing ever since. I'm not ignoring the real safety factors (or lack of them). But it was fun and I profited from the experience.

I do believe that we should learn as many skills as possible at the earliest possible age. That is one reason I support scouting, as the merit badge system is skill and knowledge based. Those experiences can not be found in the schools. Nor much of anything else, it appears.


Do you remember the type of printing press? My dad spent his life in printing and had a couple of AB Dick 360 printing presses. One of them actually got a hold of the tip of his thumb. Luckily he was left with a fully functional thumb that had a messed up nail. I loved watching him work on those presses.

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MM is going to break me Empty Re: MM is going to break me

Post  Lavender Debs 3/28/2012, 11:05 am

javaaddict wrote:Or my pregnant back, but either way, it isn't going to be pretty. I just mixed up and put 9 cu ft of MM and put it into one of four boxes. This might take a while to do them all. I thought I was looking at a few hour project. HAHA

Sorry javaaddict, did not mean to derail your post. How is your back today?
Lavender Debs
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MM is going to break me Empty Old guy memories

Post  tomperrin 3/28/2012, 11:07 am

llama momma wrote:Tom
You are probably the first person I have Ever read who enjoys the printing process. It made me think of my beloved grandfather who started out setting type back in the very early 1900's when Each letter had to be set By Hand for newspapers. He would talk about lino-type(?). He eventually supervised others and would take men off the streets of Manhattan and train them for this work. He called the colored ink section of Sunday newspapers by its old name of rotogravure. Wow I hadn't thought about this stuff in ages.

I've been called a throw back more than once. For a brief period in my development, I was a headline writer for the former weekly Courier-Freeman of Potsdam. They had one linotype machine. Now that was a machine I did not like. Incredibly noisy. Rotogravure was a very high quality printing medium used for quality photographs in books and newspapers, almost always printed with brown ink. The old job letter-press certainly had its defects, (loss of fingers being one of them). But it's easy to understand how a kid like Benjamin Franklin, with no education, became one of the most literate and knowledgeable persons of his age (and ours).


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Location : Burlington, NJ Zone 7a (2012 version), in the hollow, surrounded by trees.

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