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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Toplef10Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. 1zd3ho10

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. I22gcj10Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. 14dhcg10


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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Toplef10Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. 1zd3ho10

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. I22gcj10Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. 14dhcg10

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops.

Patty from Yorktown
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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops.

Post  chickenman2 4/4/2010, 11:55 am

So do any of you have Permanent beds for Perennial crop crops
or invasive crops.such as artichokes,asparagus,horse radish, jerusalem artichokes,mints and rhubarb.

Last edited by chickenman2 on 4/5/2010, 9:51 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 6
Join date : 2010-04-04

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Re: Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops.

Post  camprn 4/4/2010, 11:56 am

I do not, but I will. I just moved into my house in october. Very Happy

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Re: Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops.

Post  Patty from Yorktown 4/4/2010, 9:11 pm

I have several perminate beds. My general herb garden, the mint patch and a strawberry patch. My herb garden receives less care or different care. Herbs do better with tough love. Tomorrow is a planting day. Finally!!!

Patty from Yorktown
Patty from Yorktown
Patty from Yorktown

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Location : Yorktown, Virginia

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Perminate beds

Post  Jola 4/4/2010, 9:27 pm

Could someone please explain to me what is "perminate bed"?

Female Posts : 107
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Location : Lansing area, MI (5b)

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Re: Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops.

Post  camprn 4/4/2010, 9:52 pm

Jola wrote:Could someone please explain to me what is "perminate bed"?
A permanent bed, to my mind, is a one with perennial plants, (they grow year after year).

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty perminate beds

Post  Jola 4/5/2010, 9:07 am

I know what is "permanent bed", but people are taking about "perminate bed", not "permanent".

Female Posts : 107
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Location : Lansing area, MI (5b)

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Re: Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops.

Post  camprn 4/5/2010, 9:11 am

Jola wrote:I know what is "permanent bed", but people are taking about "perminate bed", not "permanent".
As far as I know there is no such word as perminate in the English language. I was operating under the assumption that it was a typo. Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Icon_redface

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Now "permanent" beds

Post  Jola 4/5/2010, 12:48 pm

I thought that is was typo too, but since several people used the word "perminate" I assume that they would not repeat typo, and that it must had been some new word for a new type of gardening bed. Maybe it suppose to be "permeate"?
I'm glad that it was just a typo and I'm not missing new gardening word in English.

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Re: Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops.

Post  nancy 4/5/2010, 1:00 pm

I have to admit that I, too, did not recognize the word. My apologies for not making the connection. It was too early on a Monday and I was only on my 1st cup of tea. Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Icon_smile

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Re: Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops.

Post  boffer 4/5/2010, 1:11 pm

For those of you just joining this thread, the original poster edited his post to correct the spelling of permanent!

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Permanent beds for Perennial crop or invasive crops. Empty Asparagus bed

Post  SirTravers 4/5/2010, 1:27 pm

I mentioned making up a bed to grow asparagus and I thought my wife was gonna tackle hug me. I think I could make up a full 2x8 or 4x4 bed just dedicated to the asparagus plants. Perhaps a few different varieties also. That stuff is like candy for my kids. They love the stuff!

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