Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Toplef10Extra-newbie in Orlando! 1zd3ho10

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! I22gcj10Extra-newbie in Orlando! 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Toplef10Extra-newbie in Orlando! 1zd3ho10

Hello Guest!
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There's lots to learn here by reading as a guest. However, if you become a member (it's free, ad free and spam-free) you'll have access to our large vermiculite databases, our seed exchange spreadsheets, Mel's Mix calculator, and many more members' pictures in the Gallery. Enjoy.

Extra-newbie in Orlando! I22gcj10Extra-newbie in Orlando! 14dhcg10

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Extra-newbie in Orlando!

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  Czarina 2/3/2012, 6:23 pm

Hey Everyone,

I bought the SFG book a couple weeks ago and finally sat down last night to read it. I read the whole thing in one sitting! The information was encouraging to me that I could actually be successful at gardening.

I tried my hand at a few plants in the past and failed miserably. No one in my family has ever gardened and I don't know anyone personally who can teach me. But I'm a stubborn Generation X (or is it Y?) and am determined to try! Also, my family has switched to eating organic food and this is the most economical way to maintain that lifestyle. Not to mention we live on 1/4 acre minutes from downtown Orlando; might as well make use of the space.

So that's my little introduction. So thankful for a forum and looking forward to speaking with you all!


Female Posts : 31
Join date : 2012-02-03
Age : 39
Location : Orlando, FL - Zone 9a

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  walshevak 2/3/2012, 7:42 pm

Extra-newbie in Orlando! 396615

You are off to a great start by reading the book. Now to build your beds and gather up the ingredients for mel's mix. I am an experienced gardener and fell in love with the method, but I truly believe it is the best one for a true newbie. If the mix is made correctly, you only need good weather and water to grow.



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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  camprn 2/3/2012, 7:48 pm

walshevak wrote:Extra-newbie in Orlando! 396615

You are off to a great start by reading the book. Now to build your beds and gather up the ingredients for mel's mix. I am an experienced gardener and fell in love with the method, but I truly believe it is the best one for a true newbie. If the mix is made correctly, you only need good weather and water to grow.

+1 and Extra-newbie in Orlando! 396615 to the SFG Forum!


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  Czarina 2/3/2012, 8:20 pm

walshevak wrote:Extra-newbie in Orlando! 396615

You are off to a great start by reading the book. Now to build your beds and gather up the ingredients for mel's mix. I am an experienced gardener and fell in love with the method, but I truly believe it is the best one for a true newbie. If the mix is made correctly, you only need good weather and water to grow.


Will do Kay! Thanks for the advice, I'm sponging everything I can from the experts here.

Female Posts : 31
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Age : 39
Location : Orlando, FL - Zone 9a

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  Czarina 2/3/2012, 8:21 pm

camprn wrote:
+1 and Extra-newbie in Orlando! 396615 to the SFG Forum!

Thanks Very Happy

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  Furbalsmom 2/3/2012, 9:16 pm

Extra-newbie in Orlando! 654548 Czarina

We have several members in FL so perhaps you will get a bit of extra info about growing in your region when they post.

MELS MIX This is a really informative thread on creating your Mel's Mix. This is more in depth than the ANSFG book, but based on the principles Mel set out for us.

Enjoy your gardening, start your garden early so the plants can thrive before it gets too hot.

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  Czarina 2/4/2012, 12:32 am

Thanks Furbalsmom, I read the whole post and it reinforces that I have to make sure I get my mix right. I saw the thread where I can get vermiculite in my area and I've priced peat moss at the local big store. Both places are fairly close to where I live.

I think the main challenge will be the compost. I also need to know how much I'll need so I've begun planning how many boxes I'll be making. Mel emphasized to start small, especially for newbies, so I think two will do. A friend of mine in an apt wants to utilize my backyard and help invest in the garden. Even so, I'll be running the day-to-day and I don't want to be overwhelmed my first time out the gate!

Does anyone have suggestions for some kind of fencing or protection? I have a dog, 2 cats and a thief raccoon.

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  Kelejan 2/4/2012, 2:24 am

Czarina, Extra-newbie in Orlando! 396615 to the forum where you will find so much to learn and lots of support. Don't be afraid to ask what might seem to be simple questions, as we all have to start somewhere.

I feel that starting with two boxes is a good idea. You can always plan the area that you are going to use and place your first boxes to suit.

You may find you two cats will think they are in heaven with such large litter boxes, but I am sure there is somewhere on the forum to address that issue. Search for something like "cat problems, racoon and dog problems" etc.

Best of all, have fun. Extra-newbie in Orlando! 53366

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  shannon1 2/4/2012, 3:51 am

Lucky you Mel himself will be at the Eustis landscape and garden show on the 11th and 12th of this month if your interested. He will be at the experts tent and giving a talk on square foot gardening as well:D

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  jpatti 2/4/2012, 4:02 am

Cats LOVE square foot gardens... they're humungous litter boxes!

Black pepper keeps them out. Just buy the cheapest stuff, these guys do not need multicolored peppercorns. Wink

Unfortunately, rain washes it away. In winter, I make sure my beds have a foot or so of straw on them, so the cats never see the dirt.

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  walshevak 2/4/2012, 9:56 am




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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  Czarina 2/5/2012, 2:39 pm

Thanks everyone!

Cleared the yard of debris from a roofing repair and heading to the store to buy materials for my boxes!

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Extra-newbie in Orlando! Empty Re: Extra-newbie in Orlando!

Post  shannon1 2/6/2012, 2:37 am

Czarina wrote:Thanks everyone!

Cleared the yard of debris from a roofing repair and heading to the store to buy materials for my boxes!
Extra-newbie in Orlando! 833560

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