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rain, rain go away come back another day Toplef10rain, rain go away come back another day 1zd3ho10

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rain, rain go away come back another day I22gcj10rain, rain go away come back another day 14dhcg10

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rain, rain go away come back another day

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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  FamilyGardening 5/27/2011, 8:16 pm

Is what my four year old was singing yesterday as the rain and sun were taking turns.... Very Happy our peas are going crazy!....along with some of the other cool weather veggies!


peas, lettuce, spinach were all just starting to come up..... broc, cali and sunflowers were growing inside the house nursery Laughing

rain, rain go away come back another day 04_23_10

peas now Very Happy along with spinach, lettuce, broc, califlower, sunflowers and look how big my onions are in the cedar planter next to my SFG box Very Happy

rain, rain go away come back another day 05_24_14

in this SFG bed we have beans, spinach, bush peas, raddish, stivia, collard greens trying to come up....and a volunteer purple mustard green that has very pretty yellow flowers

rain, rain go away come back another day 05_24_16

our 2x8 box with onions, broc, cali, flowers
rain, rain go away come back another day 05_24_19

here are my crook neck squash in my topsy turvey

rain, rain go away come back another day 05_24_15

our strawberries Very Happy
rain, rain go away come back another day 05_24_17

rain, rain go away come back another day 05_24_18

our blueberries and huckle berries

rain, rain go away come back another day 05_24_20

Female Posts : 2422
Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Western WA

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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Still snowing in some areas

Post  walshevak 5/27/2011, 8:49 pm

At least it is rain. It's still snowing in the Rockies and Sierra Nevadas. Aspen ski resorts are reopening. Crazy weather patterns all over.


Elizabeth City, NC
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Location : wilmington, nc zone 8

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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  Lavender Debs 5/28/2011, 11:04 am

What a beautiful garden! I love those blueberrie pots.
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  Furbalsmom 5/28/2011, 2:00 pm


I have wild huckelberries in the campground where my DH and I work. I love early fall when I can go out and pick the wild ones to freeze for pancakes and muffins.

Your peas are looking good, can hardy wait for them to start producing. The 4yo will have a ball.

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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  FamilyGardening 5/29/2011, 2:10 pm

huckleberries are my hubby's very, very favorite thing....when we found some plants at our local nursery we just couldnt pass them up......

rose who is on the look out for more huckleberry plants Very Happy

Female Posts : 2422
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Location : Western WA

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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  FamilyGardening 5/29/2011, 2:13 pm

Deb thouse pots are from Wally World....just under 10 bucks and are self watering Very Happy they had several differnt size too.....im using a smaller size for my tomato plants...just hope there not to small for them.....im still new to all this.....

rose....who got up at 6 am Shocked ....couldnt stop thinking about planting Very Happy

Female Posts : 2422
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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  FamilyGardening 5/29/2011, 2:15 pm

walshevak wrote:At least it is rain. It's still snowing in the Rockies and Sierra Nevadas. Aspen ski resorts are reopening. Crazy weather patterns all over.

snow affraid

rose....sending warm thoughts to walshevak sunny

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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  walshevak 5/29/2011, 5:39 pm

FamilyGardening wrote:
walshevak wrote:At least it is rain. It's still snowing in the Rockies and Sierra Nevadas. Aspen ski resorts are reopening. Crazy weather patterns all over.

snow affraid

rose....sending warm thoughts to walshevak sunny

Thanks for the hugs, but I was just reporting not living in it. I'm in NC and the temps are in the upper 80s and no rain.

Hot, dry winds are taking a toll on my tabletops.



Elizabeth City, NC
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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  FamilyGardening 6/7/2011, 12:26 pm

Well the rain is back rain, rain go away come back another day 950477its just a drizzle right now...with a bit of wind..... i think its time for my four year old to sing again Laughing

how is the weather in your neck of the woods? how are your plants doing?


our peas keep growing....still no flowers yet....the kids are about ready to start eating the leaves..... rain, rain go away come back another day 601593
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_07_19

we have some baby peppers
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_07_20

the crookneck squash is really green and growing Very Happy
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_07_21

our banana peppers
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_07_22

Female Posts : 2422
Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Western WA

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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  FamilyGardening 6/15/2011, 2:50 am

well.....hubby said tonight that the weather is turning bad tomorrow.....i still dont feel like its turned that great yet......we are in the middle of june and we are still having cool nights....and only a few warm days.....last year my kids were wearing shorts to school already......*sigh*

i took a few pic's tonight while out taking tomato tuesday pic's.....thought i would share.....

my peas continue to amaze us.....growing taller then i am....they have a bunch of flowers on them now.... Very Happy
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_14_17
my topsey turvey crook necks are doing great.....my girl friend who hasnt seen my garden yet came to visit and asked what the heck that was....LOL...
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_14_18

not sure if you remember my ugly pepper plant that the cats attacked....well....look what he is giving me
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_14_19

my little guy harvested an onion and a couple of radish's....the onion was a bit early....cause our hose bent it while we were watering....my son thought it was the coolest thing to pull that onion and those radish's up!.....now every day he is out in the garden looking for a radish sticking its head up.....
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_12_10

rose ....who wonders why she calls her peppers and tomato's *he* Laughing

Female Posts : 2422
Join date : 2011-05-10
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rain, rain go away come back another day Empty Re: rain, rain go away come back another day

Post  FamilyGardening 6/29/2011, 12:15 am

well we have had to days of very humid weather......i was feeling stressed that the sun was not out.....yet....when i went out side to check on all my babies....i was very surprised to find that the two gardens have exploded!!....they have LOVED the last two days! Very Happy

a tiny head of broc
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_19

peas that are to the top of our new trellis.....we have real pea pods now too!!...i made a mistake on a post to someone about what kind they are....they are not the sugar stars.....they are sugar snap....edd Hum fovorites Very Happy
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_20

yellow peppers are green....im might pic them Very Happy they are growing so cramped together.....they will taste great with eggs!
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_21

topsy turvy crook neck squash......
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_22

look what is hiding under there Very Happy
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_23

the pic is not great with the fence in the back ground....here is a two year old carrot that im letting it go to seed....never have dont that before....its so pretty.....multi colored..... Very Happy look how tall it is!
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_24

onions almost ready
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_25

first time planting the herb fever few.....the flowers are so pretty!
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_26

my bok choy went to flower too.....the flowers you can eat and they are very tasty!
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_27

we ate these flowers too!....first time growing them!....my son is enjoying and learning about the garden as i am Very Happy
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_28

last my son's sunflowers!!
rain, rain go away come back another day 06_28_29
rose who may have posted to many pic's.... Very Happy

Female Posts : 2422
Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Western WA

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