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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) Toplef10Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) 1zd3ho10

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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) I22gcj10Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) 14dhcg10


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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) Toplef10Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) 1zd3ho10

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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) I22gcj10Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) 14dhcg10

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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo)

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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) Empty Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo)

Post  NHGardener 5/26/2011, 5:45 pm

One of my young tomato transplants has holey leaves. That's probably not a good thing.

Sorry the photo is a little out of focus. I guess the cross-bars were on the box and not the leaves. Next time I'll focus a little better.

Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) Tomato13

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Age : 63
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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) Empty Re: Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo)

Post  Furbalsmom 5/26/2011, 5:57 pm


My first thought with holes in the leaves is a pest. Have you found any bugs or caterpillars on the bottoms or tops of the leaves?

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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) Empty Re: Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo)

Post  camprn 5/26/2011, 6:30 pm

With the photo so out of focus, I would not begin to speculate. This is a really young plant and just transplanted to the garden, it could be a variety of things. Suggestion, just pinch these effected leaves off and the plant will put out new leaves within days. If it is pest or disease, time will tell. Very Happy

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Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo) Empty Re: Why do my tomato leaves have holes in them? (photo)

Post  NHGardener 5/26/2011, 6:40 pm

Thank you - I went back out with a pair of magnifiers and couldn't find anything alive on the leaf, and it broke off anyway, but I did notice a few holes in some other leaves. Hmmm. Well, we'll keep an eye on that. There's still time to get new plants if needed, assuming the plants may just have been too stressed.

Female Posts : 2305
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Age : 63
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