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Onion question

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Onion question Empty Onion question

Post  GlassHen 4/17/2011, 3:15 pm

I planted these onions later in the season last year since I had some leftover sets. Last Fall these onions got buried by snow before they got big enough to harvest and I just left them over winter figuring I would clean out the dead onions this spring. Well here's how they look now since the snow has melted. The very tips are brown, but we've used some of the green tops in some ham rolls and they were tasty. Are they actually going to get bigger? Can I leave them in and eventually get full size onions or should I just yank them and call it a day. I think they are yellow onions.

Onion question P1030611

Posts : 76
Join date : 2011-03-28
Age : 45
Location : Tip of the Thumb of Michigan, Zone 5B

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Onion question Empty Re: Onion question

Post  camprn 4/17/2011, 3:59 pm

Oh yes, leave them and they will certainly grow. So nice that they have a head start this spring! Very Happy

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Post  GlassHen 4/17/2011, 4:49 pm

Cool! Is there anything else that would survive a Michigan winter?

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Age : 45
Location : Tip of the Thumb of Michigan, Zone 5B

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Onion question Empty Re: Onion question

Post  fiddleman 4/17/2011, 5:01 pm

GlassHen wrote:Cool! Is there anything else that would survive a Michigan winter?

Squirrels do. Onion question 889526

Sorry. I couldn't help myself.


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Onion question Empty Re: Onion question

Post  camprn 4/17/2011, 5:28 pm

GlassHen wrote:Cool! Is there anything else that would survive a Michigan winter?
Garlic for one. I live in zone 5a and my young spinach that I had planted last fall made it through winter and I just had a first harvest.

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Age : 62
Location : Keene, NH, USA ~ Zone 5a


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Post  westie42 4/17/2011, 7:12 pm

Onions are a biannual that produce seeds the second season, sometimes the first. Anytime I let them winter over the second year they have very small bulbs and do produce large flowers that become lots of seeds. In India the seeds are used in cooking and called Kalonji seeds. No I am not Indian just a Euromutt.

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Onion question Empty Re: Onion question

Post  quiltbea 4/17/2011, 7:32 pm

Parsnips will overwinter for you just fine and you can harvest them in the spring as soon as the snow melts but before they gain any new leaf growth.
The flavor will be much better having overwintered.
They taste like a sweet carrot.
Onion question 04-10-12
Here's what I harvested April 10th when the snow disappeared off the bed.

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Onion question Empty nice parsnips

Post  westie42 4/18/2011, 4:22 am

Nice job. Were the parsnips grown in a SFG ? If so how many did you plant per square and how many squares are they from. I have had no luck growing parsnips but possibly it is because I expect to stretch a seed package out over several years yet have read that seed viability is not over a year. Guess I am like the little monkeys they catch when they stick their hand into gourd full of rice. Then refuse to let go of their prize. According to records my great great grandparents in 1855 had seven acres of parsnips on their farm near London, ontario. That must have been some fun to dig, guess with 14 kids it mite not have been all that tough. With 14 kids mostly born in the fall is pretty clear they let their parsnips rest over the winter too.

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Onion question Empty Re: Onion question

Post  GlassHen 5/3/2011, 8:45 am

QB: Those parsnips look yummy! I would love to try parsnips this year. When did you plant them? How many per square?

Posts : 76
Join date : 2011-03-28
Age : 45
Location : Tip of the Thumb of Michigan, Zone 5B

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