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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Toplef10CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  1zd3ho10

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Scorpio Rising
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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Kelejan 6/1/2017, 9:03 am

Woke this morning, 6:00am, to a much more comfortable world.  We had a thunderstorm late last night, and I see that it has been raining nd when I poked my head out of doors it was cool and refreshing.

I planted some lettuce transplants yesterday afternoon so they will have a good start.
The grass looks so green.  I think we may have another couple of cool days while the cat enjoys dashing around then the sun is forecast for the weekend and no doubt Pal my cat will find the coolest place to flake out again like has has for some days.

I like these days when all the leaves get a soaking and I am sure feel the same as do I.
Yesterday digging through the wood chips, although it looks so dry on top, it is another world down there with so much life.

Have a good month, my fellow Canadians and Honorary Canadians, in fact, everyone on this SFG Forum.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  trolleydriver 6/1/2017, 9:19 am

Have a great month Kelejan. May the sun shine upon you. Whatever the weather, you yourself brighten our days on the forum.  Very Happy

Cool, windy, dark clouds, threat of rain here today. Not the best start to a new month. I want to mow my lawns before the rain starts but I have to wait until later in the day. The reason is that my neighbour works a night shift and sleeps in the morning. I don't want to wake him up so I try not to make too much noise in the garden in the early part of the day. 

It's way too windy to start mixing the MM for my new SFG bed. However, it would be OK for turning the compost in my 3x3x3 bin ... if I had the energy to do it.

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Post  Kelejan 6/1/2017, 10:15 am

I also try to limit any noisy activities while outside.  No lawn mowing or weed-whacking
before nine a.m.  Or hammering.  I do like a nice quiet session hand-weeding while enjoying the early morning sunrise.

I have just checked the weather forecast in my area;  highest temperature will be about 23C until next Thursday when it rises to the over thirties.  Time to get lots of weeding done between the rain showers.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Scorpio Rising 6/1/2017, 9:24 pm

I love that, when I am out in the morning, and it is quiet, just me and Mother Nature in all her glory!

I worked nights andknow that jarring feeling of the neighborhood mower of=r whatever starting you up from sleep barely established....you are a good neighbor, TD!

Enjoy this month, and I agree, KJ, you make every month better for us all!I love you
Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Rising

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Kelejan 6/2/2017, 1:37 am

Thank you, Scorpio and TD for your nice remarks. Really keeps me going.

Managed some weeding after the first thunderstorm cleared up, then a siesta and by that time there was a cracking thunderstorm.   I always remember the two dogs we had, at different times, that were scared of thunder and turned to jelly.  Smokey, who was a German Shepherd who shook like a jelly and had to be babysat by me, and later on Jubal, the litter Brother Gyp who turned not a whisker. No cats seemed to be bothered.  My current  cat, Pal, just opened one eye them closed it. Gave a little wiggle and went back to sleep.

That second storm passed on then the sun came out and everything was beautiful once more. Then took a walk to collect some grass clippings from a friend down the road. The grass will be added to my compost heap.  I was going to collect some comfrey leaves but the storm got to me first.  Perhaps tomorrow.

Last edited by Kelejan on 6/5/2017, 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  trolleydriver 6/3/2017, 7:53 am

Farmer's Almanac for my area.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  BEA2Beans (Bush Snap)
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  BEEBeet
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  CARCarrot
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  CELCelery
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  CORCorn
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  CUCCucumber
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  EGGEggplant
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  KALKale
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  LEELeek
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  LET1Lettuce (Leaf)
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  MELMelon
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  OKROkra
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  ONIOnion
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  PARParsnip
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  PEAPeas
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  PEPPepper
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  POT2Potatoes (Maincrop)
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  PUMPumpkin
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  RADRadish
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  SPISpinach
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  SQU2Squash (Summer)
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  SWE2Sweet Potato
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  SWISwiss Chard
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  TOM2Tomato (Large)
CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  WATWatermelon

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  trolleydriver 6/5/2017, 7:54 am

So sorry for the loss of lives in London this past weekend.  The Canadian lady who was killed was originally from Castlegar, British Columbia where our own Kelejan lives.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  SwampTroll 6/5/2017, 3:19 pm

Thanks TD.  I hope to have everything finished up soon.

Also a good reminder to sow the rest of my things.

I can't wait to take pictures of my fully planted garden.

Though I have to be at least slightly disturbed when the forecast says:

"Clearing this evening. Fog patches developing overnight. Low plus 4 with risk of frost."

I mean this is JUNE for crying out loud.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Kelejan 6/5/2017, 10:48 pm

trolleydriver wrote:So sorry for the loss of lives in London this past weekend.  The Canadian lady who was killed was originally from Castlegar, British Columbia where our own Kelejan lives.

Yes, it is so sad.  I do not know the family personally but I know plenty of others who do.  

When I first caught the headline in the BBC online that a Canadian had been killed my first thought was that it could have been me as I have visited cousins in London and  dined out in restaurants  near both London Bridge and Westminster Bridge and nearly went for a ride on the London Eye.  Then they said British Columbia then finally Castlegar.  We will be having a memorial service for Christine this Sunday, probably at the Community Complex.

The son of somebody I do know well lost her beloved son to a rare form of cancer this past Saturday. He leaves  behind his wife and their two children.  I know it happens to people all over the world, but it does cast a shadow over our lives.

But you cannot have grief if you do not love.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Scorpio Rising 6/5/2017, 11:02 pm

trolleydriver wrote:So sorry for the loss of lives in London this past weekend.  The Canadian lady who was killed was originally from Castlegar, British Columbia where our own Kelejan lives.
Oh, no.......
Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Rising

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Christiecracker 6/6/2017, 11:57 am

Hello folks. June certainly will be a busy gardening month. That is if the weather co-operates! It has been so cold and wet. Managed to get the vegetable seeds in. Waiting now for the ground to dry more so that we can plant potatoes.  It has to get a bit warmer to set in tomato and squash starts. Perhaps by the end of the week. It seems planting time gets later and later every year.  Sad

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Kelejan 6/6/2017, 1:57 pm

glad you\'re here Christicracker happy hi 

from your Canadian Host Kelejan.

You sound as if you are a seasoned gardener and not a newbie so you can probably give me a few hints.

Look forward to hearing more from you.  Very Happy

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Scorpio Rising 6/7/2017, 8:25 pm

Christicracker!  Welcome!

It has been a cool, almost cold, spring onto summer here too.  My stuff is way behind. Somehow things catch up, so looking forward to hearing about your year!

glad you\'re here Glad you are here! Keep us posted!
Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Rising

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Kelejan 6/8/2017, 12:19 am

Scorpio, you are right about catching up.  My weeds are enormous .

I have been complaining about the garbage left by the bears every other week when the actual garbage is collected; some neighbours are very careless so their garbage gets strewn on my property so I have to clear it up.

Good news this week: not one bag left this week.  But I have the feeling that these neighbours are away on holiday.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  trolleydriver 6/8/2017, 10:12 am

Mimi, if you are reading the forum, I sent you a PM a few days ago concerning transplants. 

You said earlier that you would like to try Tomatillos.  I still have some Tomatillo transplants if you want them. Please let me know.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  trolleydriver 6/8/2017, 8:04 pm

Our son built two 3x3 boxes for his children. I mixed up the MM. No grids yet.

CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  IMG_3943_zpsgnflbj6f

CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  IMG_3945_zpsf93y0kha

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Scorpio Rising 6/8/2017, 8:38 pm

Kelejan, Grrrrrr:evil:  Why are people lazy?  That is what it is....

TD, your grandkids are gonna love their SFG beds!  My kids HATE any garden related chores, but they are teens and basically hate ANY chore at all....lol
Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Rising

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Mimi2 6/8/2017, 11:06 pm

trolleydriver wrote:Mimi, if you are reading the forum, I sent you a PM a few days ago concerning transplants. 

You said earlier that you would like to try Tomatillos.  I still have some Tomatillo transplants if you want them. Please let me know.
Hi TD- I sent you a pm. I have been very busy lately- and not on the forum as much as I'd like to be.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  trolleydriver 6/9/2017, 6:39 pm

Nice day here and expecting 90F (32C) on Sunday.  What a change in just a few days. Hope you all have a great weekend.

These Iris are growing in Mrs TD's garden behind the pond. 

CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Img_3917

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Scorpio Rising 6/9/2017, 9:55 pm

Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Rising

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Mimi2 6/10/2017, 12:47 pm

I'm not far from TD and Mrs TD- so my Irises are blooming too. Here's a pic. My neighbor kindly shared these Irises with me...I also have Siberian Blue and White Irises but they haven't bloomed yet. I love flowers, and I'm sometimes torn between growing flowers or vegetables...The good news is that many of of the flowers are pollinator friendly and bring the bees and butterflies to my garden.  

CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  20170610_122112_HDR_zpsrlvgdxru

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Mimi2 6/10/2017, 12:59 pm

Here are some pictures taken today of my main SFGs today

This one shows my front yard SFG (mostly herbs and lettuce)

 photo 20170610_122153_HDR_zpsxnlw1d0d.jpg

And here are three from the backyard:

With asparagus and radishes (in the back of the photo) as well as tomato plants (holes in the leaves not sure what that's about)

CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  20170610_123458_zpsi3thmddv

And, pepper, broccoli and dahlia plants... (will water tonight). Also thought I'd add that this SFG has a plywood bottom with holes in it, since I squeezed it on my patio.  My kids' SFGs are smaller versions of the same (since they are on my front drive way).  

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  CapeCoddess 6/10/2017, 4:19 pm

Nice Mimi! How did everything get so big already? Look at the size of those tomatoes! Mine are anemic looking, from the cold I think. Do you cover yours?

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  trolleydriver 6/10/2017, 6:39 pm

CapeCoddess wrote:Nice Mimi!  How did everything get so big already?  Look at the size of those tomatoes!  Mine are anemic looking, from the cold I think.  Do you cover yours?
Yes very nice Mimi.  Your plants look very healthy.  Mine are way behind yours.

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CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017  Empty Re: CANADIAN REGION: What are you doing in JUNE 2017

Post  Mimi2 6/10/2017, 9:55 pm

CapeCoddess wrote:Nice Mimi!  How did everything get so big already?  Look at the size of those tomatoes!  Mine are anemic looking, from the cold I think.  Do you cover yours?
Thanks Cape Coddess. I don't cover them, but I think that they like their sheltered and warm location.

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