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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Toplef10Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 1zd3ho10

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 I22gcj10Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 14dhcg10

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Scorpio Rising 7/26/2018, 6:05 pm

Gonna do a scape and eggplant skillet tomorrow!  They keep really well!  And are super yummy!
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 7/27/2018, 3:03 am



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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  CapeCoddess 7/27/2018, 10:08 am

Harvested the garlic last Wed.  It's so humid out - in the 90% range - that I had to immediately hang it in the basement with the fan blowing instead of leaving out to dry for a while.  I grow hardnecks - CA White  and Bavarian Purple, but I can't really tell which is which anymore.Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 00211

I love the scent that wafts thru the air with each pull and strip while harvesting garlic!  I love you

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 9/6/2018, 4:28 pm

Friday night I bought 3 locally grown CA garlic at the farmers market. The grower said to put it them in the frig for September before planting them Oct 1. My questions are: does anyone else in southern latitudes do this with their soft necks and do you leave them in an open plastic bag or in a brown paper bag? TIA


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  OhioGardener 9/6/2018, 4:45 pm

Scorpio Rising wrote:Gonna do a scape and eggplant skillet tomorrow!  They keep really well!  And are super yummy!

Makes me hungry thinking about the taste of it!  Oh, those scapes....  Very Happy


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Scorpio Rising 9/6/2018, 6:40 pm

OhioGardener wrote:
Scorpio Rising wrote:Gonna do a scape and eggplant skillet tomorrow!  They keep really well!  And are super yummy!

Makes me hungry thinking about the taste of it!  Oh, those scapes....  Very Happy
You’re not a kiddin’!  Love them soooo much!  I just got on Pinetree seeds and ordered my garlic and some replacements that germination is suffering....fun!
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 9/6/2018, 9:17 pm

happy hi So do I put them in plastic or paper bag?


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Turan 9/6/2018, 11:03 pm

sanderson wrote:happy hi So do I put them in plastic or paper bag?
I know I do not qualify,,, but do the same for your garlic bulbs as you would for tulips you are forcing. Put them in a paper bag or a plastic bag with lots of air holes and sawdust, other wise they will mold and not do well.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 9/7/2018, 4:35 am

Razz I don't have bulbs! I will put them in a paper bag in the refrigerator. Hopefully a southerner will come along and answer my question on refrigerating soft necks during September.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Turan 9/7/2018, 10:00 am

Ahhh, but garlic cloves are bulbs of the Lily family, species garlic and you are trying to provide them a false winter so they can grow properly in your garden.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  yolos 9/7/2018, 2:27 pm

sanderson wrote:Razz  I don't have bulbs!  I will put them in a paper bag in the refrigerator.  Hopefully a southerner will come along and answer my question on refrigerating soft necks during September.
Sorry, southerner here but I have never vernalized my bulbs at all.  Maybe I should, but I have no information for you on the viability of using this method.

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  OhioGardener 9/7/2018, 3:10 pm

sanderson wrote:Razz  I don't have bulbs!  I will put them in a paper bag in the refrigerator.  Hopefully a southerner will come along and answer my question on refrigerating soft necks during September.

When I lived in southern Georgia, I put the bulbs in a paper bag in the refrigerator for two or three months, before planting them. One time I left them in the plastic bag in the fridge, and they molded - never did that again.  One thing that would complicate that, though, is the new frost-free refrigerators - they pull all of the moisture out of the fridge and I don't know what that would do to the garlic bulbs.   There were only two softneck garlics that did well for me in the hot & humid south Georgia - one was Lorz Italian (my favorite), and I don't remember the other name, it was something like Teradrome and it stores better than the Lorz Italian.  One thing I had to do in southern Georgia was mulch the garlic heavily to keep the soil cool during the long hot summer months.

But, since we now live in the northland, I plant hardneck garlic and it is a completely different schedule and process.


"In short, the soil food web feeds everything you eat and helps keep your favorite planet from getting too hot. Be nice to it."  ~ Diane Miessler, "Grow Your Soil"

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 9/7/2018, 3:31 pm

Thank you, all. I may do an experiment Oct 1 by planting both the vernalized and some non-vernalized garlic. I do cover the bed with straw to keep the soil as cool as possible.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  plantoid 10/18/2018, 5:53 pm

Gosh,  it's nine years that this thread has been running . 

I've had some fantastic results in pure MM & home made compost topped up beds . 

 I've found a better growth of bulb if the bed has been enriched with my home made compost the previous autumn  & then  had cabbages grown then the spring after the cabbages were harvested planted my garlic in the mid to late autumn.  Done like this to get the richness of the bed down otherwise they just  galloped away with a bit too much top and not quite enough bulb.

 I've been putting aside the biggest three bulbs eachyear for my new clove plantings & vernalizing them in the fridge for three weeks at 3 oC . 
Earlier this year I was harvesting garlic almost 2 & 3/4  inches in diameter .  I seem to think my initial garlics came from a supermarket greengrocery counter  Smile

I have purchased a few bulbs from garden centres but none of them did much good,  so the "Nationalizing of  the original immigrants "  into the garden definitely seems the right way to go for developing a good strain that wokrs well in your garden & to get good crops year after year .  Don't over water them,  they get leggy and go rusty .

 I also discovered that for me I needed to alternate the garlic bed around the garden,  no two years in the same bed and no return to the same place in three years  instead of having a permanent bed suggested in my initial garlic growing research that said the French have permanent garlic beds some 100 or more years old . ( could be their sandy free draining  warm soil annually  animal based heavily manured beds ) .

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Scorpio Rising 10/18/2018, 8:46 pm

Intersting observations, plantoid!  I am getting ready to plant mine in the next couple weeks.  I do buy seed hardneck from Pinetree.  I have a ton, but I use a ton!  And give it as gifts as well.  Free, spicy organic garlic?  Put a bow on it!  

I have never put it in the same square twice, but I have been learning too.  First year, I put it in the middle of my 4x4–no!! Shadedout all the stuff on the north side of it as it grew (TALL).  Second year, figured it out, where it could just grow in repose...that works.  

We eat a lot of garlic, I love growing my own!
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 10/21/2018, 3:04 am

plantoid wrote:Gosh,  it's nine years that this thread has been running . 
. . I've been putting aside the biggest three bulbs each year for my new clove plantings & vernalizing them in the fridge for three weeks at 3 oC . 
Earlier this year I was harvesting garlic almost 2 & 3/4  inches in diameter .  I seem to think my initial garlics came from a supermarket greengrocery counter  Smile

I have purchased a few bulbs from garden centres but none of them did much good,  so the "Nationalizing of  the original immigrants "  into the garden definitely seems the right way to go for developing a good strain that works well in your garden & to get good crops year after year ..
Interesting way to put it but I get your drift.  I wanted to try this but I don't seem to get bulbs big enough to save.  Still working on it after 6 summers and 5 winters!


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  trolleydriver 10/21/2018, 6:04 pm

sanderson wrote:
plantoid wrote:Gosh,  it's nine years that this thread has been running . 
. . I've been putting aside the biggest three bulbs each year for my new clove plantings & vernalizing them in the fridge for three weeks at 3 oC . 
Earlier this year I was harvesting garlic almost 2 & 3/4  inches in diameter .  I seem to think my initial garlics came from a supermarket greengrocery counter  Smile

I have purchased a few bulbs from garden centres but none of them did much good,  so the "Nationalizing of  the original immigrants "  into the garden definitely seems the right way to go for developing a good strain that works well in your garden & to get good crops year after year ..
Interesting way to put it but I get your drift.  I wanted to try this but I don't seem to get bulbs big enough to save.  Still working on it after 6 summers and 5 winters!
Last October, I planted mostly home grown garlic (from the previous year) and only a few store bought. The home grown did much better. I will repeat that exercise in the next few days.

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  CapeCoddess 10/22/2018, 10:17 am

I've been planting only home growns after purchasing them the first year.   Their health and flavor are so wonderful that I can't imagine using anything else.  They have certainly morphed though.  The CA Whites, which started off as softnecks, were planted along with the Bulgarian purple hardnecks.  Now they are all white hardnecks, some with tinges of purple sometimes.
So yummy!

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 10/23/2018, 12:47 am

I checked the garlic I put in the refrigerator bin sometime in early September and it doesn't look healthy. So hubby bought me 5 more from the grocery store to plant without chilling. What will be will just have to be with the garlic. tongue


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  yolos 10/23/2018, 1:47 pm

I have never put my soft necks in the refrig. Hmmm

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Scorpio Rising 10/23/2018, 7:42 pm

I used to put softneck (grocery) garlic in the fridge, but I don’t need to do that with the hardneck.  It winters over really well in the basement (climate controlled/finished).
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 10/24/2018, 2:47 am

Refrigerating the softneck was just an experiment, thank goodness.  I did manage to get 8 squares planted and composted today, huffing and puffing, but getting it done.


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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  OhioGardener 8/31/2019, 8:43 pm

Baker Creek Heirloom posted a video on How to choose the right garlic.


"In short, the soil food web feeds everything you eat and helps keep your favorite planet from getting too hot. Be nice to it."  ~ Diane Miessler, "Grow Your Soil"

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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  Scorpio Rising 9/3/2019, 8:53 pm

Thanks!  I love Shannie!!
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Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Empty Re: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow?

Post  sanderson 4/8/2020, 10:13 pm

I planted the soft neck garlic cloves early October.  Here it is early April and they already look like this. Shocked  No bulbs, just some dying leaves. They are 2 1/2' tall. ??
Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garlic grow? - Page 30 Garlic14


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