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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now Toplef10An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now 1zd3ho10

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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now I22gcj10An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now 14dhcg10


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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now Toplef10An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now 1zd3ho10

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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now I22gcj10An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now 14dhcg10

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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now

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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now Empty An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now

Post  nidiyao 4/7/2010, 3:32 pm

Mother Earth News has an interesting article in the April/May 2010 issue about using bags of soil to set up a temporary garden. It occurred to me that this might be a good solution for those who might like to try SFG, but will be moving this year, or have some other reason they can't start a permanent bed right now. The bags are 2x3', and if you choose a good "soil", you might get a decent harvest.


Just an idea...

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Post  daisyhill 4/11/2010, 2:34 am

Coming from Ireland, this was how I always saw tomatoes grown at home - in grow-bags in the glassed-in conservatory. It wasn't until I moved to New Zealand, which is considerably sunnier, that I was able to grow tomatoes outdoors in the ground.

Grow-bags definitely have their place (although it's difficult to keep them sufficiently watered because they just can't hold much), as do those pop-up fabric "tubs" that you fill with soil or compost or whatever. We used a lot of the latter this year for tomatoes and peppers growing indoors, and I was very happy with them. When I'm doing my end-of-season clear up I'll dump the used soil onto the compost heap and store the empty bags ready for next spring.

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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now Empty Re: An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now

Post  Retired Member 1 4/11/2010, 10:20 am

This was also the way my grandfather grew tomatoes in England. Just lay the bag down flat, make a few holes for drainage, and an X on the top to stick the tomato plant in. Pretty nifty.
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Post  janetgouvas 4/11/2010, 12:25 pm

This is how I planted almost everything last year. I wanted to be able to move things around to see where they would do best in my new yard. I planted everything in the bags of mix that I got from the Home Depo. except the tomatoes, eggplant and peppers, which went into the baby swimming pool. I did move the bags around until I was satisfied with the location and left them there permanently. Everything grew like crazy and I had loads of veggies. I was well on my way to a bumper baggy crop when the whiteflies almost wiped out everything!
Not the fault of the baggy beds, tho'.

This year I am ready for the whitflies and have prepared one permanent 4'x8' square foot bed. I am still using the baby pool and other large pots. Only watermelon and cucumbers in the bag this season. I still have a lot to learn about desert gardening but I look forward to the winter growing season. (I have been noticing cedar gate boards advertised and they seem like a good idea for building SFbeds. Anyone have any thoughts on this?) Am also looking for a source for FREE pallets. Haven't found any yet.


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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now Empty Re: An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now

Post  martha 4/11/2010, 1:23 pm

Janet, have you checked grain and feed stores? Here in New England, that is a good source. They usually charge for the intact ones, and give away ones that are a little damaged.

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An idea in case you can't get your square foot garden beds made right now Empty an idea in case you can't get your aquare foot garden started

Post  janetgouvas 4/12/2010, 10:41 am

Sounds like a good idea. Thanks.

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