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pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
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pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
I had not been in the garden for a few days due to rain, so I had lots
to pick... from 12 o'clock: snow peas, green beans, watermelon, radishes
& carrots, tomatoes, deer tongue lettuce, frisee lettuce and leaf
lettuce. Looks like salads and stir-fry for a couple days.
This morning, we had frost on the windshield. It snuck up on me, I didn't get a chance to cover my lettuce. I'm glad I got to harvest some last night.
So, get it out before the frost gets it all. Take a picture and show your stuff!
Squat_Johnson- Posts : 440
Join date : 2010-05-25
Location : Beaver Dam, Kentucky, zone 6a
Re: pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
That looks so nice and colourful. They say you need lots of different colours in your veggies because each colour gives different good things.
Sorry for the repeated spelling of color, I can't get out of the habit of being brought up in England.
Sorry for the repeated spelling of color, I can't get out of the habit of being brought up in England.
Re: pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
Nice harvest!
Kelejan - don't change a thing about your spelling, I like seeing your style.
Kelejan - don't change a thing about your spelling, I like seeing your style.
madnicmom- Posts : 562
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 55
Location : zone 6, North of Cincinnati
Re: pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
Thanks for your forebearance, madnicmom.
What I do know is that I would never make a good spy. e.g. I still have to look at my car to see which side I have to go in. I have experience as passenger and driver with both right and lefthand driven cars, and still, when I am not thinking too much, I go to the wrong side of the car, and that is after being in Canada since 1979. So far I have not wiped anyone off this Earth.
What I do know is that I would never make a good spy. e.g. I still have to look at my car to see which side I have to go in. I have experience as passenger and driver with both right and lefthand driven cars, and still, when I am not thinking too much, I go to the wrong side of the car, and that is after being in Canada since 1979. So far I have not wiped anyone off this Earth.
Re: pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
We had our first frost last night, everything is still ok, but I harvested what was ready today.
Some tomatoes, peppers, 2 small cabbages, Brussels sprouts, a small cucumber, onions, leaks, radishes and the second crop potatoes.
Some tomatoes, peppers, 2 small cabbages, Brussels sprouts, a small cucumber, onions, leaks, radishes and the second crop potatoes.
Re: pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
Josh, I've been watching your harvests for a couple years, and their timing, and I've been watching your temps in your sig recently. Are you in a mid-west banana belt where you're at? Of course it's the weather!
Re: pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
I picked about a quart of cherry tomatoes today before pulling the plant out. Almost none of them were ripe. Hopefully I'll be able to ripen some of them inside. Still working on harvesting all my herbs before it gets too cold. No pictures though!
moswell- Posts : 366
Join date : 2011-04-28
Age : 48
Location : Delaware County, PA
Re: pre-frost harvest photos - show your stuff
We've gotten down to the low 30's the last few nights and I have finally had to say goodbye to the summer squash, cukes, tomatoes, basil, marigolds and nasturtiums....but the peas, lettuce and spinach seem to be doing great! Plus, I've got lots of garlic and onions w/ a little green on them.....time to mulch those over.
Question though, I got a little busy and forgot to move my broccoli from their seedling trays into the it too late? This is my first fall garden and got lazy on the planting! Also, even though my basil has bin "frost-bit", will it still produce if I transplant it into a container to bring inside for the winter?
Question though, I got a little busy and forgot to move my broccoli from their seedling trays into the it too late? This is my first fall garden and got lazy on the planting! Also, even though my basil has bin "frost-bit", will it still produce if I transplant it into a container to bring inside for the winter?
Lemonie- Posts : 192
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 41
Location : Georgetown, KY Zone 6a
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