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Picked some sugar snap peas today I22gcj10Picked some sugar snap peas today 14dhcg10


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Picked some sugar snap peas today Toplef10Picked some sugar snap peas today 1zd3ho10

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Picked some sugar snap peas today I22gcj10Picked some sugar snap peas today 14dhcg10

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Picked some sugar snap peas today

retired member 2
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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  retired member 2 5/18/2011, 8:30 pm

I was out checking you my raised beds (regular ones) and I had Sugar Snap Peas. There wasn't enough for a "mess" yet, but there are lots of tiny ones coming on. Then I checked my SFG and found some lovely green onions to pull. I think I could probably cut some of my Swiss Chard from my SFG too if I wanted to. Oh and the Fernleaf Dill is so full and gorgeous! Everything in my MM is growing right before my eyes. I have 3 SFG and want at least that many more. I am even filling my flower pots with MM! I think I need to make up a nother batch.
retired member 2

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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Re: Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  quiltbea 5/19/2011, 11:30 am

That's great news. Every time the gardening begins, we wait for results.
Finding things growing and new fruits setting can't be beat.
Good luck to you in the garden.

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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Re: Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  BackyardBirdGardner 5/19/2011, 12:54 pm

Awesome. I'm about ready to grab my 2nd set. I only grabbed 6 before. I may get 10 this time around. Can't let them sit on the vines too long, you know.

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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Re: Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  CarolynPhillips 5/19/2011, 11:12 pm

Sugar Snap peas= been a long while since I heard that name. Assuming sugar snaps are sweet peas or english sweet peas?

I certainly enjoyed my snow peas almost every day. I would sit next to my table top garden in my big wooden rocker and eat fresh peas for lunch. It is a shame you can't grow them year round down here.

congrats on pea harvest=rather it be a little or a lot.

Female Posts : 778
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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Re: Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  bullfrogbabe 5/20/2011, 9:11 pm

I am jealous! Snap peas here are just poking through the soil starting to grow. Won't have any here for another month or two.

I was excited to see them poke through soil last week. But then something started digging them up and eating them as fast as they poked through. I set out the large plastic V-trap with peanut butter this week -- I have killed 2 chipmunks and 1 white bellied mouse so far. I set the trap right on the peas, so they must have been the ones doing the digging and eating.

I have planted snap peas the last 2 years without a problem. I hate killing the chipmunks but the garden is off limits! Hopefully these 3 critters were the ones that also ate all the strawberries last year! Strawberries would just start to ripen and disappear -- we didn't get any.

I replanted all the peas again this week, so looks like it will take another 2 weeks before they start growing again. Evil or Very Mad

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Age : 53
Location : Petawawa, Ontario, Canada Zone 4a

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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Re: Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  Furbalsmom 5/21/2011, 10:33 am

CarolynPhillips wrote:Sugar Snap peas= been a long while since I heard that name. Assuming sugar snaps are sweet peas or english sweet peas?

I certainly enjoyed my snow peas almost every day. I would sit next to my table top garden in my big wooden rocker and eat fresh peas for lunch. It is a shame you can't grow them year round down here.

congrats on pea harvest=rather it be a little or a lot.

Sugar snaps are peas that you do not shell, but you eat the whole pod when it starts to swell, fatter than a snow pea. The pod and peas are very sweet.

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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Re: Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  Barkie 5/21/2011, 11:36 am

Good stuff Clb. I think my Oregon Sugar Snap peas are one of the the plants that are going to give me most pleasure to see growing this year. I'm impatient for mine to grow as I reckon they will be gorgeous fresh.

I don't know what you call peas which you shell, I assume English peas, we just call them peas, but Sweet peas here are a flower with toxic pods.

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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Re: Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  walshevak 5/21/2011, 11:53 am

English peas, garden peas, May peas, green peas - all terms I've heard for peas that you shell and eat. As Barkie says, Sweetpeas on the otherhand are a climbing flowering vine that produce toxic pods. Unlike most peas, the seeds of the sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) are poisonous, and should not be eaten. Sweet pea flowers are also not edible and are poisonous.



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Picked some sugar snap peas today Empty Re: Picked some sugar snap peas today

Post  Barkie 5/21/2011, 1:44 pm

walshevak wrote:English peas, garden peas, May peas, green peas - all terms I've heard for peas that you shell and eat. As Barkie says, Sweetpeas on the otherhand are a climbing flowering vine that produce toxic pods. Unlike most peas, the seeds of the sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) are poisonous, and should not be eaten. Sweet pea flowers are also not edible and are poisonous.


Cheers Walshevak. I thought it might be English or Garden peas was the name. Latin name of edible peas is Pisum sativum. I cheated and checked the seed packet Very Happy

Posts : 305
Join date : 2011-03-25
Location : Wales, Uk. Last frost May

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